THESE TIMES: SOLAR ACTIVITIES, GRAND CARDINAL CROSS, LUNAR AND SOLAR ECLIPSE. An Two Part Article, and Free MP3's Part I, Part II, Mp3's ~~Zacciah Blackburn, PhD 04.27.14 We are in powerful times of transformation. Many of us are experiencing more and more continual flux in what appears as chaos, as we come to terms with re-evaluation, realization, and integration of our primary needs, responsibilities, and dreams and goals in our lives. WHAT ARE WE REALLY HERE FOR?WHO AM I, REALLY?
Beneath the surface, of who I am, who I think I am, or, who I think I should be, or, who I perceive others expect me to be; and, beneath the surface of why I think I am here, or what goals I have set for myself, what dreams and aspirations I yearn for in this life, or in this stage of my life....deep, beneath all of these, lies a deeper, core, much greater and eternal essence of Self, and my Divine Purpose in this Life.This is an immense time for exploration and realization of these deeper core issues, principles, and purpose to surface, become realized, and integrated into our lives.We are at a key crossroads with humanity, in which we need to choose the highest purpose, regardless of what others appear to be doing, or, what we think they or we should be doing.. WE CAN NO LONGER DEPEND ON OTHERS TO SET THE STAGE, or MAP THE COURSE. It is just this which gives us the core answer.Be still, listen, develop our inner senses of discernment, perception, and trust in our own inner Knowing, our own inner authority, dignity of Spirit, and Right as a unique and Divine individual to determine our course of action in this life, and pursue and fulfill our life purpose. It is so simple, yet we dissuade ourselves, over and over, from hearing our own truth.Often, we simply do not take the time, allowing the external sway of forces to overcome our inner yearning and knowing.We each know. More than any other.Our own truth, our own way, our own Essence and Being. There are simple methods to discover and utilize such knowing. We have articulated them in our many articles and other free MP3 offerings, as well as meditative practices outlined in our articles section. Take time for them, here.They are here for your benefit. Use the MP3's we are offering above. If you feel a need for greater assistance, for connection, community, or healing and growth: Follow our Class list for programs, dates, and locations through the year!)
No prior experience is needed for these practices. Many feel, during these times of chaos, it is too much to get away, to commit the time or resources to such a practice. Our circuits may be blocked, our perceptions mixed, cloudy, we may not be sure what to do. We feel confused over our direction in life, even our commitment to life.In truth, this IS THE TIME to give to our self, time for replenishment, deep cleansing and healing, renewal, and re-direction for our spirit. If you are unable to find connection, direction, or purpose, find a teacher, facilitator, guide, whom can help you. Find a community to support you through these times, and to create a New Earth with; and, MAKE the time to do what you need, for your own good, your own self, your own growth, healing, and benefit. In this way, you can find time for service to the greater good, as well. It does not need to be these teachings, but it of great benefit to find a guide, healer, or facilitator to assist, during these times, until we can make the connection to our own true essence, direction, and purpose. IN THE COSMOS
This week is a continuation, and culmination, of pristine, luminous,
powerful, and transformative energies passing through the Cosmos.
We are in the midst of continued acceleration of energies as observed
through science, of increased solar and gamma wave activation from our
sun and core of our galaxy. There is growing evidence of how this
can transplace our feelings of safety, security, and emotional well
being.There, equally, are many methods given by the guides, elders, and teachers of many traditions, to stabilize us during "THESE TIMES." We are, also, in the midst of incredible astrological formations, defining immense patterns of energies, and alignments, also deeply transformative. We are in the middle of a new cycle of Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and New Moon Solar Eclipse, (which occurs this Tuesday,) with the continued affect of a Grand Cardinal Cross between these two demarcations, offering a rich tapestry of forces in the Cosmos guiding us into deeper reflection, choices, and action.While on the surface, these energies culminate in the Solar Eclipse Tuesday, the continued impulse and impact of them will be felt for months according to consensus by many astrological wizards. As I am not an astrological wiz, I quote three here, from "Mystic Mama's" recent article on the subject (acknowledgements below.) You can find fields of information, by simple on line searches for these alignments. But, this article is a good starting point. We are
entering a juncture, a turning point as we individually and
collectively come together at a the cross roads of imminent change.
Inevitably the unknown can arouse fear and anxiety, and so it is of
utmost importance right now that we take the time to ground, to pray,
to meditate, to get enough sleep, to eat wholesome nourishing food and
to take good care of ourselves so that we can meet the present with an
open and courageous heart.
What we focus our thoughts on right now is of utmost importance. --MM
--the grand cross will bring a lot of energy to the surface for release and healing…”
-- its influence has already been felt, and it will keep building up. --potential for a new and profound ‘rebirth.’
--awaken our ability to conceive its opposite: harmonious flow. --has
the potential to lift the curtains of focused intent and
perseverance. -- the innate tendency to awaken our higher self in
order to appreciate challenges and to show us how strong we really are. -- we can dig deeper into our own soul to discover a truer freedom hidden within. --embrace our own little ‘death’ and to allow for the discovery of our hidden potentials. --- awaken a deeper understanding of our own intrinsic worth and self-less values.
-- reliance on higher ideals as much as reliance on a greater power,
and as much as reliance on ‘that’ which remains immutable despite the
constant changes of life. Call it ‘Soul,’ call it ‘God’ or call
it the ‘Self’ the answer lies in that unnameable ‘that.’
-- give us strength and resolution, protection and confidence. Eclipses
...may reveal to us an inner light that we may have forgotten about--- -- opportunities to rediscover our own inner power and a new and more effective vision.
-- shine
the light into our own higher self while reminding us to have the faith
to rely on something greater when all else fails.
All quotes above, from this article, and acknowledged in full here:
Mystic Mama, Katie Sweetman, and Cinzia Meneghello, each is notated at link above.
Take this time, to do what we are here to do, to learn, to grow, to celebrate in a deeper communion, and union, with Life, community, indeed all humanity.It may seem more than ever that chaos is around us.But it is not. It is only the appearance of chaos swelling as we come to realize the greater truth.We are in the midst of change. We are learning to rekindle and refocus our awareness on pristine greater truths. We have realized, already, more than many of us are aware of. We have already climbed the ladder to higher realizations, and states of consciousness in the dimensional planes. Our time now, is about REALIZING this.We are here. We have arrived. The world swirls around us as we let go of the old, and acclimate to the New.The more we are able to do this, the more Real it becomes, the more Realized we are. It is as the Buddha says, "You are awake." And, as Jesus says, "Do you not know that you are gods?" It is done. The kingdom is before you. The kingdom is within. We are immense and holy beings. May we realize this potential in its infinite forms. Much love and wisdom to you all! Zacciah Part II: A Message from Zacciah's Elders: We say it so many times. We encourage you to realize it. It is the nature of your essence, your reality, your healing, and, your destiny.You are on the cusp of this realization. And, the confusion and turmoil you are suffering currently, is because you are between worlds of realization and manifestation. Come to this other side. The veils are thin, thinning, thinner, and why you feel it so often. And, this is why the chaos seems so strong. You are so close. It is by not paying attention to this greater reality that you do not realize it. It is by focusing on the lesser realities that they seem more distinct.It is, really, quite simply, a matter of perception, and focus, as well as discipline to discern the greater Truth. You are immense beings of Creation, more powerful than most of you can imagine, with the ability to, literally, create your own reality. It is ONLY by focusing on your true essence and potential, your relationship to the Divine, that this will come into manifestation. We are here, at every turn in your life, ready to assist you. Please ask of us! “Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a
caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand
times. Come, yet again , come , come.”
We miss your presence, and look forward to your completion of this cycle of awakening, rebirth, and return to your true nature! "Come, come, a thousand times come!!....." The Council of Holy Beings RECENT FREE MP3's From February 2014, practice, The Calling of the Hathors: Opening Practice: Opening the Heart to the Grace of the Cosmos,
Zacciah and Dorothy Stone; 9:48
Excerpt from lectures,Zacciah; 7:38
Full lecture,Zacciah: 57:44 Longer practice, Zacciah; 35:14 Update: 05.05.14 We had a truly extraordinary weekend in Chester, VT, this past weekend (Igniting the Soul.) So many thanks to the so many who came, and participated in, and contributed to, the brilliance of this program. In gratitude, here is a free MP3 offering of the introduction, and beginning invocation to this work. May it be of service to you.Many blessings FREE MP3, CLICK HERE
_____________________________________ ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
The Center of Light
All Rights Reserved
may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as
long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included.
http://www.TheCenterOfLight.netIf you have not had the opportunity
yet, please read more in our prior articles. Partake of the many exercises,
mp3’s, interviews, and more, we have given in our vast resources on line. All of our current, upcoming practices, may be viewed here.
![]() Sacred Sounds, Sacred Earth The Sounds of the SHAMAN A 5 Day Shamanic Sacred Sound Retreat July, 2014 Therapeutic/Shamanic Sound practices, Sacred Ceremony for Healing the Earth and Each Other, Accessing Ancient Sitesand Earth Wisdom In Sacred Sounds, Sacred Earth, Songs of the Shaman, we will focus on how to use sound to enhance our private and professional lives. Then, we shall, also, stretch out into nature, to work with the elements and ancient sites. And, we shall learn to enter ceremonial states, for the benefit of the Earth, with the Great Grandfather drum(s) we use in our practices. In LIONSGATE: Awakening the Dragon, we shall enter pristine natural and ancient ceremonial sites every day, bathe in exquisite mountain lakes, and waterfalls, and, hike the high peaks of Vermont and New Hampshire, which form a perfect Star Tetrahedron. Don’t be too concerned, we do not do so much climbing, and really, not that much hiking, see our itinerary and logistics for explanations of such things.) We pamper ourselves in the evenings with great lodging and meals in prestigious retreats and inns, wherever possible. And, we ‘seed’ the potential of ‘heaven on earth’ into a living prayer wheel created through our work, in collaboration with the elemental forces of nature, and the high holy beings guiding our work. It is a journey of great personal discovery, empowerment, rejuvenation, and healing which we experience, followed by an act of incredible service to the planet, as called upon, by these elemental beings, drawing upon the dragon currents of living energies which carry the power of our work from all dimensional spaces we have worked in, for the entire week, into the womb of the Mother, through one of the ceremonial chambers, to gestate these seeds of potential, for the benefit of All. And, our my upcoming School of Sound
Healing, a year long training beginning in September, you may enter very
heightened states of awareness and experience, learning to work with therapeutic
and ceremonial sound healing methods, for self realization and healing, and/or
for developing or furthering a healing practice for others, utilizing all
principals of understanding, of the use of instruments, voice, intention and
awareness, with awakened states of guided intuition. I pray you may join us. Ongoing, in Depth Experiential Trainings into the use of Therapeutic Sound Healing And, I look forward to sharing more
about all of this with you, in the future~!
Many blessings Zacciah You may, also, see prior articles, and meditative practices,
with the Power of Illumination, Light, and the Solar Principle, here. (Scroll all articles to see add'l articles with meditative practices.) ________________________________________
©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
The Center of Light
All Rights Reserved
may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as
long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included. (image
credits: Most images in this article are, c Zacciah;
Space photos, NASA; Magdalene, unknown artist, images of Seraphim and QuanYin unknown origin.)![]() So
much is occurring in our collective field at this time. Come and
find places of balance, restoration, renewal and vigor, and seeds
worthy of planting.
All Practices _________________________________________
(For more on this, read some of our last messages from the Earth, earlier articles about earth wisdom and resonance, some with easy meditative practices, and mp3 downloads)
is an elemental grace which the Earth exudes. We have the power to step
into it. We have the elemental right and responsibility to do so. It is
inherent within us. The Elemental Grace and Wisdom of our Divine
Origins.It is our Birth Right.
Claim it. ![]() Join us in our upcoming programs! This message is free to share privately and publicly, with acknowledgement below, if given in full and not altered. It may not be used for commercial purposes without complete written consent by its author. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light (A recent article, with a free download in MP3 format, of its meditation is available here. The same restrictions apply to the audio sample.) I share many blessings with each of you. more articles soon to come! -------------------------------------------------- See our latest newsletter here. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light, All Rights Reserved You may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included: Thank you. Zacciah Blackburn, PhD; The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 See latest class listings here The New Earth Programs for Authentic Self Discovery, Empowerment, and Self Realization In VT, NY, MA, CAN, EUROPE, elsewhere ![]() Go to our class lists for our latest listings.
________________________________________________ ALL CLASSES HERE ©2013-14 Zacciah Blackburn This message may be reproduced and shared as long as the content of the article itself is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 Fax: 802.674.9586 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound, and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings, and how to develop that nature. He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network, & co-founder & Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations working for global peace. He is, also, a founding board member of the Sound and Music Alliance. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See, his primary website, for further information. Blessings reign upon us all, and are open to us all at any time we choose to put our awareness there. May it be true for all peoples of the Earth. Zacciah More about Living Earth, Living Relations, the Taripay Pacha, the Q'ero, and the Inka Seed, HERE, and HERE. Zacciah will add to these articles in near future times. In the meantime, look at our Earth Energies, Earth Mysteries practices here, including sacred tours in Vermont, France, and Peru, in 2011. See our many Articles on the Earth Mysteries, Sacred Sound, Human Consciousness, and These Times of Great Awakening and Transformation, here. This message may be reproduced and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See for further information. ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. ______________________________________ See our next program in the series of Egyptian Studies at: The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We welcome your requests for additional information regarding these programs. Zacciah, and Staff The ![]() ![]() Stone
Canyon, Vermont
Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt Most of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase. Some images may not be, and are attributed where known. Contact us at or 802.674.9585 | ![]() | ||||||
![]() "Awaiting Ra', Gifts of the Sun, Mexico ![]() The Ancestors Remind Us ![]() Gifts of the Earth ![]() Gifts of The Realms of Pure Light and Sound ![]() Gateway at Amaru Muru, Peru ![]() Gifts of the New Sun, Solstice stone chamber, VT "Star Cathedral, temple of knowledge; home to the Invisible Libraries" See: Gifts of the Earth ![]() Prayers of Remembrance, Egypt ![]() Earth Mysteries, the Ancient Dragon Beings ![]() Apu Ascutney, a once great 27,000' Volcano, The "Grandfather" mountain of this region. ![]() Mill Brook, on the Center's Property "I will nourish you" ![]() Sacred Stones, Ancient Gorge, VT | |||||||
![]() Sacred Geometries in Nature ![]() The Ancient Study of the Geometries of Life ![]() Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia ![]() Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals, or Chakras ![]() Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England ![]() Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru ![]() Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky Stonehenge, UK |
![]() courtesy CymaticsSource ![]() Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries ![]() Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky ![]() Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky ![]() A Return to Beauty, VT ![]() Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru | |||||||
![]() Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT ![]() Approaching Stone Chamber, VT offerings made ![]() Right attitude: Prayers for the Earth ![]() Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light ![]() Guardians of the Mysteries ![]() Celestial Realities Eagle Nebula, NASA ![]() Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT | |||||||
![]() Winter Solstice Chamber, VT ![]() Sounding the Mysteries, Austria | |||||||
![]() Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber, Cornwall, England ![]() pathway to a stone chamber, VT | |||||||
![]() Machu Picchu, Peru | |||||||
Blackburn, PhD, is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic
traditions, and sacred sound cultures.
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, &
Co-Founder of the
World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.
Zacciah Blackburn, The
P.O. Box 389, Hidden
Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030 USA
Phone: 802-674-9585 Fax: 802-674-9586
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