Our Articles For your consideration and insight. Sorted by general topic, and by year written. Some articles have meditation practices in them, some with sound meditations. Other MP3 sound practices and interviews are at the bottom of the articles, or click here See, also, our "Contemplative Images" and "Daily Thoughts" here |
Center Of Light
Programs Organized By School/Type Other Links
to receive all of our latest program announcements, articles, and special unannounced discounts |
Sound Healing Articles
2014 and Earlier
Articles on Our Spiritual Consciousness and Evolution
A Study of the Nature
of Reality, one of a series of articles
2012 and Earlier
Earth Mystery Articles
Recommended: 2016 2015
Awakening the Dragon. Part 2 #4 in an ongoing series of articles on the Elemental Nature of Consciousness. Free archived broadcast on Earth Energies and the Dragon Awakening. #3 in an ongoing series of articles on the Elemental Nature of Consciousness.
Also, this article explains much of the intent and work within the "LionsGate" summer 2014 program offering
2012 and Earlier
accessing Higher Guidance and wisdom, with an in depth meditation practice.
Old Newsletters
Mp3s, Interview and Videos "Solar Activation, Lion's Gate, Peruvian Mysteries"" 8.08.10
- The Crown of Creation Article, from 11.18.10, click here
- or the Art of Creation news 2.02.11
- Our popular article on the "Wisdom of These Times: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond", with a practice for 'solar morning messages,' from 12.08.10, click here
- The Single Pointed Awareness Practice Article, from, click here
- Our Latest News, with Article on The Art of Crystal Bowls
- (in Sound Healing Therapies,) from 01.03.11, click here
- Morning Affirmations, a Gift Offering, 01.12.11, click here
- Imbolc, Spring, The Crown of Creation, 02.02.11, click here
Gifts of the Earth, the Hidden Treasures, and Sacred Journeys 2011, 02.27.11- Of interest to many: from our Newsletters
with additional information and articles on THESE TIMES
What is happening in the world today, Elders Wisdom and Guidance, 3 Hearts Practice,
Cosmic Convergence, Grand Cardinal Cross of summer 2010, how to prepare for
these times of Great Transformation, and more:
- "What is Occurring at this Time, The Origin of The Three Hearts Practice" 5.20.10
- "Grand Lunar Cross, Three Hearts, Belief Codes, Communion of the Heart" 6.23.10
- "The Three Hearts, Crystalline Codes, Elders Wisdom" 7.15.10
- "The Crown of Creation, the Evolution of the Three Hearts" 11.18.10
- "Wisdom of these Times, Preparing for 2012 and Beyond" 12.08.10
- "What is Occurring at this Time, The Origin of The Three Hearts" 5.20.10
"Grand Lunar Cross, Three Hearts, Belief Codes, Communion of the Heart" 6.23.10
"The Three Hearts, Crystalline Codes, Elders Wisdom" 7.15.10
"The Crown of Creation, the Evolution of the Three Hearts" 11.18.10
"Wisdom of these Times, Preparing for 2012 and Beyond" 12.08.10- The Single Pointed Awareness Practice Article, from, click here
- Our Article on The Art of Crystal Singing Bowls, (in Sound Healing Therapies,) from 01.03.11, click here
Press release, 4.2.09
To receive our newsletters, click here.
Our newsletter format has changed as of 3/09.
Our current news appear like this.
Most news pages have "comments on life and wellness,"
our insights into the times and changes.
4.14.09 What is happening here?: These times
News 10.23.08 Chaos or Coherence: Emotional Wellness practice
News 10.08.08 Peering through the Veils.
News.9.01.08 What is Healing? Lifting the Veils.
News.8.08.08.html Wisdom of the Elders
* A Winter Solstice Message of Renewal, 12.20.05
* A Winter Solstice Message, 2004
* Notes on the Divine Masculine and Feminine within us 10.05
* Thoughts on Zacciah's Shamanic and Sound Healing Trainings, 8.05
* Thoughts on this Transformational Journey: 7.05
* The Work of Dabadi Thaayrohyadi, Indigenous Wisdom Keeper of the Otomi Olmec Toltec Teotichuacan Peoples 10.26.05
* A call to prayer from the Toltec Elders, 10.31.05
* An evening prayer...thanks giving, 11/24/05WS, Videos, and MP3 Sacred Sound Meditations
From February 2014, practice, The Calling of the Hathors:
Opening Practice:
Opening the Heart to the Grace of the Cosmos,Zacciah and Dorothy Stone; 9:48Excerpt from lectures,
Zacciah; 7:38Full lecture,
Zacciah: 57:44 Longer practice,
Setting Sacred Space
Our Interview with Zacciah, hosted by Adam Gainsburg of SoulSign
and free recording of the 3 Hearts Practic
An interview with Zacciah, hosted by Steven Halpern at Advice Radio
and free recording of the 3 Hearts Practice
Article and Video practice: The Prayer Keepers
A free MP3 file: A gift of sacred sound click here
a free MP3 file: A sacred sound practice click here
An Interview with Zacciah:
Learn about Zacciah's early pathway to discovery of the many principals he teaches in his work.
An interview via Connection Spirit Magazine, of Germany.
Also, listen to an audio interview with Zacciah, at Planetary-Spirit, linked on this page
An mp3 Sacred Sound practice for your use
- The Diamond Light and Wish Fulfilling Jewel!
- The Ancient Mysteries and Gifts embedded in the Earth, and ancient temple complexes.
- The PRAYER KEEPERS, Prayers for the Earth, with a youtube video with a sacred sound prayer
![]() Zacciah is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. |
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Blackburn, Ph.D., Director
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