Lotus Blossom
  The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
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The New Earth Paradigm

Empowering Our Sacred Being
This program shall have different and evolving content from any of our previous Solstice Gatherings 


 At the News Bank Conference Center,
Saturday, December 21, 2013
1 PM-6 PM   
With music, sacred chant, 
instruction, & sacred sound meditation practices:
to awaken, balance, restore, and empower the highest essence of our being.

We shall be joined with the gifts of music and chant by Dorothy Stone, Raphael Groten, and Tomek Regulski, with harmonium, drum, voice, 12 string guitar, and sitar.

This is an indoor event, and will be held regardless of the weather.

Program Cost:              

Thru Dec 13-$95;  After Dec 13-$125;  
At the Door-$150.

Pay by PayPal here
All Other Registration, Location, Lodging, and Meal Information  HERE

Cost after 12/13/13 $125.
Save $25. by pre-registering now.

 Program Information 

Empowering Our Sacred Being
with the Vision and Light
of the New Earth

The Choice: Shadow and Light

The Power of Vision.
The Power of Choice.
The Power of our Collective Wisdom.

What is yours?

It is time to get to it.
In this practice, we shall engage in 2-3 primary sound meditations designed to uplift the spirit, align with our highest source being, dissolve the obscurations of our being (deep healing release,) and empower our selves with our highest essence, vision, wisdom, and being.

Solstice Celebration, 12.21.13
We are in a time of tremendous empowerment.  It is up to each of us to cultivate the wisdom and awareness that will allow us to reach new ideals, goals, and fertile dreams.
This is the perfect time of the year for entering these fertile dream states, and begin the process for manifesting the next realm of dreams of our life, into being.

See additional information in our Latest News articles, and Articles link.

It has been a year, since the magic gateway of 12.21.12, which so many talked about.
Was this supposed to be the awakening of a New Earth?
What has happened?  What is happening?
Is there a shift going on, or not?
Can anyone step back from this past year and not see significant changes in their life and perspective, or that of the world?
Is it not being felt, even now; a new continuum of energy and potential, ready to ripen once we understand the principles of how to manifest it in our lives?

If you are not experiencing this, are you experiencing turbulent chaos and stress in your life, and/or in the lives of loved ones close to you, or in the world around you?
Change, transformation, even death and passage, seem to be the order of the day for many of us.
What is going on?
And how we can we more readily and easily embrace the growing changes and 'requests' to enter alignment with Universal Harmony?  What does that even mean?

What power have we amidst all of this?

What power do we NOT have is more of the question!  If one is still in doubt about the choices and distinctions of guiding or being guided by one's own destiny, of being empowered to make one's own choices, or being swayed by the tides or winds (or opinions of others) around us, it is time to do the work.
The power and wisdom is with us, and abundant, for those ready to step into the vessel of their own authority and responsibility for the choices we make, and for the creations which unfold in our lives around us, in which we are participating in, even now.
The time is ripe for this.

If we do not see the world unfolding as we imagine it 'should be,' or, 'wish it could be,' it is time to dive into our own wisdom and understanding of how to make it so, through the power of dream, vision, choice, wisdom, and action we manifest in the world, now.

Solstice is a traditional time of entering the realms of deep dreaming, (more than what we in the West imagine dreams to be,) to 'seed' the matrix of life with one's next cycle of felt wisdom, and steps and transformative, nourishing acts, to make it so.  It is a time for collective realization and fertilization of that dream, as well.

Together, we have a manifest power more than the one.

Come, let us continue to dream the new dream together, refine it, and weave the fabric of creation into existence, for this New Earth.

The Light is upon us.

 Shall we pass through this threshold of consciousness with conscious choice and evolutionary awareness for the benefit of all?
The Choice is upon us.
See additional information in our Latest News articles, and Articles link.

Much additional information is in our new articles and newsletters online, along with
 preparatory meditative practices to enter alignment with these new energies emerging.
See latest articles listed here.
or newsletters here.

This will be an in depth practice to gain direct illumination and manifestation of our chosen realities, open to experienced and novice practitioners.  
Come prepared to co-vision the New World into existence, as you wish it to be, 
Know it to Be, Imagine it To Be.

and, Aligning with, and Receiving the Gifts of Heaven    

Zacciah Blackburn, PhD Those of you who have worked with Zacciah in the past know you this will be an ecstatic practice.  Those who have not worked with Zacciah, come prepared to enter elevated states of well being, through our own awareness, coupled with the refined gifts of awareness that his specialized Sacred Sound Practices bring to the work.

We welcome you to join us in this celebratory, participatory practice.
Location, Accommodations, and Registration Information is just below.

We shall be joined with the gifts of music and chant by Dorothy Stone, Raphael Groten, and Tomek Regulski, with harmonium, drum, voice, 12 string guitar, and sitar.

Join with us, in these sacred programs, humbly offered.
It is Time.
We wish you, all, many blessings in the Journey.

 See our latest articles on the nature of this work here 
View the Center of Light home page.     All Classes
General info pay by paypalback to the top


Contact for registration and questions:
For Questions on this program, or location, contact
our center:
  • E-mail 
  • Monday-Friday, 10 AM - 5:00 PM ET
    • PHONE:  802.674.9585
You may register Secure On Line here, by Pay Pal here,
or by Phone, Fax, Mail, E-mail,
with a Credit/Debit Card, or Personal Check or Money Order.  
Do not send credit/debit card information by e-mail.
We accept debit and credit cards:  
You must pay in full by due dates to receive early discounts.  
Early Registration honored until 4:30 PM by phone, midnight for online and faxed registration, postmark date by mail registration.  

Rooms may be available below.
This is an all weather event.
For all information on registration,
 including our cancellation policy click here.

Secure On Line Registration is here        Pay Pal Buttons are here

Mail or Fax your registration information, w/ check (by mail),
or w/ your MC/VIsa/Discover credit/debit card information
Pint out Fax or Mail Registration  form here
  •  FAX:  802.674.9586
  •  Mail:  PO Box 389
    • Ascutney, VT  05030  USA
To register by phone, you may

  • Call our offices 
    • Monday-Friday, 10 AM - 5:00 PM ET
      • Last day of early registrations, call by 4:30 PM
    • PHONE:  802.674.9585
The Center of Light,
PO Box 389

Ascutney VT 05030
Print out Fax or Mail Registration  form here
Fax:  802.674.9586  

 For all logistics, especially for those who have registered for this program, and for our recommendations on preparing for this program, please see:
Location and Directions

Place:      NewsBank Conference Center
352 Main St
Chester, VT  05143
 Sign in front of building
Enter through the front doors, program is upstairs.  

Handicap accessibility, elevator available.
Conference center, Chester, VT

Get Google Map Here
    There is adequate parking behind the Conference Center off of Senior Circle (see map), adjacent to the builidng, or across the street, behind the NewsBank main offices, off of Cobleigh St., across from the Center.
Directions:   From Chester Center  (see below, left, or click here)
Additional information:
     And Logistics
, on the nature of this program, below.  

Lodging is not included.
However, there are two options:

  1. You can web search inns, hotels, or motels, in the area.  Chester is a unique town with wonderful shops, restaurants, etc, and quality inns, motels, and hotels within easy walking distance of the Center.
  2. We are able to provide a shared room in one of several multi-bedroom houses in Chester for reasonable fee.  Most rooms have twin beds.  You have full access to kitchen, living room, shared bathrooms.
    1. $50/night/person for double.  We will provide a roommate.
    2. $45/night/person/double if you have someone who signs up with you.
    3. $80/night/person single.
    5. Spaces are limited!  We are down to only one or two beds at this time.  We'll let you know if you register for accommodations, and we have run out before we have been able to come back on line and drop this option here!
    6. Pay here by pay pal, or on registration forms, or by phone
    7. If by Pay Pal, pay twice for Fri and Sat nites.  Otherwise, payment is for Saturday nite only.
Room Cost
For rooms in town, see 
  1. http://www.chesterlodging.com/  for local lodging, 
or , go to our accommodations page:
for a broader search of inns and motels.

Water, snacks, coffee, and tea are available throughout the program. 
      (Feel free to bring a snack to share!)

Program starts Saturday at 1 PM on Sat and ends 6 PM.  No meals are provided.


 We recommend you arrive early.
You may bring meals, or walk to a local restaurant for lunch on Saturday..

  This program is facilitated by, Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, a highly skilled intuiive teacher and guide in sound healing and esoteric awareness practices for true awakening of consciousness.  He has worked in the field for over 3 decades, offers a 3 year program in therapeutic sound healing practices, and teaches internationally a variety of esoteric trainings in consciousness and earth healing practices.
He is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network.

Zacciah's work has long focused on the emerging transformation of human consciousness.

This work, 
The Great Awakening, continues a series of programs explicit to this new era of awakening which humanity is entering, with explicit steps to assist in this personal and collective awakening, long prophecied by many cultures of the world.

The Great Awakening
will offer keen insight into the nature of this incredible threshold of awakening, upon which humanity stands poised, as well as offer each participant a vehicle which can transport us into other worlds of understanding, experience, and self knowledge.  These experiences are especially heightened via the art of Sacred Sound Transmissions, through which Zacciah brings the sounds and voices of Holy Beings from other realms of consciousness, into our present environ,  which can heighten our sense of Living Reality.  The vast majority of participants find these experiences extraordinarily enriching, life altering, and deeply transformative.  At the same time, participants are left with practical exercises to carry into their every day lives. 

General Information  **  Registration 
Location and Directions ** 
Meals & Lodging  ** Add'l Info/Background

Driving Directions to The NewsBank Conference Center

Chester, VT

  • Chester is located 10 mi off Rt I-91, exit 6
  • 11 mi from Springfield VT,
  • or approx 15 mi. from Londonderry, or Ludlow, VT
    There is adequate parking behind the Conference Center off of Senior Circle (see map), adjacent to the builidng, or across the street, behind the NewsBank main offices, off of Cobleigh St., across from the Center
  • Enter through the front doors, and go upstairs.  Handicapped accessibility, elevator available.
  • . Map is below!
Driving Directions:

From I-91 N or S, and most points East, South, or North:
Take Exit 6, Chester, and turn onto Route 103 North toward Chester
(From Bellows Falls & Exit 6 I-91):
At the intersection of Rt 11 (toward Londonderry,) bear left onto Rt 11, and continue into the center of Chester.  The Center is on the right just after the small green in downtown Chester.

From Rt 103 South Bound (From Ludlow) and Rt 11 (South,  From Springfield) :
From 103 or Rt 11 south, upon entering Chester, there will be a T intersection at Main Street.
Turn Right at the stop sign onto Main Street, if on 103 from Ludlow.
From Springfield, turn right onto Main St (103 here), but, at the intersection of Rt 11 (toward Londonderry,) bear onto Rt 11, and continue into the center of Chester.  The Center is on the right just after the small green in downtown Chester.

From Rt 11 East Bound ( From Londonderry, Manchester, Upstate NY):
Enter Chester from the West.
Route 11 becomes Main Street in Chester.
The Center is on the left just before the small green in downtown Chester, which would be on your right if you continued straight.

Conference center, Chester, VT
For all logistics, especially for those who have registered for this program, and for our recommendations on preparing for this program, please see:
Upcoming Programs
Programs are constantly being added and updated
Please see entire class list.

EUROPE  Programs in Vermont
 Canada, New York, Florida,  Massachusetts
Texas, North Carolina, elsewhere

Watch for Peru,
An earlier practice:

Oceanside Retreat Center, Yucatan, Mexico
April 14-21, 2012
HOST OUR WORK in your area (tell us your interest)
Join our Newsletter to receive updates on our programs,
articles, and special on line discounts.

Programs are constantly being added and updated
Please see entire class list.

What we invest our power in, in our own belief structure, creates the reality that we experience.

Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, Director
The Center of Light
Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies

P.O. Box 389
220 Hidden Glen Rd.
Ascutney, VT  05030  USA

Phone:  (802) 674-9585
Fax:  (802) 674-9586
e-mail: info@sunreed.com


          Visit our associated site: Sunreed World Musical Instruments
                        Sound Healing tools:  Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tingshas,

                      Shamanic Drums, African Drums, Flutes, Bamboo flutes, Shakuhachi
                  Native American Flutes, Didgeridoos, much more

©2009-13 Zacciah Blackburn, the Center of Light
Page Creation & Design:  Zacciah, the Center of Light