What Awaits Us? Gifts, Dormant, in the Earth ~ Zacciah Blackburn, PhD ![]()
~ Practicing in the Dolomites, the High Alps of Italy The richness of the gifts. Gifts of the Earth. They await us. Those ready and able to see into the Living Consciousness of the Earth. Those ready, able to see the breathing Cosmos in the tree and vine, the rushing waters, the snow perched on treetops, the sunlight veiled in the winds... Those able to recognize their mortal and immortal selves reflected in the water, in the ashes, in the Earth. Those ready to breathe again, in unison, in harmony, in joy with her precious wonder, her joyful benevolence and grace. The Earth is alive. Did we not know it? Have we not been told the ancient stories? Had we ears to listen? The Earth is Alive. And the Ancestors, the Ancient Ones, and Living Elders, have shared with us, the stories, the wisdom, the Realities. The Earth is Alive. We are her cousins. Her children. Her prophets. Her Ancient Ones. Her people. The Earth is Alive. Come we here to sit again, to listen, and observe. Come we here to feel the pulse and rhythm again; we shall know, the Mysteries buried herein. The Termas There is an ancient way of knowing, buried in the mysteries of the Earth. I will refer to these, as the Termas. The Termas is a Tibetan term for the ancient mysteries buried in the Earth or the Subtle Realms, waiting for us to uncover them; for those, the Tertons, ready and able to do so, when the Time is Ripe. We all have this potential. The Time is Ripe. Nearly every culture on the planet has prophecies relating to this Time. This Time of Great Awakening. This Time of Meeting Ourselves Again. This Time that is the End of Time as We Know It. We have been reporting this for some time in our pages here. Many of us know it. I won't delve further into that at this time. (Read our other articles and newsletters on the subject, if you wish to, and have not.) The Tibetan understanding of the Termas goes far beyond this, but I will, respectfully use it in this article to speak to the nature of the Hidden Mysteries awaiting us, in the natural world, in ancient sites, and in the many Mysteries which these sites open through the Gateways of Consciousness embedded in them. What fewer of us may know, is that the Ancient Ones, the Wise Ones of so many ancient cultures, also, created methods of preserving their ancient knowledge that defies modern thinking or science. The Termas speaks very specifically to this, but there are other cultures who have their own way of speaking to these mysteries. The Termas, in Tibetan culture, are primarily attributed to Lord Padmasambhava, a holy man very instrumental in the establishment of Buddhism in Tibet. During a time of repression of the Buddhist teachings, he chose to hide away sacred texts in secret locations, as well as knowledge in the mind or subtle realms of realization. These teachings would be preserved until a worthy one, a Terton, in a later time, would discover them, when the time was ripe to re-introduce the knowledge contained in them. They could be found in their physical location, those in physical form, or through subtle realm awareness, a more difficult task for many, but available to any who cultivate mindful realization. Some teachings state that the Termas were always in the Terton's mind, simply awaiting ripening of the mind, to align with its essential nature. Many cultures speak of the same essential teachings, the Hidden Wisdom, whether it was the Egyptians embedding their knowledge in the alignments and geometries of the Great Pyramids (see the many treatises on the incredible information available through the alignments and geometries contained within the temples of Egypt, via simple searches on line, or, the books on Pyramid Power, etc;) or, in the hidden doorway to knowledge (in the subtle realms,) between the paws of the Great Sphinx, leading into the Halls of Amenti. Many believe, and there is evidence, this Hall of Records exists in real time and space in a chamber beneath the Sphinx. The Peruvians believe the Great Mystik Inka, Amaru Muru, entered the Stone Portal now called Amaru Muru, with the hidden teachings of the Great Golden Solar Disk, preserved since Lemurian times, to safeguard it from the Spanish during their conquest. We shall be at this magical gateway on 11.11.11 of this year. This, by the way, is the Peruvian natives' ancient oral history, not a recently cultivated story. The Teotihuacan peoples hid their mysteries in the "Invisible Books" in the Great Temples of Central Mexico. One of their culture's current Wisdom Keepers, Dabadi Thaayrohyadi, guided me, through sacred ceremony,,y in the living room of my home in Vermont, into, and through, the Gateways of this sacred temple, past the ancient Guardian Stone Beings, to enter this Library of Knowledge. The interesting thing is, this occurred to me, in very real terms, just months before. The living Wisdom Keepers of one of the Ancient Stone Chambers of Central Vermont took me into their Libraries of Knowledge, hidden, or contained, within the stones of the chamber itself, utilizing exactly the same techniques of the hidden mysteries, to enter this Gateway, or portal, pass the threshold beyond the Guardians, into other worldly understanding. What occurred next is beyond normal human understanding, or easy articulation, but, I, and those with me, simultaneously experienced an incredible re-alignment of our reality, as we experienced this small 20'x10'x7' stone chamber become a great temple complex, embedded with this Library of Knowledge, of the ancient cultures who built this simple temple complex in what is now the outback of Vermont. The Opening: Personal Experience Our experiences with these mysteries (mine, and those accompanying us, on these many passages into the Earth Mysteries,) has continued to expand and unfold, as the Earth herself, as well as many of the ancient temple complexes, ceremonial sites, and natural power sites of the Earth, become Gateways into other realms of understanding, as well as other worldly experience in this physical reality. For me, it began when I was 18 years old, and Ancient Ones from the Other Side began to speak out loud to me. It continued when I was 21, and, after an old and dilapidated house I lived in when I was 2-4 years old, began to 'show' me the ancient wounds of my childhood embedded in its walls. This caused an incredible cathartic healing process for me, entering deep states of realization and release of these deep wounds I carried, which, in the end, brought me into a direct experience of unified states of consciousness. I 'entrained' to the breath of the wind, the warmth of the sun, and the gentle rhythm of the grasses in the field I was sitting in, outside of this house, as I let go of 'all that was holding me back.' As I was about to get up and leave, a tree behind me, 'reached out' and touched me, saying, 'Wait, don't you remember me?' I did. It was an old mimosa tree I loved and climbed, and played in as a child. This extra-ordinary experience was followed by many others. But the next I wish to share was simply that of an Elder, here in Vermont, who suggested one day, as I was about to leave to climb a mountain, that what I really needed was to 'go to the canyon.' I didn't know what that meant, but she shared with me an ancient site, a natural power site, embedded with ancient knowledge, in the stones. It is a canyon/gorge we still use today in our sacred journeys, to experience the living consciousness of the Earth, as it is a Living Vehicle to experience this through. It taught me the living nature of the stones and waters, and trees, as more and more 'other world' experiences opened up to me. And, some early experiences where the Living Energies and Beings of the Earth Realms began speaking to me, and guiding me into how to access and utilize the Living Energies of the Living Mystery, including the use of sound and consciousness to gather access to the wisdom contained in the Stone. The Stone Libraries The Elders have always said the Stones, the Stone People, they are called in our indigenous cultures, the Stone People are the Story Keepers for our People. I knew this, understood it, but, in actuality, it was only a 'cognitive' knowing. It was not until I began going to the ancient power sites, such as Black Mountain, here in Vermont, when the Stones began to speak, and teach me ways of communing and understanding, which go beyond normal language and cognition. Through these many years, the stories and experiences have grown. I now understand that there is more than the modern mind understands or can know through current applied sciences. There is more to the Mystery than the cognitive mind can ever grasp. Because it is beyond grasping. It is beyond normal ways of thinking, communing, or knowing. It requires right attitude, right relation, mindfulness, and awareness of the Living Principals of Light and Being within the Earth Realms. She, and her many Medicine Allies, Ancestral and Elemental Beings, and so many others, are Living Beings of Consciousness. However, the way they are perceived, and communicated with, may be different than our normal Western Intelligence can comprehend. It certainly is, more often than not, going to be in language other than English. When we enter the feeling states, the visceral knowledge gained there can give far more insight. Though, there certainly can be experiences which are English based, or in translation. Through the years, the experiences have grown, and I now come to understand the Termas are everywhere, planted in the Seed of the Earth, the Ancient Stone, the Living Waters and Trees, the Animal Spirits, the Clouds and Sky, and the Ancient Temples of the Earth, living everywhere. We discover, over and over, each is able to awaken and speak to us, as we come into honoring and right relationship with the Living Consciousness of each with whom we wish to commune. The Ancient Ones living before us, knew this; and lived with, communed with, and consecrated many ancient sites with their own cultural wisdom. These are available to us, through the inherent nature and mysteries of the Living Earth, as a Living Part of the Living Mysteries of the Living Cosmos, and of All Creation, which resides in Harmonic Resonance One within the Other; in the fundamental and inherent nature of the Earth Sites, especially her 'Power Sites,' where the Living Energies of the Earth and the Cosmos are especially ripe and profuse; and, in the Ancient Libraries of Knowledge planted in many ancient temple sites of the Peoples of this Earth. All are available to us. We simply need to understand the fundamental principals of accessing this Sacred Knowledge, and Way of Being. In actuality, it is through our Way of Being that we gain access to it. We, fundamentally, must come into authentic Resonance with it. Gateways of Consciousness These Gifts and Ways of Knowing are accessed through what I shall call Gateways. And, while it is not uncommon for there to be some form of literal "gateway" we enter, when we work with Ancient Earth Sites, these are, in their fundamental nature, Gateways of Consciousness, which may or may not be apparent to our normal way of perceiving. Once we understand that all things are Living, and that all is Living Energies, or Consciousness, and once we understand that all consciousness is vibrational in nature, we have done much of our work. But, this is something we must understand viscerally, not just cognitively, in order to understand it. We must not only understand the fundamental nature of Consciousness, we must enter Living Relationship, with right attitude, with the Living Consciousness of those things, and Realms, with which we wish to enter relationship. We must, fundamentally, become masters of Living Consciousness, in order to gain access in any actuality. And in order to do this, we must become masters of our own Consciousness. Though this can be attained instantaneously, for most of us, this takes years of devotion to the pathways of Consciousness, within ourselves, and within the Living Mysteries. Because the Gateways of Consciousness appear veiled to the Living Mysteries, most of us suffer the illusion of not being free, or able to access greater states of awareness. But, as so many mystery schools teach us, it is but an illusion, and we only suffer as long as we live in this veil of illusion. No matter the amount of time it requires of us to pass through the veils of our own Consciousness, once we do, we are able to open the Gateways of Consciousness, to fundamentally any realms, at any time. The only requirement is that we learn how to gain that level of access within our own states of awareness, or consciousness, within. We can gain this access, to any realm, anywhere, anytime, such as right here in our own home or office. The reality is, we do this all the time, regardless of our level of understanding or awareness. And, for a moment, I am going to digress away from the 'natural worlds' of which I have been speaking primarily. While the focus of this article is upon Gateways to the Greater Mysteries embedded within in the Earth, it also speaks to the Gateways, or Termas, of the Mind Realms. And, in order to truly understand the principals, we must first understand this: We constantly open the Gateways to Other Worlds. The question then becomes, are we opening the Gateways to Joy, or to Shame, the Gateways to Complete Blissful Unity, or isolation and loneliness, the Gateways to Compassion and Unconditional Love, or the Gateways to Hells built in fires of hatred, selfishness, anger, and greed? Are we, and are we ready to, open the Gateways to the Heavens of Universal Resonance of Harmony with All Life, experiencing, even, the unified states of consciousness we hear so much about these days, but, few, truly experience? What we put our awareness upon, there we build or expend our energy and life force; there, we engage, truly, in the act of Creation. If we choose to expend our life force upon not-having-enough, versus the joy and gratitude of abundance, so be it, and, so it shall be. If we choose to express ourselves in the demeaning flavor of not-being-good-enough; if we imagine the lessons of no-one-loving-us are true to the core of our being, instead of rejoicing in the purity and clarity of a Creation that supports, and is a part of, All Life, including our own, then, so be it, and so it shall be. It is our choice. And it is our Gateway that we choose to walk through. Now, the Gateways of Heaven may be a little more challenging to walk through. One once stated it is like taking a rich man through the eye of a needle (though many do not realize this phrase refers to a one of the narrow gateways of Jerusalem, called 'the Eye of the Needle,' where one would have to remove one's loads from a camel in order to pass. (This gives a very different perspective to the quotation.)) Through releasing our burdens, our unnecessary, and non-serving loads, and focusing instead, upon clarity of purpose, and, purity of heart, one can make safe passage into all realms. But, it can take some basic training and understanding to do so. The Upper Gateways are clear and pure. Thus, we must clarify our minds and purify our hearts to align and attune with them, in order to make passage here. They do not allow safe passage with clutter and chaos. It is not allowed, and, in reality, is not even possible. For, the Higher Gateways, whether threaded through the Earth, or Mind Realms, are vibrational Gateways of Consciousness, which require us to attune to them, like vibrational states of clarity and joy, in order to make safe passage. And, from an esoteric perspective, they hold Guardian Beings who insure the integrity of the Realms beyond those Gateways. If you knock on the Gate, one must be prepared to answer to the Voice of a greater reality who asks who goes there, and, why. Who are you, and Why are you here? Fundamental questions to the human experience, and fundamental to gaining access to the Greater States of Reality. Creating Living Relations with the Elements of Earth and Sky One method of doing this is, learning to gain right access, is through entering Living Relations with the Living Energies of the Cosmos. The Ancients and Elders of most cultures have said that all things are living, the entire Cosmos is Alive. The Living Elders say we must enter Living Relations with the Living Energies of Earth and Sky, in order to enter our highest states of potential. Many also suggest this will be necessary, that enough of us must enter this level of Reality, that All Things are Alive, and gain Living Relationship with them, in order to create the catalyst of change for the planet today, in this Time of Great Transformation. The Q'ero prophecies of Peru especially speak to this (Descendants of the Inkas.) They say entering in these Living Relations will birth and nourish the "Seed of Our Potential" into fulfillment (Awakening, Enlightenment, or Ascension, as you choose to call it,) and elevate the entire Planet as enough of us enter these states of Living Understanding and Wisdom of the Interconnectedness of All Life. It, also, will resolve those burning questions of "Who Am I," and "Why Am I Here?", when we enter our authentic expression of self, through our Potential of Being. The Q'ero speak of the Living Energies of the Cosmos. That everything is Alive. The Trees, the Forests, the Grasses, the Fertile Plains, the Waters, of the Oceans, the Rivers, the Lakes, the Streams, the Falling Waters of the Sky. The Stones, the Mountains, the Animals, that speak our thoughts, and weave our webs of understanding in relation to the Whole, the Great Mystery of Life. All is part of the Web. They have specific methodology for entering these relations, and ceremonial Initiatory Rites to assist us in entering them, and reaching our Potential, an awakened state of reality, in relationship with All Life. (We teach these practices, and offer the initiations in our Earth Mysteries practices and Sacred Journeys.) Harmonic Resonance What happens, when we enter Living Relations with elements of the Earth and/or Sky, is that we, fundamentally, enter in harmony with, or, "entrain" to, the fundamental Resonance of that we are in relationship with. This serves two things. One, it brings us, through resonance with those principals of Harmony, into a Harmonic Resonance with All Life, because this is an underlying Principal of All Life. That being, that All Life has arisen from one source, whether seen in evolutionary scientific terms, or through the eyes of mystical science. And, there is an underlying Rhythm, or pulse, which pervades All Life. Through this rhythm, or resonance, All Life unfolds in dynamic proportions, or harmonic relations. The Ancients called this "Divine Proportions," and it is visible in the Earth Spectrum, the Spectrum of the Cosmos, and in Human Intelligence, through what is known as the Sacred Geometries. This, in itself, is a life-long study. But, one can find tremendous resources on this subject in any simple word search on line. It fundamentally states that All Life arises from one source, and unfolds in these Divine Proportions, evident throughout nature and the life cycles within it. The Elders of the indigenous nations might call this "Harmony with All Life." It is fundamental to the understanding of the Wheel of Life, or, the Great Circle of Life, whether studying Cherokee wisdom, or Tibetan Wisdom. But, it is, also, VISIBLE, in any simple study of how the proportions of life unfold from a human embryo to a galactic cluster. It is evident throughout the full spectrum of Life. We resonate in these Harmonies, unless we have chosen to step out of Balance. Western/modern culture, in general, lives out of balance, as evidenced in our vast misuse of resources, overpopulation, dysfunctional governments and societies, near a brink of collapse. One of the easiest ways to re-enter this harmonic relation with All Life, is simply to step back into it. We have spoken vastly through our articles on the Three Hearts, one of the simplest methods we have in recent times discovered, to do so. This may sound complicated, or simplistic, depending on your tone. However, it is simple, if we can let go of that which keeps us in dissonance, or disharmonious resonance, and simply step into our own dynamic Harmony with Life. It is not that hard, other than the letting go. The Elders say we are in a time of such letting go, and that all things which no longer serve us, will crumble away. While those of us who choose to embrace our authentic Divine Nature, will find the Harmony of All Life supporting us in its underlying form; supporting our life choices and life purpose, as they unfold. Nature Fundamental to all of this, is the simple practices of going outside, immersing oneself in Nature, and finding that Harmonic Resonance so prevalent there. It becomes most easy to attune to, and enter into, those states of Harmonic Resonance, through, simply, being in Nature, as Nature's natural state is Harmonious. This 'reminds' us, at a fundamental level, to enter this state. And, by being there, and allowing it, we 'entrain' to this Harmony. The Resonance of Nature, by the inherent principals of Harmony and Resonance, brings us into resonance, and balance, with it. The 'feel good' states, which most of us experience, just by engaging in a day at an uninhabited beach, a day of hiking, resting by a waterfall, or a field of grass, teach us this. By utilizing the conscious practices of entering Living Relations with the Earth, it enhances this even more. Once we incorporate such practices as the "Awakening the Seed of Our Potential" (the Inka/Q'ero Karpay practices, which we teach in Peru, New England, and elsewhere,) we have key clues and processes to enter into and sustain these awakened states of Harmony with All Life, integral to our own life. And, once we get this, we feel the visceral support of Life, rather than the tug and grind of living Out of Balance. The Hopi, and many others, have told us, we stand perilously close to the brink of destruction, due to our actions Out of Balance, as a race of Humanity. Their pre-Columbian prophesies speak very specifically to these realities, as do the prophecies of many indigenous cultures. It is Time that we take Right Action, to re-enter these states of Grace and Harmony, available through simple exercise and mindfulness. Even they say, it is doable, and pivotable, to enter these states, at any time. It will determine the outcome for the next generation, and the outcome of these Times of Great Awakening. Self Revelation - The Great Work Such practices, as the Three Hearts, or the Hatun Karpay, and, the many teachings of the Wisdom Schools of most cultures, shall lead into a place of self-revelation. Indeed, all authentic teachings are self-revelational in nature; meaning, that they, in and of themselves, will lead us into a place of self determination, of autonomy and self evolution, of guidance deeper into the Great Mysteries of Life, through the practices themselves. They take us through the Gateways of Consciousness into the Greater Mysteries, to see what shall and can be revealed, at ever evolving levels of Consciousness. The true teachings, by their very nature, regardless of which Wisdom School they arise from, gives us this gift, this quality. The Authentic Teacher, by this very nature of authentic teachings, will dismiss his/her chelas, his students, as they enter these levels of self-revelation. By the offering of the Authentic Teachings, again, whichever school of Wisdom Teaching they arose from, the teacher gives the greatest gift to his/her students...that of guidance toward self determination, self revelation, and self evolution. One is no longer dependent upon the Teacher. The Mysteries guides us ever deeper into the Unknown, as we prepare ourselves for the Great Adventure, known, also, as, The Great Work, the path to self revelation. In this time of Great Awakening, this prophesied time of collective awakening, this becomes the greatest gift. The prophecies tell us, one after the other, that is up to us to determine for ourselves, what this next world shall look like. It is time we enter the age of self autonomy and self responsibility, as co-Creators, ready to work in Harmony with the fundamental principals of Life and Creation, and take full responsibility for the outcome of that which we choose, consciously, to Create. We must choose the path of self determination, in Balance, or Out of Balance. By entering into Harmony with All Life, we find all of our actions, thoughts, and deeds, are in Harmony with that. It becomes more challenging to make a mistake. We do not have to worry, as we are self guided into Harmonic Pathways. And, we feel the support of this Universal Rhythm, and Harmony. When we live in a place of imbalance and imperfection, it is much easier to create more of that same state. Indeed, that is the very way Creation works. If we live from a place of our authentic Being, in Harmony with Life, our thoughts and actions are derived from that very state, and, thus, the outcome of our actions, also, reside in that fundamental Harmony. The Gifts, and the Cities of Light All states of consciousness are fundamentally Gateways into deeper states of that very same nature of consciousness. Once we learn to enter into the Harmony through the EarthWork, the Earth opens deep avenues and Gateways for us to explore. Hidden, deep within these mysteries, are profound gifts of beauty and bounty, that are inherent to the very nature of the Earth and Cosmos, from which she is derived. And, the hidden gifts of the Ancient Ones, who knew, and drew prophesies to guide us today, in this new time of Awakening, are present here. They left gifts for their children, and grandchildren, many generations to come, in the Mind Realms, and in the Earth Realms. Indeed, many who walk among us today, are those "Ancient Ones", chosen to be reborn to assist in this time of Transformation. Those who have joined us in the many practices we offer, worldwide, have found these many gifts abundant. Whether traveling into the Realms of Mind, such as the Diamond Realms we shall explore this weekend, or the Earth realms, exploring the nature of the Earth herself, as well as the hidden treasures left in the ancient architecture and Temple complexes of the Ancient Peoples of this Beautiful Planet. We are not necessarily finding the physical Termas, the ancient scriptures, though bountiful treasures have been found in carvings and stone. But the etheric ones, we have found, are bountiful, such as the Gifts of Dabadi or the Keepers of the Calendar One and Two ancient Stone Temples guided us toward. We, also, have found treasures beyond our wildest imaginations. The Gateways and Gate Keeper stories would fill a book. Of our ancestors who came to the Americas, many were searching stories of hidden treasures. The Ancient stories say they built castles in the sky, and Cities of Gold, both literally, and figuratively. But, the early explorers were thinking of and searching for the more literal castles, the physical fountains of youth, and Cities of Gold. As, they lived out of balance, out of touch with the Greater Truths, the Greater Joys and Gifts of Life, thinking abundance was a state of monetary wealth. What we might look for are the subtle world realities, those not so dense as to be lost in thought of selfish venture or capital gain. The true worlds of the Cities of Light are far more subtle than that. And, they exist. Ancient cultures crossed the world, and either came to, or were part of, the Americas far before Columbus; the Kensington Stone, the Westmoreland Knight, Dighton Rock, Newport Tower, and Burnt Hill Stone Circle, are just a few of the many more recent mysteries still unsolved, in this region of the US, alone. Ancient writings throughout all of the Americas, Chinese and Egyptian artifacts, and the oral history of many of her peoples, speak to ancient times and civilizations modern science refuses to acknowledge could possibly have been here. The Stone Chambers, Standing Stone Circles, stone mounds, and many other human made stone sanctuaries exist in the hundreds from the Canadian Maritimes, to the Carolinas, and inward to the mound dwellers, along much of the Mississippi River Valley, many of its tributaries, sand beyond. The ancient copper mines not known to be used by Native Americans of the region. Columns found underwater off the coast of South America, pyramids found underwater in the Caribbean. Many Americans do not know an earth mound pyramid foundation remains in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, larger than the foundation of the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Underwater temples off the coast of Japan. The evidence of 15,000 year old, and older, sites in Titicaca, Peru, in Turkey, and elsewhere on the planet, do not align with modern views of history. Nor do the teachings of the knowledge the ancients hid in many of these sites. Alongside the teachings, are not only methods of attaining to the hidden mysteries in the subtle realms, but there remain many stories and mythos regarding the Living Cities of Light in relation to ancient and 'unknown' civilizations. Known in some cultures as Shamballa, the Refuge of St Germain, and by many other names, the Cities of Light have been spoken of through many ages, in many cultures. They are real. At least some are. But cannot be seen unless we attain to the very states of consciousness which contain them. We must be able to peer through the veils which separate us from those greater mysteries. They have become evident to us, and others in our practices, through listening to the body and Wisdom of the Earth, and her allies, entering the levels of awareness and the practices she and those Allies guide us into. The Revelational States unveiled are, again, beyond normal cognition, and cannot be done justice through normal language. These levels of awareness were revealed to us in preparing for our "Awakening the Dragon" (now Temples of the Earth,) practices several years ago. They are available to us, still. Should we wish, in Right Relation, with Right Attitude, to enter into them. There are many principals at play here. I will not offer them in writing. Though we are taught how to experience them in our practices. Sacred Sound is one principal that can assist in enormous ways to enter these refined states. The Gifts reside in many realms of understanding. They have gone by many names. In preparing for just one upcoming practice, The Diamond Light practice, I referred to many aspects of the inherent and/or hidden wisdom awaiting our discovery on the path to self realization, as specific to several cultures, including contemporary wisdom, though these borrow heavily from the Buddhist traditions:
With precious attitude, in alignment with the fundamental resonance of life, we can enter into these precious states. And, receive the Gifts of Illumination which await us there. We have been in a period of darkness The Ancients knew we would get lost, and buried the treasures in ancient vats, both literal, and subtle. The Tibetans call them the Termas, the Gifts of the Earth, the Wisdom of the Ancients, holding the true wisdom and teachings, ready to be explored at any time by those who can gain critical access to them. The access is simple. The key is consciousness. Sound can assist vastly in opening the Gateways of Consciousness, for it is a bridge between worlds, of the subtle and manifest dense worlds of reality. We have to think differently. We have to realize we are not locked into this mindset of this reality, that there is more. By focusing on the True, the other states, the other worlds, we gain access. The key is the point of focus. The key is becoming one with that we wish to realize. We cannot access higher wisdom by locking into lesser states of wisdom. The true Tertons, those who can see into other worlds, and gain access to the vast libraries of knowledge stored there, are those who can focus their awareness upon the subtle realities of higher consciousness. This is the key that opens the door to the Gateways of Knowing and Perception, the Gateways of Higher Wisdom and Being, the Gateways of Consciousness. The Earth is a powerful storehouse of knowledge, in her own essence, and in the ancient temples where those Who Have Attained, lived, taught, and left keys to the Mysteries. As we learn, again, the nature of true human evolution, we gain access again to these ancient keys. To the ancient memory, the Ancient Codes, to our own ancient Knowing, Essence, and Being. The Gifts are Enormous. A true freedom, of Heaven on Earth, awaits us. ---- Blessings reign upon us all, and are open to us all at any time we choose to put our awareness there. May it be true for all peoples of the Earth. Zacciah More about Living Earth, Living Relations, the Taripay Pacha, the Q'ero, and the Inka Seed, HERE, and HERE. Zacciah will come back, and add to these article in near future times. In the meantime, look at our Earth Energies, Earth Mysteries practices here, including sacred tours in Vermont, France, and Peru, in 2011. See our many Articles on the Earth Mysteries, Sacred Sound, Human Consciousness, and These Times of Great Awakening and Transformation, here. This message may be reproduced and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in See www.thecenteroflight.net for further information. Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies www.thecenteroflight.net e-mail: info@sunreed.com 802.674.9585 ©2011 Zacciah Blackburn ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. ______________________________________ See our next program in the series of Egyptian Studies at: The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We
welcome your requests for additional information
regarding these programs. Zacciah,
and Staff
Canyon, Vermont
Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt Most of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase. Contact us at info@sunreed.com or 802.674.9585
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![]() "Awaiting Ra', Gifts of the Sun, Mexico ![]() The Ancestors Remind Us | |
![]() Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia ![]() Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals, or Chakras ![]() Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England ![]() Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru ![]() Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky Stonehenge, UK |
![]() courtesy CymaticsSource ![]() Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries ![]() Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky ![]() Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky ![]() A Return to Beauty, VT ![]() Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru | |
![]() Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT ![]() Approaching Stone Chamber, VT offerings made ![]() Right attitude: Prayers for the Earth ![]() Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light ![]() Guardians of the Mysteries ![]() Celestial Realities Eagle Nebula, NASA ![]() Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT | |
![]() Winter Solstice Chamber, VT ![]() Sounding the Mysteries, Austria | |
![]() Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber, Cornwall, England ![]() pathway to a stone chamber, VT | |
![]() Machu Picchu, Peru | |
Blackburn, PhD, is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic
traditions, and sacred sound cultures.
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, &
Co-Founder of the
World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.
Zacciah Blackburn, The
P.O. Box 389, Hidden
Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030 USA
Phone: 802-674-9585 Fax: 802-674-9586
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