Healing: A
Therapeutic Tool for the Future!
![]() Sound Healing is the new buzz word in complementary therapy. Sound healing therapies are being incorporated into traditional and non-traditional healing practices, more and more, from one’s own meditation room, to practitioners utilizing traditional massage, reiki, acupuncture, shamanism, nutrition, psychology, and standard medical practices. One heart surgeon recently was reported to say, “Any surgeon not using music (therapy) in the operating room is simply being negligent,” because he has found it so significantly effective in his patients recovery. Some say ‘sound healing is the new yoga’, meaning that it will soon be practiced everywhere. What is it? Have you heard of sound healing yet? If not, you soon will. Sound healing can be defined as the intentional use of sound or music to bring about enhanced states of wellness in our physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual being. Therapists and clinicians are using it, because sound healing works. Sound methods vary from the simple use of music for relaxation or invigoration, to tuning forks, technological devices, drumming, crystal bowls, chanting, and ‘toning.’ Sound is the vibrational nature of our human structure, from our energetic (subtle) bodies, to our physiological and sub-atomic form. Modern physics is, ![]() Sound therapies work, because, at an elemental nature, we vibrate in syncopated rhythm, and harmonic proportions, to all life. There are underlying principals of energy and life force, just coming into understanding through modern medicine and quantum physics. Though not fully accepted, some of the most unifying theorems in modern physics (those which tie together the differing behaviors of form and particles at gross physical {Newtonian} and subtle physical {quantum} levels of existence,) suggest that matter is composed of tiny filaments which vibrate at differing rates, creating the difference in atomic structures of plant, mineral, animal, and all forms of life. The thought that the whole earth is a song is no longer considered far from the truth. Other studies are examining the unified states of existence, and the nature of life and ![]() The very foundation of western music, attributed primarily to Pythagoras, actually has its roots in earlier cultures, such as In modern times, growing study and experimentation has been placed on a variety of sound healing modalities. Music Therapy was determined to be a highly beneficial therapeutic tool just after World War II. Today, it is taught in medical colleges, a ![]() ![]() ![]() This is one form of ‘toning’, which we all have experienced, and can easily use. Just as an infant cries when experiencing pain, then is ‘all better’ the very next moment, playing joyfully again, as if nothing occurred, by giving voice to the pain or trauma we experience, it is not stored in our neurology or tissue, and we are healed. Mystics, shamans, and modern ‘intuitive healers’ can see this trauma, stored, not only in tissue, but in our ‘energy bodies’. They would suggest that, over time, this keeps the natural rhythm of our energetic system from moving freely, causing blocks and restrictions. Our attitudes and beliefs tie into this, from feeling wounded, victimized, traumatized unjustly, to being taught that we are not worthy of the great significance we hold as human beings, children of the Divine. By giving voice to our pent-up feelings, we can create great release of stress and wounding. By honoring the ![]() Some sound practitioners utilize “sacred sound”, which varies in meaning, beginning with those who call upon the Divine nature of creation through traditional chants, and mantras. Some languages are said to hold the very nature of that which is spoken in the sound of the word itself. Thus, calling upon that which is held as sacred, in a devotional manner, can bring about a sense of connection to the Divine, and create joyous states of wellness and ecstasy. Some of the more mystical sound healers utilize advanced techniques of meditation and ‘subtle’ awareness, to couple with those energies they hold as ‘pure’ or ‘divine’, and give voice to them, much like a channel giving a reading of ‘other beings.’ This can cause incredible feeling states of wellness and connection to the sacred, in mystical experiences. ![]() No matter what your belief system, or spiritual discipline, you will find a growing number of practitioners incorporating sound therapies, modalities, techniques, and technologies which can assist you in enhancing your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness. A quick search of “sound healing” on line can bring you in touch with numerous individuals, clinics, schools, and organizations using sound in therapeutic practice. ------------------------------------------------------------ This message may be copied and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. ![]() Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Zacciah Blackburn, PhD Director, The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies 802.674.9585 ©2008 Zacciah Blackburn Image credits in order of appearance: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, Cymatics wave form, courtesy Erik Larsen, The Chakra system, Attuning the Chakras training with sound: Sound Healing Instruments, crystal and Tibetan bowls, gongs, drums, flutes, and more: Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, oncologist using sound Tuning Forks, Sacred Sound Ceremonies, Center of Light Sound Healing Trainings: Yak Butter Lamps, photograpy of Zacciah, images must be used with permission and credits ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. _________________________________________ The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We
welcome your requests for additional information
regarding these programs. Zacciah,
and Staff |
The Center of Light
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