![]() A Study of the Nature of Reality and How We Shape It. And, how this body of work, interweaves with it One of an ongoing series of Articles ~~Zacciah Blackburn, PhD 05.21.14 This article
is a partial outline of principles embodied in this field of work, and areas we
explore within it. Through decades of conscious evolution, our work has come to encompass the broad origins and inter-relationships of, the use of sound, the nature of consciousness, and healing, and, indeed, the very fabric of reality. From the fundamental indigenous perspective of the Living Earth and Cosmos, and our relationship with it, to the very nature of healing, and what it is, as well as the fundamental inquiries into human existence, ‘Who am I?’, and ‘Why am I here?,’ through this work, we explore and discover the nature of self-realization, the pathway to wholeness, and healing, and our relationship to All Life. With the very nature of sound, we come to understand the multi-dimensionality of human existence, and the methods to define, translate, and transcribe our journey within the fabric of that existence. We come to understand that sound is a gateway to consciousness, and a bridge to experience our greater existence within the Greater Mysteries of Life. There are few, if any, maps to where we journey. The Shaman does not necessarily know how he or she sees into the dark. It is a skill, or gift, of luminous wisdom. For some, it is a skill developed over time. For others, the veils simply disappear, or recede; or, the luminous worlds are seen, heard, felt, or, become tangible for reasons which may not be immediately understood, and, even, take a lifetime to unfold. To him, or her, one does not necessarily perceive a differentiation in shadow and light. They may become various tones or textures in the fabric of existence, but not tangible in the sense of something considered ‘harmful,’ or, ‘negative’, or something to avoid, by the common mind. This allows him or her to navigate the waters of the lucid soul more vividly. He (or she) does not need a map, or permission, in the contemporary form. He or she does not seek validation. For the true shaman, mystic, or spiritual warrior, the experience perceives beyond the mysteries of the common soul, and enters realities unknown to modern mind, or, science. The mystical is beyond the realm of the normal perceptual. This is what makes it mystical. The mystic journeys beyond the boundaries of our common society, therefore does not seek nor need the approval, permission, or understanding of that society. Rather, he, or she, seeks to lay the ground work for further exploration. Even where it has been framed before. It turns out, that some of our greater explorers journeyed to and discovered lands that were already inhabited. And yet, to this day, we revere them as heroes, only because they visioned, and dared to go, beyond the boundaries of societal convention. The earth is flat, and the center of our existence, for instance. And, still, today, there are those who embrace these views. Not that the Earth is flat, but that the mind is a continuum of existence beyond the paranormal, that global warming is not contributed to by human intervention, or, that compassion is not the braver and more courageous path for the warrior to go, nor that it produces results considered fruitful, or that it hold greater value than the prejudice that war or veracity might bring. And yet, to this day, where those explorers landed, we refuse to acknowledge or honor the wisdom or the methods of indigenous understanding, which hold world views only barely upon our horizon. Should we choose to honor the origins of our very own cultures, every culture upon the planet arises from such indigenous understanding. What we view as primitive, we come to find holds great value and wisdom in relationship to the greater Whole, and the greater good. This does not begin to mention the peoples who built the societies of Athens, of Heliopolis, and Teotihuaca, whom all understood things many in modern culture believe primitive, yet they hold wisdom beyond our wildest imagination. The sound (and healing) schools of Plato and Pythagoras alone would dampen our wisdom. The geometries of Tiawanaka and Puma Punku baffle scientists to this day. Not to mention the art of stone cutting portrayed there, beyond even our laser guided engineering. How is it possible? Yet, we continue to pervade myths of primitive stone cutters and their tools. And, we ignore the lessons of mystics who walked the Earth, while supposedly revering them as gods among us. “Greater things than these shall be shown.” About Sound Within the qualities and use of sound, as a tool for the exploration of consciousness, the nature of the Cosmos, and our place within it, there resides a greater mystery than most of us are understanding. Every culture on this planet utilized sound to access, explore, and cultivate (integrate) its wisdom. With simple understanding, we can come to witness and understand these basic questions: What is healing? Who am I? and Why am I here? Part II The nature of healing. The nature of healing with sound. While our work goes more into the esoteric nature and origin of healing, we will begin with these two basic premises: 1) Sound moves energy 2) Consciousness fashions our perception of reality. 1) Sound moves energy. Indeed, sound is moving energy. It is energy in motion. Some would say, it is energy itself. It heals through two fundamental precepts 1) It dissolves binding aspects of our consciousness, or assists in allowing us to release those agents and appearances of binding, or obscurations. 2) It aligns us with higher aspects of our consciousness, or existence, or attunes us to that. If we understand the nature of these two things, and the fundamental nature of the sound we are going to use, we can extract healing at its optimal level. Just at one small level of this expression, we look at the human emotional field. The meaning of emotion is to move out. By taking this fundamental understanding, we can ally with tools of sound generation to create impetus for that movement, such that stagnant emotions are finally discovered, touched, felt, and moved out, accepted, and realized the importance of their worth, rather than remaining hidden in some dormant or stagnant aspect of our biosphere, denied their existence or importance to our rational growth. And yet, once experienced, we lose all attachment to their hidden fears, loss, abandonment, or lack of worth, and free ourselves to experience life, in this moment, to a far more full, complete, and fulfilling experience, with a greater voice of clarity and insight, far more able to choose better options in the next cycles of our lives. In the sound practice, we constantly monitor these two aspects of lucidity, dissolving that which binds, and aligning with that more ideal state of well-being, our highest and most essential nature of being. Indeed, if we are going to speak about healing, we need to discuss, at least for a moment, the very nature of healing. For many, it is an obscure, or subjective experience, or reality. I find many of us, even healing practitioners, have never truly, fully considered, or, defined the very nature of healing. And, if we are to facilitate our own or another’s healing, it is of great benefit to have at least a fundamental understanding of this, for this creates the very road map through the process of healing. Indeed, I tell my students, the pathway to becoming a healer is the pathway through one’s own healing; for, this allows us to understand, embody, and facilitate the guideposts on this great journey. If we have not gone there ourselves, how can we possibly escort another (especially, as a professional service?) But, what is the end result of the healing process? When are we healed? And, who determines this? The full exploration of this is much greater than I am going to enter at this time. But, in its essence, ‘healing’ means, ‘wholeness.’ This is the very root derivation of the word. This gives us a perspective on our pathway to healing. Our ‘healing’ resides within our ‘wholeness.’ The term ‘holistic,’as in the prhase‘holistic healing,’ is derived from this understanding of ‘wholeness,’ and the interconnection between body, mind and spirit, offering a more complete picture of our nature than the allopathic model of parts of a system. All is interconnected. One effects the other. But, moreso, ‘wholeness’ is derived from ‘holiness.’ Now this takes us an incredible step closer to the true essence of ‘healing,’ indeed, by the very definition of the word. Healing means wholeness. Yet, if ‘wholeness’ means ‘holiness,’ then it is through discovering and embodying our holiness, our divinity, that true and complete healing occurs. We come a step closer to discerning, claiming and embodying our inherent birthright as children of the Divine, children of the Cosmos, and the co-creators that we are. Indeed, when we discover this in its fullness, we discover that we already are whole, we never lost our inherent divine nature, and it is waiting for us, at all times, simply to discern and to claim as our own. This indeed aligns with the principles of Tibetan Buddhism, which claims we are already ‘awake,’ we are already ‘a Buddha,’ and it is simply our imagination, or an illusion, if we believe we are separate from the inherent nature of One Mind, or Pure Consciousness, from which we all spring, and are all a part. It already is so. There is nothing to do. We already are. Hindu and Yogic mysticism is filled with equal self-realization, as is much indigenous wisdom, such as the Peruvian “Seed of Enlightenment,” we carry within us, our inherent nature, waiting to blossom. Or, if we prefer the Judaic/Christian perspective, we can look at numerous phrases, such as, “I have said, ye are gods…” (Psalms 82:6; John 10:34); and, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” (Corinthian 3:16.) We shall go much more deeply into this at a later time (and my many articles on the subject have already tapped into this conversation in very in depth ways, already. You can see those here.) I am speaking to this now, for it embodies the very heart of the second principle of working with sound: attuning to, aligning with, awakening and embodying the higher pristine potential of our nature. We learn and work with principles of these higher realizations and potential, of the very nature of consciousness, energy, and our relationship to these: our higher dimensional access to utilize these principles, for our own growth and evolution, or with the collaboration of our clients, and, with the instruments we use to generate sound, whether that is voice, a crystal bowl, rattle, drum, or other musical instrument. Principles of entrainment, resonant harmonies, and divine proportions, or relationships, are areas we have already explored, and will explore in more detail in the future, which are primary to this conversation. Choosing the Instrument In choosing the sound instrument, we first come into relationship with its fundamental nature. A drum moves, and calls, and we respond. Who has not heard a drum in the distance, and felt compelled to follow the sound to its origins? A bell calls, intones, and aligns It elevates our spirit to its highest singular proportions. It harmonizes and energizes us with that higher vital proportion, or relationship. It readily creates an atmosphere of spaciousness, which allows for our own lucid clarity to unfold from our higher potentials. A rattle shakes up, dispels, distorts, distends, or extracts. Though, depending on the quality of its voice, it may bring forward a soothing rain of nourishment. It propels energy to move out of our body, or asks it to cascade down upon us. A crystal bowl emanates pure intention, and harmonizes our field with its subtle awareness. A didgeridoo calls upon our ancestors to give voice to the songs of Creation, and honor the ancient myths from which life arises. We walk the song-lines of creation, and honor the ancestors, and, sing with its voice at their every intersection. The Tibetan cymbal or horn clears away the obscurations of our perception, and calls the vital essence of subtle reality into manifest form. The wise practitioner will develop his or her relationship to each of these instruments, or, the ones of his/her choosing. And develop relationship with the fundamental nature and essence of creation and his/her place in it. We develop skills in understanding the basic nature of the components of our human bio field, and how to build alliance and harmonious relationship with their elemental nature. We grow strong in this. The Infinite Mystery Our greatest ally is our own journey within the greater mystery of life. The pathway of becoming a healer is the pathway of healing, itself. Or, the pathway of becoming a healer, is the pathway through one’s own healing. It is important to understand and embrace this. We are our greatest teacher. While it is of great benefit to find a facilitator, or teacher, to guide us in our initial, primary journey, if we invest in the teachings outside of our own heart space, we can lose sight of our own gifts, knowing, and empowerments. We have all we need within us. The true teacher knows this, will deeply embrace this, and shall guide the student back into the path of self-realization, and empowerment. As is the nature of education, which means, ‘to draw out of,’ so too the true teacher will guide one back unto their own inner knowing and wisdom, and empower each with the precious gift of self-seeing and being. By understanding the nature of reality, and our place, and relationship, within it, we awaken our fundamental ability to assist others in their own evolutionary journey. What is healing? What is the nature of reality, and what is my place in it? Who Am I? And, Why Am I here? I cannot fully answer these questions for you, though I have my own experiences and perceptions that may be beneficial in your own pathway of self-discovery, and often has been for those whom have worked with me. Yet, these questions are ones which each of us must explore and discover the depth of answers for ourselves. I can share my experiences with you, be a facilitator and guide, a way shower, and gatekeeper (to the Greater Mystery.) Indeed, this work has taught me very in depth realities about the Gateways of Consciousness, and the Gatekeepers whom hold vital relationship to those Gateways. Be developing right relationship with those Gatekeepers, and understanding the principles of aligning with, and open the Gateways themselves, deep, crystalline understanding can arise from within that Great Mystery, for all of us in the experience. I, also, can, and have, devoted my awareness to explicitly comprehending the experiential pathways of the great masters, and steady my own feet upon the course. For they have shown us, time and again, there is but one path to the Great Mystery. And, that is through the journey through the Self. And, I can deliberately set my journey, not only upon the one of self-discovery, but of service to others seeking the path. The Great Teachings tell us, over and over, that the medicine, the healing, the path, and the perception are all One and the Same, that it is a pathway of Pure Perception and Pure Action, or Pure Awareness and Pure Joy, depending upon the tradition we are honoring. Either way, it is the perfect union of Life itself, and Consciousness, Mother and Father, the Divine Masculine and Feminine, within us, as without. It is extremely beneficial for the Western Observer to understand, we cannot experience the Great Mystery by simply observing it. Modern Science has understood this quirk (or quark,) of nature, since at least the time of Einstein. In mystical, or esoteric terms, it is the very heart of the journey. We cannot simply observe it, because we cannot remove ourselves from the experience. We cannot remove ourselves from it! We are part of it. And, the Great Mystery goes beyond the boundaries of common or cognitive understanding and knowing. It cannot be explored by standard science. It requires a deeper way of knowing, which happens to be the very origin and essence of the word. It is the way of the Gnostic, the path of direct perception. It is the Feminine pathway of direct knowing, intuitive perception. Knowing is that which is directly perceived. And, it cannot be translated or transferred in cognitive terms. This is because it moves our consciousness beyond the realms, beyond the boundaries, of cognition. This is very uncomfortable to the cognitive mind. It wants to grasp, to have, and to hold. It, also, wants to be the master, to be in control, of the experiential, which simply can’t happen if we are exploring beyond the realms of the common experience. This may create the misperception of avoidance of science, even of some form of disrespect or aloofness. I humbly put to you, that it is the scientific mind which more often does not recognize, honor or value the mystical approach. This requires the intuitive mind, the mind of space, and the elemental potentials of space and ether in which the experience unfolds. In modern terms, it is the Feminine mind. And, again, the cognitive may not be appreciative of its inability to grasp that which is beyond its nature. Its greatest service may be to surrender to the Greater Ocean, the Mother of Life. Indeed, if we are speaking about understanding the very nature of the Infinite Mystery, it makes perfect, logical sense, that the logical, rational, cognitive mind cannot grasp it, for it must wrap itself around something, in order to understand it. It must put boundaries around it to observe and ‘define’ it. Indeed, to ‘define’ is to put boundaries around. Thus, the cognitive can never understand or grasp the Infinite mystery of All Life. It, simply, must surrender to the Great Mystery, if it has any hope of experiencing or understanding it. This has been shown, time and time again, in the realms of the mystical journey and esoteric wisdom. It is not something new. It is based in our oldest yearnings and wisdom. The Schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Vedic Yoga, and indigenous shamanism carry on these traditions and studies of that beyond our normal constructs of time and space, today. It requires grasping, or relinquishing, the understanding, that, while our perceptions of 3D science appear tangible and real, there are quantum ways of viewing and experiencing reality that move beyond its mold. The human biofield and electric universe are but two aspects of that equation. The infinite nature and potential of an infinite universe simply cannot fit into the binary view of a fixed or finite universe. The subtle chakras as components of the human energetics, and the rainbow body are subtle expressions of those quantum realities which have been expressed and realized in absolute terms of self-realization for eons, within self-perpetuating schools of wisdom, which mystify science. And unfortunately, to the limited mind, when it faces something it cannot grasp, too often it claims, in terms of self-preservation, that it simply is not real. In simpler terms, it has not, and cannot, experience it. It requires absolute spaciousness to comprehend an absolutely spacious universe. That which views itself as finite simply cannot comprehend the nature of that which is infinite. We must continue to explore the subtle nature of reality, until we can grasp, again, no, until we can experience again, that we are part of a greater and equally tangible universe. That is, and has been, our quest since time immemorial, and remains, to this day, our greatest yearning. Discovery of Our Self is the single most obstacle to our greatest realization, and potential, as an individual, and collective humanity. Our greatest adversity is the illusion that we are not part of the Greater Whole. And yet, that very illusion is what keeps us from grasping that Greater Reality. We are part of the Whole. This is the single most part of this discovery. Consciousness is a tool far greater than knowledge. It is our consciousness that drives and creates our very perception of reality. Unfounded, it is a very fragile tool. Fully focused, it has the power to create more than most of us can even imagine. Indeed, we are far greater beings in the realms of luminosity than most of us have been told. We are far greater beings than most of us can imagine. What is about to happen is far greater (and more joyous) than most of us can imagine. --Maya High Elder Greater works than these shall be done by you. Do you not know that you are Gods? --Jesus You are the Buddha (Awakened One) --Gautama, the Buddha We have vast potential and wisdom. Yet, most of it has not been tapped in this 3 dimensional hologram. Many of us do not believe it, and yet belief is the very force which can make it so! We have far to go in this journey of self-realization. And, yet it begins, and ends here. There is no further realization or necessity to dismiss this place for another, nor this self for another. We are here. We are all that is. We have all we need. We are filled with the abundance, and are the purveyors, of all creation. -------------------------------------------- Watch for more articles on our luminous nature, embodying and living with our luminous being, and what is being asked of us in these times of profound transformation. Who are we, and why are we here? If we know and understand these questions, all is resolved. Clear perception and clear action is the pathway to dissolve all which appears unresolved. It takes nothing but a simple choice, and simple action, to perceive and engage the luminous aspects of the universe and our own being within it. To choose, and to empower that which gives meaning, hope, and purpose to our lives, versus that which disempowers, disengages, or disenfranchises us. We have the power. It is fully our choice. It is a simple pathway. We shall speak to this, as we enter greater resolution, each and all. We, also, shall speak more as to how to use sound to pass through the apparent barriers, or obstacles to self-illumination, self-realization, complete healing and wholeness. And we shall continue our articles on the fundamental, essential, elemental nature of consciousness (see our last one here.) We love you with great grandeur and illumination. We send great peace and blessings to you, and to your lives. May you discover, and re-affirm, your own grandeur, and beauty of abundance. May you come into the resonant core of your own truth, and being. And, discover that there is nothing more to do. For the benefit of those whom have not read too many of my articles, the term ‘we’ is often interwoven into these articles, as they are written with, and often spoken directly from, direct intervention from the ‘high holy beings’ who guide and illumine this work. Many blessings, Zacciah _____________________________________ ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
The Center of Light
All Rights Reserved
may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as
long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included.
http://www.TheCenterOfLight.netIf you have not had the opportunity yet, please read more in our prior articles. Partake of the many exercises, mp3’s, interviews, and more, we have given in our vast resources on line. And, should you choose, join with us in our upcoming programs, which will give extraordinarily rich opportunity to experience, and enter into vivid relationship to these principles of life, of sound, of healing, and consciousness. We have an entire 3 year training in sound healing you can take one week, several parts of the first year, or the entire training. In our upcoming outdoor work, we enter and explore living and harmonious relationship with the very elements of Creation, the elements of nature, the ancestral beings, wisdom and memories which reside in ancient natural power sites, and ancient, powerful ceremonial sites, like the stone chambers of Vermont. (These mysterious stone sites are all over the Northeast, but we have entered extraordinarily magical relationship with the energies and WisdomKeepers of the sites we have worked with, for years, in Vermont.) Come and be with us. All of our current, upcoming practices, may be viewed here. ![]() Sacred Sounds, Sacred Earth The Sounds of the SHAMAN A 5 Day Shamanic Sacred Sound Retreat July, 2015 Therapeutic/Shamanic Sound practices, Sacred Ceremony for Healing the Earth and Each Other, Accessing Ancient Sitesand Earth Wisdom In Sacred Sounds, Sacred Earth, Songs of the Shaman, we will focus on how to use sound to enhance our private and professional lives. Then, we shall, also, stretch out into nature, to work with the elements and ancient sites. And, we shall learn to enter ceremonial states, for the benefit of the Earth, with the Great Grandfather drum(s) we use in our practices. ![]() Watch for 2016 dates on this program: AUGUST 16-23, 2014 In LIONSGATE: Awakening the Dragon, we shall enter pristine natural and ancient ceremonial sites every day, bathe in exquisite mountain lakes, and waterfalls, and, hike the high peaks of Vermont and New Hampshire, which form a perfect Star Tetrahedron. Don’t be too concerned, we do not do so much climbing, and really, not that much hiking, see our itinerary and logistics for explanations of such things.) We pamper ourselves in the evenings with great lodging and meals in prestigious retreats and inns, wherever possible. And, we ‘seed’ the potential of ‘heaven on earth’ into a living prayer wheel created through our work, in collaboration with the elemental forces of nature, and the high holy beings guiding our work. It is a journey of great personal discovery, empowerment, rejuvenation, and healing which we experience, followed by an act of incredible service to the planet, as called upon, by these elemental beings, drawing upon the dragon currents of living energies which carry the power of our work from all dimensional spaces we have worked in, for the entire week, into the womb of the Mother, through one of the ceremonial chambers, to gestate these seeds of potential, for the benefit of All. ![]() And, our my upcoming School of Sound Healing, a year long training beginning in September, you may enter very heightened states of awareness and experience, learning to work with therapeutic and ceremonial sound healing methods, for self realization and healing, and/or for developing or furthering a healing practice for others, utilizing all principals of understanding, of the use of instruments, voice, intention and awareness, with awakened states of guided intuition. I pray you may join us. Ongoing, in Depth Experiential Trainings into the use of Therapeutic Sound Healing For Personal and Professional Development Take One or All trainings; New programs Every Quarter Level I, Sept, Nov, Jan, April Level II, Sept-June Watch for SCHOOL YEAR 2016 dates Many blessings Zacciah You may, also, see prior articles, and meditative practices, with the Power of Illumination, Light, and the Solar Principle, here. (Scroll all articles to see add'l articles with meditative practices.) ________________________________________
©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
The Center of Light
All Rights Reserved
may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as
long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included.
http://www.TheCenterOfLight.net (image
credits: Most images in this article are, c Zacciah;
Space photos, NASA; Magdalene, unknown artist, images of Seraphim and QuanYin unknown origin.)![]() So
much is occurring in our collective field at this time. Come and
find places of balance, restoration, renewal and vigor, and seeds
worthy of planting.
All Practices _________________________________________
(For more on this, read some of our last messages from the Earth, earlier articles about earth wisdom and resonance, some with easy meditative practices, and mp3 downloads)
is an elemental grace which the Earth exudes. We have the power to step
into it. We have the elemental right and responsibility to do so. It is
inherent within us. The Elemental Grace and Wisdom of our Divine
Origins.It is our Birth Right.
Claim it. ![]() Join us in our upcoming programs! This message is free to share privately and publicly, with acknowledgement below, if given in full and not altered. It may not be used for commercial purposes without complete written consent by its author. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light www.TheCenterOfLight.net admin@sunreed.com (A recent article, with a free download in MP3 format, of its meditation is available here. The same restrictions apply to the audio sample.) I share many blessings with each of you. Many blessings, Zacciah more articles soon to come! -------------------------------------------------- See our latest newsletter here. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light, All Rights Reserved You may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included: Thank you. Zacciah Blackburn, PhD; The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA http://www.thecenteroflight.net e-mail: info@sunreed.com Phone: 802.674.9585 See latest class listings here The New Earth Programs for Authentic Self Discovery, Empowerment, and Self Realization In VT, NY, MA, CAN, EUROPE, elsewhere ![]() Go to our class lists for our latest listings.
________________________________________________ ALL CLASSES HERE ©2013-14 Zacciah Blackburn This message may be reproduced and shared as long as the content of the article itself is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA www.thecenteroflight.net e-mail: info@sunreed.com Phone: 802.674.9585 Fax: 802.674.9586 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound, and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings, and how to develop that nature. He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network, & co-founder & Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations working for global peace. He is, also, a founding board member of the Sound and Music Alliance. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at www.sunreed.com. See www.thecenteroflight.net, his primary website, for further information. Blessings reign upon us all, and are open to us all at any time we choose to put our awareness there. May it be true for all peoples of the Earth. Zacciah More about Living Earth, Living Relations, the Taripay Pacha, the Q'ero, and the Inka Seed, HERE, and HERE. Zacciah will add to these articles in near future times. In the meantime, look at our Earth Energies, Earth Mysteries practices here, including sacred tours in Vermont, France, and Peru, in 2011. See our many Articles on the Earth Mysteries, Sacred Sound, Human Consciousness, and These Times of Great Awakening and Transformation, here. This message may be reproduced and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at www.sunreed.com. See www.thecenteroflight.net for further information. ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. ______________________________________ See our next program in the series of Egyptian Studies at: The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We welcome your requests for additional information regarding these programs. Zacciah, and Staff The ![]() ![]() Stone
Canyon, Vermont
Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt Most of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase. Some images may not be, and are attributed where known. Contact us at info@sunreed.com or 802.674.9585 | ![]() | ||||||
![]() "Awaiting Ra', Gifts of the Sun, Mexico ![]() The Ancestors Remind Us ![]() Gifts of the Earth ![]() Gifts of The Realms of Pure Light and Sound ![]() Gateway at Amaru Muru, Peru ![]() Gifts of the New Sun, Solstice stone chamber, VT "Star Cathedral, temple of knowledge; home to the Invisible Libraries" See: Gifts of the Earth ![]() Prayers of Remembrance, Egypt ![]() Earth Mysteries, the Ancient Dragon Beings ![]() Apu Ascutney, a once great 27,000' Volcano, The "Grandfather" mountain of this region. ![]() Mill Brook, on the Center's Property "I will nourish you" ![]() Sacred Stones, Ancient Gorge, VT | |||||||
![]() Sacred Geometries in Nature ![]() The Ancient Study of the Geometries of Life ![]() Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia ![]() Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals, or Chakras ![]() Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England ![]() Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru ![]() Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky Stonehenge, UK |
![]() courtesy CymaticsSource ![]() Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries ![]() Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky ![]() Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky ![]() A Return to Beauty, VT ![]() Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru | |||||||
![]() Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT ![]() Approaching Stone Chamber, VT offerings made ![]() Right attitude: Prayers for the Earth ![]() Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light ![]() Guardians of the Mysteries ![]() Celestial Realities Eagle Nebula, NASA ![]() Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT | |||||||
![]() Winter Solstice Chamber, VT ![]() Sounding the Mysteries, Austria | |||||||
![]() Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber, Cornwall, England ![]() pathway to a stone chamber, VT | |||||||
![]() Machu Picchu, Peru | |||||||
Blackburn, PhD, is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic
traditions, and sacred sound cultures.
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, &
Co-Founder of the
World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.
Zacciah Blackburn, The
P.O. Box 389, Hidden
Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030 USA
Phone: 802-674-9585 Fax: 802-674-9586
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World Musical
Instruments, and Tibetan & "Singing" Quartz Crystal Bowls
You will find a large assortment of many fine Sound Healing tools, instruments used in traditional Spiritual practices of many cultures, including: Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tingshaws, Shamanic Drums, African Drums, Flutes, Shakuhachi, Tabla, Tamboura, Sitars, Native American Flutes, Didgeridoos, much more