The Center of Light, Zacciah Blackburn
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The Sacred Masculine

Calling the Men

(about the nature of the work, and the workshop)
                       ~~Zacciah Blackburn

Though the topic of this article is the Sacred Masculine, I invite all of us to read it, share it with others, do all we can to awaken the principles of life and light which illuminate the world, bring nourishment and sustainability to all, and promote the cycles of life. 

Awakening the Sacred Masculine is a 4 day retreat in Leyden MA, designed to bring us to a deeper understanding of our nature, essence, and purpose as men in this time.

Much is being written and said about men and masculinity in this time of "No More."

Our story, as men, has too often been written by poor examples of manhood, who are wounded warriors or men who do not stand in their truth or essence, of the spirit of the true Sacred Masculine, much less in balance or honoring of their full self, including the intuitive, heartfelt, open and receptive aspects of our manhood.  Often they are suffering in their own wounds and afflictions, and cannot see the affliction they cause others.  The psyche of the wounded male is bringing us to the brink of extinguishing life as we know on this Sacred Earth, in part, because they cannot honor or value the Sacred Feminine, much less their own sanctity as men or human beings.
We can hold them in compassion, but must discover the richer aspects of our own selves which we hold in dignity and wholeness, and bring those forward in our every day lives and actions.
This is something greatly needed in our society.
But, as you know, as men, it is perhaps even more needed.
We have been sorely lacking for true understanding of our nature and how to reach or express it, as well as having good role models, guidance, a sense of belonging in a greater community.

We hold multiple aspects of life and wisdom within us, and waking, honoring, and restoring balance within our inner psyche is a major point of awakening and claiming our Divinity within.
Yet, it is we who must define, honor, and align with these principles.

I am offering this workshop to give us, as men, the space and opportunity to explore our true essence, without pre-defining it.  I also wish to offer to us, as a community of men, a safe environ, to be able to open to all aspects of our masculinity and our wounds and suffering, without judgment or disgrace, to look for our essential nature, and bring it forward with healing and restoration, in balance and harmony with every aspect of our being.

It is up to us.  And, it is time we, as men, took our place in the new society and the New Earth, as men of integrity, balance, and grace, who honor the roles of both Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine, within us, and within our society, and within nature, as equal genders and partners in this new Awakening.
It is up to each of us to take our standard, and do our part in this awakening.

I invite you to come and join others of like men ready to do this work.
This work offers authentic and effective methods for deep healing, insight, and transformation, as well as revelation into our true essence, or nature.  This allows us to reach our full potential, and meet our greater purpose here. 

I also invite you to share this with other men who might be ready to do this work, or who would benefit from participating.

The retreat is held in the sacred container of the SpiritFire Retreat Center, an intentional center that mindfully holds and sustains the spirit of  uplifting joy for humanity to explore, discover and celebrate our authentic nature within.  It is a pristine 95 acre site with excellent facilities for our meeting place, overnight lodging, extra-ordinarily supportive staff, and gourmet natural meals to do our work within.

This retreat is for those truly ready to do the work, who are ready to step into their authentic power and knowing of Self as a Divine Being, a reflection of the Sacred Masculine, who is not afraid of meeting his own wounding or shadow, and prepared to step into a community of like minded men who wish to bring this world to a greater place, to a place of knowing and honoring all life, all peoples, all genders as equal and deserving of a place in the Council of Humanity.
For those interested in doing the work, I invite you to read more here, as well as share this information with those who might benefit from this work:

The Sacred Masculine, men's retreat & workshop

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©2018 Zacciah Blackburn
The Center of Light 
All Rights Reserved 
You may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included.

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Empowerments for
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November 3-4, 2018
NewsBank Conference Ctr
Chester, VT

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Ottawa Canada
September 18-23, 2018
Leyden, MA
April 9-14, 2019

School of Sound Healing
Sound, Healing and Consciousness,
an in depth 6 day retreat
on the nature of healing with sound.
At Spiritfire Retreat Center
(This practice is full but will be repeated in Fall in US or Canada, contact us.)
An Advanced Level Outdoor Earth Mysteries Retreat.  Program now open
Awakening the Dragon!
LionsGate: Awakening the Dragon
(8 days, not 7)
August 11-19, 2018


Join us in our
 advanced level retreat

Honoring the Mother of Us All
 in Ottawa, CAN

March 22nd-25th, 2018


   New:  Men's RetreatSacred Men's retreat  Empowering us with the true essence
     of the Sacred Masculine
       July 5-8, 2018
         Leyden, MA

There is an elemental grace which the Earth exudes. We have the power to step into it. We have the elemental right and responsibility to do so. It is inherent within us. The Elemental Grace and Wisdom of our Divine Origins.It is our Birth Right.

Claim it.
This message is free to share privately and publicly, with acknowledgement below, if given in full and not altered. It may not be used for commercial purposes without complete written consent by its author.
©2014 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light

(A recent article, with a free download in MP3 format, of its meditation is available here. The same restrictions apply to the audio sample.)
I share many blessings with each of you.
Many blessings,

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Programs for Authentic Self Discovery, Empowerment, and Self Realization
In VT, NY, MA, CAN, EUROPE, elsewhere
Go to our class lists for up to date listings.
Watch in our next newsletters for our full announcements of our upcoming  Practices to engage in the New Earth, of which we each have a part.


Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness.
We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you.
Our School of Sound Healing teaches these practices.  Watch for our next article on the art of Sacred Sound, and how to attune to heightened states of consciousness, embrace, embody and voice them.

And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes.


The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with  Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations.
We welcome your requests for additional information regarding these programs.

Zacciah, and Staff
Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
Canyon gorge, Vermont                                                Horus' Gifts                    
Stone Canyon, Vermont                                                                                    Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt

Many of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase.
Some images may not be, and are attributed where known.
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revelations, stone chamber, vermont  
Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT

City of Light,Vermont Practices
Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT

Approaching the Calendar II Stone Chamber, Vermont
Approaching Stone Chamber, VT
offerings made
Sacred Earth Ceremony
Right attitude:  
Prayers for the Earth

Diamond Light
Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light

Guardians of the Mysteries

Eagle Nebula, NASA
Celestial Realities
Eagle Nebula, NASA

 Mt Mansfield sunset
Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT
Awakening Ra, Saluting the Sun
"Awaiting Ra',
Gifts of the Sun, Mexico

The Ancestors
The Ancestors Remind Us

The Gifts
Gifts of the Earth 
Gifts of The Realms of Pure Light and Sound

Amaru Muru, Peru
Gateway at Amaru Muru, Peru

The Doorway at Calendar II Stone Chamber in Vermont 
Gifts of the New Sun, Solstice stone chamber, VT
"Star Cathedral, temple of knowledge;
home to the Invisible Libraries"
See:  Gifts of the Earth

Prayers of Remembrance, Egypt

Earth Mysteries, the Ancient Dragon Beings

 Apu Ascutney, a once great 27,000' Volcano,
The "Grandfather" mountain of this region.

Mill Brook, Ascutney, VT
Mill Brook, on the Center's Property
"I will nourish you"

 Wall of Stone, Sacred Canyon, Vermont 
Sacred Stones, Ancient Gorge, VT
Spirit in the Fogue, Stone Chamber, Cornwall, England
Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber,
Cornwall, England

Calendar II Stone Chamber, Vermont
pathway to a stone chamber, VT

Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, Peru 
Sacred Geometries in Nature
Sacred Geometries in Nature
Geometries of Nature, 2
The Ancient Study of the Geometries of Life

Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

the chakras
Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals,
or Chakras
  stone gate keepers
Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT

Gateway Stones
Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England

Q'ero, Prayer Ceremony, Tipon, Peru
Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru

Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky
Stonehenge, UK 
Solstice Sunrise, Calendar II Stone Chamber, Vermont
Winter Solstice Chamber, VT

Sounding in Boden Austria
Sounding the Mysteries, Austria


Return to Beauty
A Return to Beauty, VT

Qero, Peru, Tipon Temple
Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru
courtesy CymaticsSource

Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries

Sacred Geometries
Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky

 Living Relations
Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky


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Zacciah Blackburn is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. 
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network,  &
Co-Founder of
the World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.

                                                                           Zacciah Blackburn,  The Center of Light

P.O. Box 389, Hidden Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030    USA           

Phone: 802-674-9585   Fax: 802-674-9586 

 E-mail:      Home Site:

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For Zacciah's background in studies and experience, click here.

The  Center of Light
Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
Zacciah Blackburn, Director
220 Hidden Glen Rd.
P.O. Box 389
Ascutney, VT  05030  USA

Phone: (802) 674-9585
Fax: (802) 674-9586
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