The Solar Principle:
The Divine Masculine An Article, and Meditative Practice ~~Zacciah Blackburn, PhD 03.30.14 Those of us whom have followed this work, know that we have both
spoken a great deal about the Divine Feminine, and, equally called upon the
Principles of the Divine Feminine to awaken and restore within us, places of
Beauty, Balance, Reverence for all of Creation, and Joy. We are in a time of profound re-awakening and re-emergence
of the Principles of the Divine Feminine.
In our lifetimes, there have been remarkable growth through the Feminist
movement, the movement toward gender equality, the re-emergence of the wisdom
of many of our planets’ Goddess cultures, Earth ecology and wisdom, the rise of
indigenous wisdom, and the need for, and restoration of, balance and respect of
the intuitive and feeling principles of our existence in partnership with the
cognitive, rational, science based predominant male culture of the last era. However, this re-emergence is about discovering balance,
Harmony, and our place in the Universe.
As part of that balance, there, also needs to be a balance and
restoration of the Principles of the Divine Masculine, within us, and within
our culture. While we may have grown and
persevered in an era of masculine domination, it has been anything but a
reverential balance of the Principles of the Divine Male. It has been more of an abhorrence and misuse
of power, an ignorance of, and often intolerance for, intuitive based wisdom
and guidance, and a dismissal if not downright oppression of the Love and Coherence
of the Heart, and its wisdom of Compassion.
Even though Western culture’s ‘religious’ principles have been based on
love (God is Love, Love your neighbors as
yourself, etc.,) as we all know, they have been disseminated with little
love, compassion, or understanding, in the global pursuit for dominance and
power based on false security through that domination, whether through misprints of power, wealth,
or sexual and racial domination. As we integrate the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, it is
equally time to step into our powers derived through understanding, wisdom, and
reverential use of the Principles of the Divine Masculine. As many of us know, we each have the faculties of the Divine
Feminine and Masculine powers of consciousness within us. These are intended to be an integral Matrix
of Creation, in which both forces are understood and used in reverential
balance and harmony, in pursuit, and manifestation, of our own principles and ideals
of life. While each of us may focus on
particular Ideals which are not the pursuit of others within our family,
neighborhood, culture, or society, it is up to each of us to determine, and
manifest those Ideals within our own lives. Indeed, as expressed through the principles of every single
wisdom school on this planet, it is the perfect union of Male and Female
Principles, which are the very force and manifestation of Creation. And, this is true at the highest levels of
Creation, as well as within the template of our own Matrix of Creation, in our
own individual lives. We each have these, and may discover and utilize them very
easily, and simply. It is important to
note, that neither exists without the other, and nothing exists in manifest
form without both in perfect harmony and union.
Or, I may need to clarify that.
What exists in each of our lives which appears out of balance, is due,
in large part to these aspects of consciousness which are not in perfect
harmony and balance within us. And, to
find those places of perfect symmetry and balance, are easy to discover, and
utilize. I am going to speak to this,
now. However, I am going to focus on
aspects of the Divine Masculine, as it is my perception that this has been
overlooked in our society, as well as in the modern movement for transformation
and Wholeness. Indeed, it may well be
that it is the Divine Masculine which is most of balance, and needs focus upon
the most healing, within these two principles.
Indeed, it is my observation, that this why many rooms devoted to
spiritual development have a disproportionate number of attendees of women over
men. It makes me deeply concerned that
men, overall, are not doing the work at the quality and level of women, in
general, in our society. Though, also, I
do see that women who do this work, will draw to them the masculine qualities
of balance, within, as without, as they understand and articulate these
qualities through their lives. (I do not
mean that this is something which need be said out loud. Rather, it is through one’s inner stance of
wisdom and awareness, and manifestation of these principles through one’s life
choices and actions, that the Law of Correspondence, (As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without,) and the Law of
Attraction shall take hold. In more
explicit elocution, as one example, if I sought a balanced relationship with a
balanced male partner, I should think I would more easily draw that to me, by
focusing on those very principles of balance of male and female within me.) So what are those Principles, of the Divine Masculine? Above, I quickly stated a few areas of
understanding of the male principle:
that of activation, warming, illumination, and transformation. If I want an easy way to view the Principles
of the Divine Masculine embodied before me, I might look to the sun, as wisdom
cultures have from Egyptian times to those of Native America. If I wanted to view the Principles of the
Divine Feminine embodied before me, I would look to the nature of the Earth or
Moon. And while both are considered the
elocution of those principles, I personally, see the gestative and nurturing
qualities of the Divine Feminine more directly in the rich tapestry of
manifestation upon the Earth, though the Moon definitely holds key elements of
Feminine Wisdom through its cycles and silver illumination of what might
otherwise be dark and fathomless. The Masculine is the Electric Principle of Activation and
Information/Germination. Though both principles may have elements of each of these,
in general, the Solar is that which warms, magnifies, illumines, informs, and
transforms. The Lunar is that which
receives, contains and gestates, nurturing the unseen into form and
manifestation. Each contains the essence
of the other within it, as graphically symbolized by the swirling arc of the
Yin and Yang, black and white, one both emerging from, and, merging into the
other, with the eye/essence of the other (white and black) within each’s body . I can look at the seed and egg in the human
fertility cycle to also see these principles.
Without both, neither gives life.
The seed seeks out and germinates, activates the egg, with its
potential, and imprints of consciousness (templates.) The Egg rests, until it receives the
activating codes of the seed, then gestates them into life, in complement with
its own encodings, holding within it the nutrients (life force) necessary to
perform this action, and contain it within a protective and nurturing womb
until it is ripe for birth and manifestation. In esoteric terms, the Masculine and Feminine are the nature
of Consciousness and Life Force. In
Vedic wisdom, for instance, it is Shiva, the fundamental Consciousness of the
Universe, and Shakti, the elemental Life Force of All Creation. It is the perfect union of Shiva and Shakti
which manifests all form. This is often
depicted in the tantric/sexual union of these two, which represents all of this. But, it is, also, seen through the
preponderance of Light as shown in the Sri Yantra, the visual spectrum of
Creation, and Sound, as heard in the sound of Ohm, which embodies the Vedic
wisdom of “Nada Brahma,” that “All is Sound.”
It is the Movement (Sound of Life force, energy, vibration, Shakti) and Consciousness
(Light Template held in thought, the Mind, and intent, Shiva,) when yoked, in
perfect union, that manifest into All Life.
Without Life Force, Consciousness cannot move, grow, or manifest through action. It will dissolve, evaporate. Without Consciousness, Life Force has no
direction, it does not know where to go, and dissipates or stagnates. With Consciousness, Life Force has that template,
a blueprint, to build upon. It has
something to direct its energy toward, to which it can give birth. With Life Force, Consciousness has the energy
it needs to manifest the blueprint it holds.
Its vision can become reality. The birthing creates the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit, lost to modern translation,
is the voice of the Divine Spirit, ready to manifest in perfect union with the
Divine Consciousness, that which the two, entwined, conceive. This was known in ancient times, as seen in the
Divine Spirit of the Shekinah, the Divine Feminine resting within the High
Altar, the Voice of the Beloved. The
Holy Son is whatever we hold our distinct intention upon. To imagine it is based in one gender is a misnomer,
and misunderstanding of the Divine Nature of Creation. In more simplistic human terms, this is the realm of Thought
(Male Principle) and Feeling/Emotions (Female Principle,) in which we create
and manifest in our lives. If we do not
like the world around us, change our thoughts and feelings, the template of our
Matrix of Creation, and we shall change the world. However, I have come more and more to the realization, of
the lacking of symmetry of embracing and acknowledging, reverentially, the
nature of the Divine Masculine, and the need for its activating principles of
Light, Transformation, Illumination and Wisdom.
The power of Fire, and Electricity.
That Lightning Bolt of Illumination, seen in wisdom cultures from the
literal Lightning Bolt of Native American medicine societies, to the Vajra
Diamond Light of Tibetan Buddhism. My
guides and teachers in the inner realms have more and more distinctly brought
forward teachings about this symmetry. It is through holding and embracing pure imprints of
consciousness, thought, intent, and good will toward others that we transform and
heal, in relationship to acting from principles of coherent emotion. The more coherent and pure we can build this
platform of thought and feeling, the more we shall create this in our lives,
and in the world around us. Utilizing the dynamic Electric Principles of Light will
bring us into rapid cleansing, healing, and awakening and ascension, or, self
realization. We shall be utilizing these direct Principles, as guided by
High Wisdom Keepers of the Council of Elders and Holy Beings from whom this
work is derived, in our next practice, in May, Igniting the Soul. We hope you can join us.
Many blessings, Zacciah A Meditative Practice Recommended allotment:
10-20 minutes, though the benefit of this practice can be derived in
shorter and longer durations. Lightening of the Sun. Come to a restful,
upright posture. If you are indoors, it
is preferable to be near or in direct sunlight, such as by a window. If outdoors, also, it is preferable to be in
or near direct sunlight. This is not
mandatory to use this practice. You can
do it anywhere, at any time, in daylight, other light, in the dark, or beneath
a night sky. In these latter cases, you
will simply need to use your power of awareness and imagination to create the
affect of the Sun. But, this is easy to
do, as any of us have used our imagination many times, and perceived an affect
by so doing. Come to a restful posture, sitting upright. It is fine to lean back against a tree, or in
a chair or sofa, etc. Feel, or imagine
the sun above you. Imagine if you can,
that it is directly overhead. If it were actually at an angle, cascading onto your back or
neck, take a few moments, or minutes, first, to feel it as it is in this
present experience. Allow yourself to
relax into and ‘entrain’ to that feeling experience for a while, feeling the
sun as it actually is at this moment in time.
If it is dark or cloudy, again, simply use your imagination. Then slowly, migrate your awareness to the
crown, at the top of the head, and imagine the sun is directly overhead, and
the sunlight is cascading directly down upon your head, through the crown
center, at the top of your head, and cascading down into your body. At some point, let some part of your awareness move down
into the Earth below you, through your pelvis, tailbone, root center, and/or
bottoms of your feet, directly into the Earth, or through the floor, as if you
were resting directly upon the Earth.
Simply, allow, for some time, some part of your awareness to move down,
to connect, to some degree, to the Earth below, then bring your awareness back
up to this ‘gathering vessel’ in your body.
Continue to gather feeling and energy here for some period of time. Then, slowly, migrate your awareness back up to the sun, and
down again. As you do so, this time, imagine the sun is cascading out,
in arcs around you, as if the sunlight is forming a dome, much like a domed
cathedral. You are sitting in the middle
of this dome. The sun is at its zenith,
its highest point, directly over you.
And, the light of the sun is cascading out in arches around you,
creating the form of the dome, as well as continuing to cascade down directly
into your body, through the crown, into this region of the body we are calling
your gathering vessel. Rest here, as long as you wish to, in this arced dome of
Pure Light and Warmth. Focus primarily
upon the Receptacle in your body, simultaneously, with the Sun as the Source of
Light above you, within this Arc. Allow
yourself to experience, through the feeling states, any intuitive awareness
which arises. You might notice, for
instance, the charging, warming, illuminating, or transformative nature and
power of the Sun, and, its Light, or, Fire.
What do you perceive? Does joy or
some other quality arise? Allow your self
to perceive it, and drink it fully into this gathering region of the body. You can end the practice here. If you wish to continue to a more advanced stage of the
practice, continue reading. This practice may germinate awareness of intuitive insight
which arises, including a more ‘indigenous’ understanding of the Living
Energies and Consciousness of the Sun, Our Body, and The Earth. In indigenous wisdom, this correlates to the “Three
Worlds” of Creation, becoming a vessel, an axis between the three is a conduit
for great experiential learning and understanding. For some of us, this practice may bring up any combination
of intuitive wisdom, vision and insight, direct revelational states from the
celestial realms, or some deeper aspects of our own inner consciousness waiting
to be healed. Either way, the remainder
of the practice can be of great benefit, utilizing the Intelligent Wisdom and
Activating/Electric Principles of the Sun. While resting, allow your awareness to, more and more, simultaneously
focus upon the Receptacle in your body, with the Sun as the Source of Light
above you. Allow your awareness to germinate a distinct difference, or distance,
between your Receptacle and the Sun.
What are you perceiving in each focal point? And, in the distance between them? Allow your intuitive wisdom, perception, and
insight to notice your subtle impressions of consciousness through the feeling
states of the practice. Do not get too
engaged in a cognitive or analytical process, just notice what you perceive. Again, rest in this awhile. As you do this, at some point, bring up a point of insight,
a question in which you wish greater clarity, or something which has arisen
during the process that you would like to heal.
Perhaps an unresolved emotional situation has come up, a past or current
relationship issue, or an insight into self-awareness, or motivations behind
your actions, either that are encouraging or disappointing you in your life
journey. Perhaps there is some part of
your life you have been trying to change, or something you have been wanting to
more fully realize, awaken, or create. Allow this ‘inquiry’ to form in the region of your heart, in
your solar plexus, or in the ‘gathering vessel’ you have been utilizing. If there is another chakra, or energy center,
of your body, in which this ‘inquiry’ wishes to form, simply allow it to focalize
it there. NOW, in the next moment, allow an arc of the Sun to pass
into the space in which you are holding this inquiry, and ILLUMINE or TRANSFORM
We will be using aspects of this practice, with additional tools,
and sacred sound meditations, and World Healing Service, to rejuvenate, heal,
and Ignite Our Awakened Soul, in our May, 2014 practice. All of our current, upcoming practices, may be viewed here.
Many blessings Zacciah You may, also, see prior articles, and meditative practices,
with the Power of Illumination, Light, and the Solar Principle, here. (Scroll all articles to see add'l articles with meditative practices.) ________________________________________
©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
The Center of Light
All Rights Reserved
may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as
long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included. (image
credits: Image of Hat'or with her hands out: Hathor, by Dawn
Wilson-Enoch; the stone Hathor is from my Egyptian photos, w/ a little
photoshop doctoring. , woman in desert: Dawn
Wilson-Enoch; flowers and Egyptian photos, c Zacciah;
Space photo, NASA; Magdalene, unknown artist, image from Zacciah's
photo, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco.)![]() So
much is occurring in our collective field at this time. Come and
find places of balance, restoration, renewal and vigor, and seeds
worthy of planting.
Our next main practice: Igniting the Soul May 3-4, 2014, Chester VT All Practices _________________________________________
(For more on this, read some of our last messages from the Earth, earlier articles about earth wisdom and resonance, some with easy meditative practices, and mp3 downloads)
is an elemental grace which the Earth exudes. We have the power to step
into it. We have the elemental right and responsibility to do so. It is
inherent within us. The Elemental Grace and Wisdom of our Divine
Origins.It is our Birth Right.
Claim it. ![]() Join us in our upcoming programs! ![]() This message is free to share privately and publicly, with acknowledgement below, if given in full and not altered. It may not be used for commercial purposes without complete written consent by its author. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light (A recent article, with a free download in MP3 format, of its meditation is available here. The same restrictions apply to the audio sample.) I share many blessings with each of you. more articles soon to come! -------------------------------------------------- See our latest newsletter here. ©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light, All Rights Reserved You may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included: Thank you. Zacciah Blackburn, PhD; The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 See latest class listings here The New Earth Programs for Authentic Self Discovery, Empowerment, and Self Realization In VT, NY, MA, CAN, EUROPE, elsewhere ![]() Go to our class lists for our latest listings.
________________________________________________ ALL CLASSES HERE ©2013-14 Zacciah Blackburn This message may be reproduced and shared as long as the content of the article itself is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 Fax: 802.674.9586 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound, and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings, and how to develop that nature. He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network, & co-founder & Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations working for global peace. He is, also, a founding board member of the Sound and Music Alliance. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See, his primary website, for further information. Blessings reign upon us all, and are open to us all at any time we choose to put our awareness there. May it be true for all peoples of the Earth. Zacciah More about Living Earth, Living Relations, the Taripay Pacha, the Q'ero, and the Inka Seed, HERE, and HERE. Zacciah will add to these articles in near future times. In the meantime, look at our Earth Energies, Earth Mysteries practices here, including sacred tours in Vermont, France, and Peru, in 2011. See our many Articles on the Earth Mysteries, Sacred Sound, Human Consciousness, and These Times of Great Awakening and Transformation, here. This message may be reproduced and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See for further information. ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. ______________________________________ See our next program in the series of Egyptian Studies at: The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We welcome your requests for additional information regarding these programs. Zacciah, and Staff The ![]() ![]() Stone
Canyon, Vermont
Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt Most of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase. Some images may not be, and are attributed where known. Contact us at or 802.674.9585 | |||||||
![]() "Awaiting Ra', Gifts of the Sun, Mexico ![]() The Ancestors Remind Us ![]() Gifts of the Earth ![]() Gifts of The Realms of Pure Light and Sound ![]() Gateway at Amaru Muru, Peru ![]() Gifts of the New Sun, Solstice stone chamber, VT "Star Cathedral, temple of knowledge; home to the Invisible Libraries" See: Gifts of the Earth ![]() Prayers of Remembrance, Egypt ![]() Earth Mysteries, the Ancient Dragon Beings ![]() Apu Ascutney, a once great 27,000' Volcano, The "Grandfather" mountain of this region. ![]() Mill Brook, on the Center's Property "I will nourish you" ![]() Sacred Stones, Ancient Gorge, VT | |||||||
![]() Sacred Geometries in Nature ![]() The Ancient Study of the Geometries of Life ![]() Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia ![]() Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals, or Chakras ![]() Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England ![]() Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru ![]() Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky Stonehenge, UK |
![]() courtesy CymaticsSource ![]() Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries ![]() Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky ![]() Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky ![]() A Return to Beauty, VT ![]() Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru | |||||||
![]() Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT ![]() Approaching Stone Chamber, VT offerings made ![]() Right attitude: Prayers for the Earth ![]() Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light ![]() Guardians of the Mysteries ![]() Celestial Realities Eagle Nebula, NASA ![]() Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT | |||||||
![]() Winter Solstice Chamber, VT ![]() Sounding the Mysteries, Austria | |||||||
![]() Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber, Cornwall, England ![]() pathway to a stone chamber, VT | |||||||
![]() Machu Picchu, Peru | |||||||
Blackburn, PhD, is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic
traditions, and sacred sound cultures.
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, &
Co-Founder of the
World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.
Zacciah Blackburn, The
P.O. Box 389, Hidden
Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030 USA
Phone: 802-674-9585 Fax: 802-674-9586
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