![]() Extraordinary Programs in Spiritual Development, Personal Growth, Sound and Earth Healing Working for the Evolution of Personal and Planetary Consciousness Center of Light Home Page * Workshops & Classes * School of Sound Healing * Earth Mystery / Shamanic Programs The School of Spiritual Development: The Illumination of Consciousness Newsletter * Contact * Registration in Programs International Programs, Europe & elsewhere * The Great Awakening, Info and Program links Esoteric Trainings |
FEEDBACK FROM PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS We wish to provide some commentary from some of those whom have worked with us: (for in depth feedback from students in our Sound Healing Trainings, see this page.) I wanted to take a moment this moment, and send an appreciation. I attended your three-hearts meditation on Tuesday night, which was the second time. The first time was at one of your workshops just a few months earlier. I'd considered not going, but I'm glad i did. It reminded me that we can never have the same experience twice because we are continously growing and evolving. This time, I not only imagined the expansion, I actually felt it. That was something I could not quite get too last time. I understood (at least, this is what I got) that if I simply allowed myself to align with earths and universal energies, then I would find myself supported. I see you as someone as you as someone who allowed that experience of being all that you are. I can't put into words how much appreciate I have for that. It simply gives me hope. Regards, NG, CAN I was blessed with the opportunity to study sound healing with Zacciah at his Center of Light in Vermont. I made the long journey from Toronto to Vermont many times and it was worth every ounce of effort I made. Zacciah uses sound in a way that is absolutely soul-stirring. Every sound practice he led was an opportunity to go deep within and encounter both the obstacles to my growth and the potential to realize and experience my wholeness and holiness. Even when I did not understand exactly what was happening I always knew that something profound was taking place and a shift was being made deep within my consciousness. When Zacciah plays his singing bowl or his drum and sings it's as if a portal to another dimension opens and you are safely drawn into a higher realm of perceiving and being. It's hard to find the words to express the experience! It will be absolutely amazing to have Zacciah visit Toronto and share his gifts with us here. I want to thank you for the most profound experience at the
Transfiguration workshop last weekend.
-TB, CAN Profound is the best word to capture some of what I experienced.
-sm The first group of comments are from a class of approx 25 in a full day program at a professional conference. Program title: Building the Light Body, Program subject, Egyptian Mysticism: “A vast subject matter totally foreign to the beginner, explained simply as possible and as naturally as possible.” “Excellent” “Loved this day” “Good Stuff” “Zacciah is gifted in his teachings, Its been an honor to be part of this experience.” “Zacciah used people’s introductions to bring out and illustrate various teachings. A lot of good basic information shared. His vocal abilities are very impressive.” “I am extremely impressed and awed by Zacciah. My only comment is that he is so knowledgeable and has so much information that there was not enough time to get it all . I would love to explore more of his work and get what I could not get here.” “Very enjoyable” “This workshop is a must” “I attended a similar workshop by Zacciah last year. I knew this to be a “safe” place to explore, expand, allow and grow. Each workshop adds new dimensions. Keep him coming back.” “Great time! Thoroughly enjoyed myself” “Very thorough knowledge and experience. I hope he comes back next year!” “Therapeutic use of sound, explained easily and experienced thoroughly!” “Excellent! Inspirational! And Useful!!” “Zacciah is a great presenter. He works in the realm of integrity. Great workshop.” “Thank you, very beautiful. I loved it.” “Very skillful and knowledgeable… Expert!” (From a sound healers training:) Zacciah - I have been looking forward to writing this note of appreciation for the sound healers weekend. Indeed, the reverberations of our powerful work together has continued sounding in the days and weeks since then. I have returned from Scotland refreshed and eager to merge into a new life here. This state of heightened sensitivity and enthusiasm is due in part to the opening in awareness gathered from your class. I am impressed with your ability to fashion a learning/healing environment where each person is acknowledged and valued for their presence and participation. Your inclusive regard together with the power of sounding as a group draws the participants into a cohesive "family" from the outset, transcending boundaries and establishing a base frequency upon which growth can begin. In retrospect, it is clear to me that a certain humility underlies your effectiveness as a teacher. You seem comfortable in your role, yet transmit a feeling of being just one of the group as well. In our class you maintained a working balance between your teachings and time for personal sharing. The latter can sometimes drag a class afield of group intent and timely progress. Yet in no instance did anything feel irrelevant to me. You speak from the certainty of much experience in your work, yet you also credit your own teachers. This establishes an inclusive sense of lineage. Your assortment of instruments is impressive, indicating the depth of your involvement and investment in this work. The various soundings we did were among the most personal and powerful aspects of the class, as many would agree. But interestingly, for me the most important learning came in an exercise where we connected into the ba center and allowed qi to flow downward to the heart and out the palms. I was surprised at the volume of energy that came through my hands. I had "forgotten", but hold no doubt that this is a healing force available by connecting into that center. Thank you for this exercise. Much of the information you imparted was alive, vital and relevant. I appreciated your technique of eliciting responses and having them written down. This helped with note taking and review. The overall experience reawakened me to a world that is potent, primal and powerful. I enjoyed the feeling of being in the company of peers - we are all so weird. I love it; feels like family all hanging on the edge of uncharted territory with the courage to go forth in a spirit of adventure. You do a great job holding the energy. I am watching for indications that I may one day facilitate such a group. I have just begun teaching private music students. Never thought I would be called to teach. So thanks for your clear, loving work and the generosity of your spirit. It is a pleasure to be part of your ever widening circle of students and colleagues, brothers and sisters all. Stay well. -cr I believe I can sense a genuine, spiritually grounded and gifted healer when I see one.... Such is a man by the name of Zacciah Blackburn.... If I may, I would STRONGLY urge you to take time to review his website, i.e., if you would like to introduce to your community someone who offers deep spiritual shamanic practices and training in the art of Sound Healing, as well as, musical educational programs incorporating his knowledge of world music, native world instruments and philosophy to children of all ages. He also has been making native musical instruments since the 70's which you can see on his website. I trust ... that here is a man who is truly walking his talk as a shaman healer and musician with his heart in the right place, and his intentions sincere and aligned on purpose to bring peace and healing in the most powerful form possible I believe....through Music and Sound Healing. -km Just a quick message to thank you for both the ... meditation and the wonderful weekend at the Center of Light. I leave on Sept 5 for Italy and the Peace walk with James Twyman. I cant begin to express to you how instrumental the meditaion has been these last few months in helping to prepare me for this great event! My heart is so connected to the both of you. I am so greatful to have met you, this time on the planet. I love the new website and send blessings to the broadcasts. Know that I will be walking across Italy headed for a meeting with the Pope during your PEACE PRAYERS and I will be strengthened and uplifted by your good works. I hope to come to one of the Fall Workshops and will be in touch when I return. Thank you again! ------------ I am remembering...such joyful memories of my first journey to your blessed land and my first experience with this deep and potent practice. I am so very very Blessed. Your email arrived with perfect timing. Opening it filled my heart with the sound of your joyful laughter just before I held space for others to process a difficult conflict. I walked into the room standing erect with a joyful heart and a deep knowing where moments before I was dreading the afternoon. Thank you. How easily we slip into mortalness. Is that a word? Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do. -AW I am compelled to write to you about your message sent yesterday, regarding the Winter Solstice. It was a life-saver to me. I rarely, if ever, write about this to someone I do not personally know. However, I feel your kindness and sense of understanding. ....I have a son who has autism, was non-verbal until age 12....On occasion, I question all I have experienced, all I thought I was beginning to understand. I had had a particularly stressful week, and was feeling that in fact, I knew nothing; it was all just something I thought I was experiencing. And I was mad…Along came your post, and it brought me peace, your truths about remembering, accepting through the doubts. I went back outside, and for the first time in probably over a week, the stars were out, the skies clear, the wind crisp and blowing. I felt the peace of knowing flood through. I am seeing this; there is an intention as to why Jamie is here, and why this is happening. So I want to thank you, Zacciah. Bless you. -SB Thank you, Dear Zacchiah, Your inspired and meaningful words went directly to my heart and soul. You are helping, perhaps more than you realize. Many from all the planes, including this one, are grateful. In the Great Sound of Love, -SB Just back from a pristine walk in the woods after several inches of fresh snow yesterday and today the blue sky and sun on it! Feeling the power of so many hearts opening to graditude . I am grateful for learning about sacred sound from you and the gift of opening ever deeper to Freedom and Joy ! So thank you for what you do - I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the healing vibrations you bring forth - MS It was a total pleasure to
participate with you in the .. workshop this past weekend, which
changed my life...
Thank you for bringing forth your
great body of work--and for your respectful, honoring
community... -LHI have seen some leaps and bounds in consciousness since the last weekend I attended -- thanks for being the instrument to bring in that energy and change for me. I have had a lot more energy also. - TD I enjoyed the lecture as well as the dialogue. The setting fostered comfort & I was constantly engaged & learned a lot. I would also recommend it to those who are interested in shamanism. The Sharing of professional advise & experience; Open forum setting; Zacciah’s approachable style of teaching; Availability of instruments; Review of previous workshops materials. I learned a lot about myself and how I interact with other healers as well as why and when I can use sound with my regular practice. I also learned about spirit realms & how others use it in spiritual healing practices. - ML When is the next one! Very in depth, very relaxing, very rewarding. Excellent information, wonderful teacher! Wonderful taste of sacred music, sound and toning. This was our first time and we enjoyed the wonderful experience. Extremely gratifying, positive experience and very informative. -cm I continue to touch back to the powerful healing visuals I experienced....it was delicious fun and open hearted. -pb I feel as if I have an entire new component to my being. -mh I want to
send out a heart felt THANK YOU for the work we did over the weekend
& the teachings that you shared, this weekend was necessary & a
critical part of my life.
I can say that it was the
most profound training I have encountered. It was a blessing to finally
be able to put into a description, the sound practices I had been doing
by myself. The sound transmissions alone, by invoking the masters, was,
by far a grand teaching in itself. I have found I do not want to watch
TV no more.... & I really believe that I am not hearing with just
my ears anymore, my whole cellular body is hearing,listening &
absorbing, to the point where I am speaking up if the intergrity
of peoples words are not harmonious.... HA! Zacciah, your
joyful & playful nature were an added treat to the whole
experience, please keep me informed on upcoming events. -mm like honey for the soul! thank you for letting your true self shine so brightly... you are a true gem from deep in the earth, that also radiates like the sun... peace -cc Thank you for your kind and gentle words! Much love to you! You are a true teacher and friend. -wh The training was an amazing experience. I met wonderful people, all talented souls. The workshop was a blending of different talents, levels of knowledge and personalities, we all worked well together -- amazing for a three day event. The journeys took me to places I had only imagined. I met a whole new set of guides. My connection to The Divine was reaffirmed and strengthened. It was a reawakening of how joyfully ecstatic making music together can be. After the workshop concluded, I was inspired to join a Kabbalah meditation group and feel I am continuing the work we started. -cn. -mm thank you for sharing your deep commitment to healing during the past weekend.... It was timely to be reminded of the great importance of being compassionate with myself, one of my greatest challenges! -kr i am so grateful to have met someone who thinks like you do, has the vision, the words, the insight, the character, the honed truth in your being, etc. I am really touched by the whole experience and gift of working with you, and learning from you. You are such a shining light. Thank you so much.
-ab I want to thank you for a wonderfully inspirational workshop. The three exercises opened a new range of possibility in me around my own experience with sacred sound-making. I have noticed a difference already in some of the work I do. Perhaps because I am an intuitive, experiential learner, sitting with another person as they do their work lets me resonate with what I need to remember. So, I was very glad to attend and meet you, and it was a delightful afternoon. -AM I was born with limited visual field and over time, my visual fields and acuity have deteriorated. In mid 80's I had hearing loss in right ear. This past year I was re evaluated and I have more hearing loss- …. I have been processing this very closely and have been overwhelmed. .. I have been asking ?'s for over 20 years and adjusting to these changes. I have used supplements, herbs, tonics and have worked with herbalist, .. chinese medicine, naturalpath and have received CranioSacral, acupressure, Reiki and worked with … and a shaman in Norwich.... During the second meditation, I felt immense gratitude because, the fear of coping with all this left and the reality was confirmed----I can and do have the spiritual strength to accept the condition. That is a huge gift to myself and it will give me the open door to truely reveal who I am in God's eyes. During the second meditaion, I was searching for the ancester who had vision and hearing loss but I did not find them. Instead, a claw and mask came to me. I feel the claw represents that I am standing in my own way; I can cope with this. The mask, with smooth bone structure, needs to be removed for me to be more open and truthful with what I need. I know what is difficult and I am willing to stretch myself. With removing the mask, I can remove the fear of saying what is hard for me, ask for help and make changes. I have been given an enormous gift and will continue to process and grow with all of this. I sincerely thank you for your leadership of the meditations and sounds of voice, crystal bowl, and drum that lead me to the insight to accept and to be as I am. Your words of explanation make so much sense and I appreciate you taking the time to share this. I know it will support my acceptance. There is abundance of goodness, grace, and unconditional love coming from all this work and that is worth every step of hurt, pain, and discomfort. Our Creator is right there. Thank you, Zacchia. with immense gratitude -hh
thank you again for this
weekend. It was incredible! I feel better and clearer after
each of
your classes. I am very grateful that you held the class…. The
work you
are doing is making a tremendous positive impact for more people than
realize. Thank you
You have such a gentle and sincere way of expressing yourself. -mm Thank you so much for a lovely day!!! We all appreciated your fine teaching and gentle spirit. We do hope you will come up again and I shall keep in touch regarding your other offerings in Ascutney. -gd What a wonderful
weekend! We
had such a good time. I loved your healing session on Saturday
and now I
know what to do next time. You hold a powerful energy and I need
to keep
a stronger focus, but honestly, it was wonderful!!!!
I knew you were special … and now I know why. Thank you for a
wonderful weekend, for wonderful experiences, and for the
laughter too. It is all precious. I can't wait for your
(next) workshop.
Very in depth, very relaxing, very
rewarding. Excellent information,
wonderful teacher! Wonderful taste of
sacred music, sound and toning. I too am totally grateful to have our pathes cross at this time. You are a very special person and I'm honored to get to know you. Thank you so much for the sharing that you did on the weekend, both saturday and sunday's sessions were of great benefit to me, and served to confirm to me that being on this path has some amazing advantages. I am really excited about the (future) events as well. -gb Thanks very much for a wonderful workshop and weekend! It was absolutely lovely! My heart is full…. Some of the things from the workshop digested more fully last night...I was crying tears of gratitude..good tears! -hh2 Thank you so very, very much for the work you did at the service. I thought the children's story was very poignant and beautiful and the sound meditations were just wonderful. …and I thank you from our hearts for your generosity of spirit. -jj This was our first time and we enjoyed the wonderful experience. Extremely gratifying, positive experience and very informative. -CM
It stopped me in the whirl of (..life..) to give thanks for people like you who make me realize that there is greater good and balance to be had in this sometimes hectic world. Bless you, now and always. -lm (After a workshop on the Sacred Feminine…) The songs we are doing are very heart centered and I am finding my voice has a quality to shift the vibration in a way that also ties in with opening the heart energy. which also, of course, ties in with reconnecting to the sacred feminine. I, too, had a powerful journey. and in one part ..we... were invited into the mountain, Mt. Ascutney, to work with the guides there. There was much more as well., and things that tied into the symbol the land here in my little woods shared with me and that appeared to me on your land and at the sacred site. I wanted to tell you that you have such a gift for teaching about sacred sites. All of the things the land and the ancients and the guardians of the land have been showing and teaching me for years, maybe in some ways since I was a child, you so easily capture and put into words to teach/share with others. and you light up and it is where you truly shine in your work. I felt blessed to have had that time with you at the sacred site and to experience your teachings and it also meant a lot to me to go to that particular site, and your home site as well, that is so attuned with Mt. Ascutney's energies and for me to reconnect with my guides there, just in the right timing that as predicted way back when. Feels like going home in many ways. Blessings -dp I want to thank you for the most profound experience at the
Transfiguration workshop last weekend.
Profound is the best word to capture some of what I experienced.
-sm The first group of comments are from a class of approx 25 in a full day program at a professional conference. Program title: Building the Light Body, Program subject, Egyptian Mysticism: “A vast subject matter totally foreign to the beginner, explained simply as possible and as naturally as possible.” “Excellent” “Loved this day” “Good Stuff” “Zacciah is gifted in his teachings, Its been an honor to be part of this experience.” “Zacciah used people’s introductions to bring out and illustrate various teachings. A lot of good basic information shared. His vocal abilities are very impressive.” “I am extremely impressed and awed by Zacciah. My only comment is that he is so knowledgeable and has so much information that there was not enough time to get it all . I would love to explore more of his work and get what I could not get here.” “Very enjoyable” “This workshop is a must” “I attended a similar workshop by Zacciah last year. I knew this to be a “safe” place to explore, expand, allow and grow. Each workshop adds new dimensions. Keep him coming back.” “Great time! Thoroughly enjoyed myself” “Very thorough knowledge and experience. I hope he comes back next year!” “Therapeutic use of sound, explained easily and experienced thoroughly!” “Excellent! Inspirational! And Useful!!” “Zacciah is a great presenter. He works in the realm of integrity. Great workshop.” “Thank you, very beautiful. I loved it.” “Very skillful and knowledgeable… Expert!” (From a sound healers training:) Zacciah - I have been looking forward to writing this note of appreciation have returned from participation. Your inclusive regard together with the power of sounding as a can begin. In retrospect, it is clear to me that a certain humility underlies Your assortment of instruments is impressive, indicating the depth of your The various soundings we did were among the most personal and powerful aspects and allowed qi to flow downward to the heart and out the palms. I was The overall experience reawakened me to a world that is potent, primal and territory with the courage to go forth in a spirit of adventure. You do a great job holding the energy. I am watching for indications that I So thanks for your clear, loving work and the generosity of your spirit. It Stay well. I believe I can sense a genuine, spiritually grounded and gifted healer when I see one.... Such is a man by the name of Zacciah Blackburn.... If I may, I would STRONGLY urge you to take time to review his website, i.e., if you would like to introduce to your community someone who offers deep spiritual shamanic practices and training in the art of Sound Healing, as well as, musical educational programs incorporating his knowledge of world music, native world instruments and philosophy to children of all ages. He also has been making native musical instruments since the 70's which you can see on his website. Just a quick message to thank you for both the ... meditation and the wonderful weekend at the Center of Light. I leave on Sept 5 for Italy and the Peace walk with James Twyman. I cant begin to express to you how instrumental the meditaion has been these last few months in helping to prepare me for this great event! My heart is so connected to the both of you. I am so greatful to have met you, this time on the planet. I love the new website and send blessings to the broadcasts. Know that I will be walking across Italy headed for a meeting with the Pope during your PEACE PRAYERS and I will be strengthened and uplifted by your good works. I hope to come to one of the Fall Workshops and will be in touch when I return. Thank you again! ------------ I am remembering...such joyful memories of my first journey to your blessed land and my first experience with this deep and potent practice. I am so very very Blessed. Your email arrived with perfect timing. Opening it filled my heart with the sound of your joyful laughter just before I held space for others to process a difficult conflict. I walked into the room standing erect with a joyful heart and a deep knowing where moments before I was dreading the afternoon. Thank you. How easily we slip into mortalness. Is that a word? Thank you for all that you are, and all that you do. -AW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am compelled to write to you about your message sent yesterday, regarding the Winter Solstice. It was a life-saver to me. I rarely, if ever, write about this to someone I do not personally know. However, I feel your kindness and sense of understanding. ....I have a son who has autism, was non-verbal until age 12....On occasion, I question all I have experienced, all I thought I was beginning to understand. I had had a particularly stressful week, and was feeling that in fact, I knew nothing; it was all just something I thought I was experiencing. And I was mad…Along came your post, and it brought me peace, your truths about remembering, accepting through the doubts. I went back outside, and for the first time in probably over a week, the stars were out, the skies clear, the wind crisp and blowing. I felt the peace of knowing flood through. I am seeing this; there is an intention as to why Jamie is here, and why this is happening. So I want to thank you, Zacciah. Bless you. -SB Thank you, Dear Zacchiah, Your inspired and meaningful words went directly to my heart and soul. You are helping, perhaps more than you realize. Many from all the planes, including this one, are grateful. In the Great Sound of Love, -SB Just back from a pristine walk in the woods after several inches of fresh snow yesterday and today the blue sky and sun on it! Feeling the power of so many hearts opening to graditude . I am grateful for learning about sacred sound from you and the gift of opening ever deeper to Freedom and Joy ! So thank you for what you do - I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the healing vibrations you bring forth - MS It was a total pleasure to
participate with you in the .. workshop this past weekend, which
changed my life...
Thank you for bringing forth your
great body of work--and for your respectful, honoring
community... -LHI have seen some leaps and bounds in consciousness since the last weekend I attended -- thanks for being the instrument to bring in that energy and change for me. I have had a lot more energy also. - TD I enjoyed the lecture as well as the dialogue. The setting fostered comfort & I was constantly engaged & learned a lot. I would also recommend it to those who are interested in shamanism. The Sharing of professional advise & experience; Open forum setting; Zacciah’s approachable style of teaching; Availability of instruments; Review of previous workshops materials. I learned a lot about myself and how I interact with other healers as well as why and when I can use sound with my regular practice. I also learned about spirit realms & how others use it in spiritual healing practices. - ML When is the next one! Very in depth, very relaxing, very rewarding. Excellent information, wonderful teacher! Wonderful taste of sacred music, sound and toning. This was our first time and we enjoyed the wonderful experience. Extremely gratifying, positive experience and very informative. -cm I continue to touch back to the powerful healing visuals I experienced....it was delicious fun and open hearted. -pb I feel as if I have an entire new component to my being. -mh I want to
send out a heart felt THANK YOU for the work we did over the weekend
& the teachings that you shared, this weekend was necessary & a
critical part of my life.
I can say that it was the
most profound training I have encountered. It was a blessing to finally
be able to put into a description, the sound practices I had been doing
by myself. The sound transmissions alone, by invoking the masters, was,
by far a grand teaching in itself. I have found I do not want to watch
TV no more.... & I really believe that I am not hearing with just
my ears anymore, my whole cellular body is hearing,listening &
absorbing, to the point where I am speaking up if the intergrity
of peoples words are not harmonious.... HA! Zacciah, your
joyful & playful nature were an added treat to the whole
experience, please keep me informed on upcoming events. -mm like honey for the soul!
The training was an amazing experience. I met wonderful people, all talented souls. The workshop was a blending of different talents, levels of knowledge and personalities, we all worked well together -- amazing for a three day event. The journeys took me to places I had only imagined. I met a whole new set of guides. My connection to The Divine was reaffirmed and strengthened. It was a reawakening of how joyfully ecstatic making music together can be. After the workshop concluded, I was inspired to join a Kabbalah meditation group and feel I am continuing the work we started. -cn. -mm thank you for sharing your deep commitment to healing during the past weekend.... It was timely to be reminded of the great importance of being compassionate with myself, one of my greatest challenges! -kr i am so grateful to have met someone who thinks like you do, has the vision, the words, the insight, the character, the honed truth in your being, etc. I am really touched by the whole experience and gift of working with you, and learning from you. You are such a shining light. Thank you so much.
-ab I want to thank you for a wonderfully inspirational workshop. The -AM I was born with limited visual field and over time, my visual fields and acuity have deteriorated. In mid 80's I had hearing loss in right ear. This past year I was re evaluated and I have more hearing loss- …. I have been processing this very closely and have been overwhelmed. .. I have been asking ?'s for over 20 years and adjusting to these changes. I have used supplements, herbs, tonics and have worked with herbalist, .. chinese medicine, naturalpath and have received CranioSacral, acupressure, Reiki and worked with … and a shaman in During the second meditation, I felt immense gratitude because, the fear of coping with all this left and the reality was confirmed----I can and do have the spiritual strength to accept the condition. That is a huge gift to myself and it will give me the open door to truely reveal who I am in God's eyes. During the second meditaion, I was searching for the ancester who had vision and hearing loss but I did not find them. Instead, a claw and mask came to me. I feel the claw represents that I am standing in my own way; I can cope with this. The mask, with smooth bone structure, needs to be removed for me to be more open and truthful with what I need. I know what is difficult and I am willing to stretch myself. With removing the mask, I can remove the fear of saying what is hard for me, ask for help and make changes. I have been given an enormous gift and will continue to process and grow with all of this. I sincerely thank you for your leadership of the meditations and sounds of voice, crystal bowl, and drum that lead me to the insight to accept and to be as I am. Your words of explanation make so much sense and I appreciate you taking the time to share this. I know it will support my acceptance. There is abundance of goodness, grace, and unconditional love coming from all this work and that is worth every step of hurt, pain, and discomfort. Our Creator is right there. Thank you, Zacchia. with immense gratitude -hh
thank you again for this
weekend. It was incredible! I feel better and clearer after
each of
your classes. I am very grateful that you held the class…. The
work you
are doing is making a tremendous positive impact for more people than
realize. Thank you
You have such a
gentle and
sincere way of expressing yourself. Thank you so much for a
day!!! We all appreciated your fine teaching and gentle
spirit. We
do hope you will come up again and I shall keep in touch regarding your
offerings in Ascutney. What a wonderful
weekend! We
had such a good time. I loved your healing session on Saturday
and now I
know what to do next time. You hold a powerful energy and I need
to keep
a stronger focus, but honestly, it was wonderful!!!!
I knew you were special … and now I know why. Thank you for a
wonderful weekend, for wonderful experiences, and for the
laughter too. It is all precious. I can't wait for your
(next) workshop.
-ss I too am totally grateful to have our pathes cross at this time. You are a very special person and I'm honored to get to know you. Thank you so much for the sharing that you did on the weekend, both saturday and sunday's sessions were of great benefit to me, and served to confirm to me that being on this path has some amazing advantages. I am really excited about the (future) events as well. -gb Thanks very much for a wonderful workshop and weekend! It was absolutely lovely! My heart is full…. was crying tears of gratitude..good tears! -hh2 Thank you so very, very much for the work you did at the service. I thought the children's story was very poignant and beautiful and the sound meditations were just wonderful. …and I thank you from our hearts for your generosity of spirit. -jj
CM It stopped me in the
whirl of (..life..)
to give thanks for people like you who make me realize that there is
good and balance to be had in this sometimes hectic world. -lm (After a workshop on the
Sacred Feminine…) Blessings -dp |
Zacciah's background information
Programs are offered at the Center of Light in Ascutney, VT, and worldwide, facilitated by Zacciah Blackburn, and internationally renowned guest teachers. Contact us for inclusion in our monthly newsletter with listings of upcoming programs, daily thoughts, occasional articles and peace prayers (and, information on world healing events;) or for information on programs which have been offered which you would like to see repeated, or if you would like to know of programs in your area, or partner with us to bring programs to your area.
Sound Circles: Introductory lessons
the nature of Sacred Sound,
and Sacred Sound Transmissions,
with guided sound
meditations, with Zacciah using voice and instruments
of the world.
Sound Therapies: Ongoing individual
for personal growth and
for all study programs and purchases.
Accomodations, Directions, Policies
On this page you will find a list of discounts for
programs available
at the Center of Light in Ascutney, VT, as well as a list of
accomodations close to us, and payment and privacy policies. Let
know if we may assist with anything further to enhance your visit and
work with us.
Blackburn, PhD, Director
Center of Light
P.O. Box 389
Hidden Glen Rd.
Ascutney, VT
Sunreed World Musical
Instruments Home Page
Sound Healing tools: Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tingshas,
Shamanic Drums, African Drums, Flutes, Shakuhachi
Native American Flutes, Didgeridoos, much more
1999-2013 Zacciah, the Center of Light
& Design: Zacciah, the Center of Light