Messages from the Guides The Time of the New Spring Ecstasy or Chaos? ~~Zacciah Blackburn, PhD 03.24.13 In my last article, I spoke to the coming spring, and the energetic realities we are being asked to face, to give up that which no longer serves us. I am reminded of the Astrological Alignment of 7 aspects in Pisces, and the Full moon approaching. These, as one astrologer I quoted informs us, is the source of great opportunity, but may come to us as challenges, obstacles, hindrances, depending on how we face and perceive them.
This choice is always with us.
I have spoken about these 'waves' of energetic shift we have been encountering for years!
It is with great compassion, I hear and feel the stress and chaos many are experiencing at this time. Some are taking it really personally, not realizing there is a much larger phenomena occurring, and having great difficulty finding their way out of the chaos or stress they are feeling in their lives. The compacting of time as we know it.
We are in a time of planetary shift. "The End of Time as We Know It," as the Maya prophecies have told us.
It is a time of need of new ways of perceiving, new ways of being, new ways of growing. New ways of being. The old patterns, beliefs, and perceptions no longer hold valid. As long as we insist on continuing in these old patterns and belief codes, we shall tend to experience stress and chaos.
I pray you each realize this, and take this knowledge alone, to look at the larger picture of what is occurring. By doing so, those of you experiencing more stress than richness in your world, in your life, in your experience, can 'soften' your awareness, your judgment, your self incrimination, and the 'perception', the 'appearance,' of challenges and obstacles in your life that 'appear' to keep you from your greater truth, your greater passion, your greater whole, health, wellness, and abundance.
Everything that keeps us from imagining we are perfect and whole, and everything around us is unfolding exactly as Creation planned.
Yes, we have incredible power of choices that directly impact the outcome of that reality. It may seem a paradox, but the two work simultaneously in a grand scheme of unfolding, the Passion Play of each of our lives!
There are other forces greater than we might imagine, at play, which are asking each of us to face the music....the music of the spheres, of the heavens, (of the Crickets, those who know that chorus,) of the fundamental Rhythm of Giving and Taking in Harmony with All Life, as I have mentioned the elders speak to this, and have taught practices to work with this undulating Rhythm which underlies and moves through All Life!
Those who know it and utilize this as a tool of understanding and meeting the uncertainties which may be arising in our experience, the incredible sense of urgency our 'lesser' lives make of things, rest in the assurance and abundance that Heaven in synchronous union with the Earth and All Life around us, with our every movement, thought, and deed. Watch for those synchronous signs, especially those of you who live in a natural enough environment to experience nature around you, of a bird call, a whift of wind, a shaft of sunlight, a sparkling cloud, a power ally showing up (a fox crossing the road,) just at the moment you have a thought or feeling that speaks to a greater truth in some aspect of your own life. This is one of the many ways that Life itself speaks to, through, and all around us, in so many synchronous moments. The more we notice and pay attention to them, speak with them, give thanks to them, we empower them to continue for their voices to be heard.
There is so much more. So much Grace and Beauty pouring down upon us; all around us; through us; at All Times.
It simply is a matter of what we place our awareness and attention upon.
There is more Beauty, more Joy, More Ecstasy, more Abundance, more Ease and Growth than we realize, if we are experiencing stressful and chaotic times in our lives.
I was just thinking about this just days after my last article, about spring calling us to 'let go!' The ice unfreezing on my brook. Then, just days later, a great blizzard brings snow falling from the sky, coating all with great beauty and elegance. I rested in that, and saw no contradiction to what I was speaking of in terms of spring unfolding. Instead, I saw the heavens asking us to take a moment, rest, reflect. Take in the Beauty and richness of the universe. Allow the Grace to fall upon us, pure snow crystal by pure snow crystal, coating us with the elegance and purity of Nature, of All Creation. What a gift, what a joy. As I was out that day and the next enjoying the great beauty of this gifting, I rested with it, so deeply, breathing in the aroma of pure air, the vital breath of life! Wow! I was so rejuvenized. By the breath of life! The synchronicities of Nature, of the perfect Union of Heaven and Earth.
This is the time we are entering, in the annual cycles of Heaven and Earth. And, honored by Traditional Peoples around the planet, the next stage in the wheel of life unfolding on the planet, the turning of Spring into full, ripe, beauty. The mid way point between Spring Equinox, which we just passed, and the Summer Solstice in 3 months, is Beltane, literally, the melting point of Heaven and Earth, the point at which the energies enter synchronous union. The male power of the sun and heavens enters and fertilizes the ripe and waiting womb of the mother Earth. Her flowers are all blossoming, the leaves are unfolding rapidly. The Beauty is abundant. This is the first week of May. Many celebrate it on May Day, but, energetically, it is around the 4-7 of May each year. And we will be celebrating this with our Matrix of Ascension program, with the Blessings of the Waters of the World Ceremonies and more. We welcome you to join us there, to find method of entering sacred union with your own higher soul, essence, purpose, and integrate that into a living purpose here embodied on the Sacred Earth.
(We are offering so many other programs this year, I welcome you to visit on our class lists.)
I am witnessing so many people making transitions. I don't know anyone who is not effected.
What is the greater story, the greater reality, the greater way in which we might rest, perceive, and receive the abundance of joy and beauty around us?
In Native Wisdom, the "Return To Beauty" is, literally, the definition of the "Path to Healing." It realizes that Beauty is in everything, everything around us, above and below us, and everything within. Many of us too easily see the Beauty around us, and ignore the messages of Beauty within. If we live in a thick metropolitan area, we may not even see the beauty around us, as humanity has done such an excellent job of stripping that beauty from our creation of urban environments. It is part of why I highly encourage you to find places in retreat, in wilderness, or at least nature, where Nature can speak and share how to return to this path of Beauty, of honoring all within and without.
Regardless, how many of us can stand before a mirror and authentically say to our selves, "You are BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE you! Jjust as you are! You are so rich and beautiful a being! I celebrate in you, with All of Creation!"
This is the pathway of "Return to Beauty." Of understanding and honoring all around and within, the resonant harmony of Creation, our part and purpose in it. We revel as a conduit of Creation, we do not cry because we cannot find the pathway or the connection.
Where we are unable to find that connection, is where we tend to find the loss of love, the lack of resource, the lack of security, structure, or beauty in our lives. Finding methodology to enter union, RELATIONSHIP, with Heaven and Earth, in synchronous union, is the path to restoration and beauty.
The Q'ero Indians of Central Peru have mystical initiations into their 4th Level Priesthood, to enter this quality of relationship with the Living Energies of Heaven and Earth. We will be offering their Hatun Karpay practices in Vermont this summer, their method of awakening the "seed of our potential," to enter living relations with the elements of life, and grow into a 'flower of blossoming joy, in the garden of creation." These are the Karpay initiations, the initiations into the 4th Level Priesthood of the Q'ero/Inkan traditions. Their prophecies say that when enough of us have this ability to relate to the Living Energies of the Cosmos, we will awaken to our higher realized form. (You can see more on these practices here. Itinerary and costs have not been updated for our 2013 program, but will be soon.) In relation to all of this, our next evolution of practices will focus on The New Earth. And we will be offering simple and effective aspects of this work in programs in NH, VT, NC, PA, and elsewhere through the year, leading up to our primary New Earth practice in November in Vermont. More on this later, but you can see these upcoming programs here as well.
More coming in our next news (sign up here)...
Blessings to you all. ________________________________________
What Are We Being Asked to Give Up?
It speaks of the impending Spring, and the need to let go of the cold and hard that binds us from the new, and from movement, pure and life fulfilling.
I am reminded of the alignments we are currently facing in the heavens. Where a ‘huge alignment’ of 7 planetary aspects in Pisces, where there are ‘no books that can explain this’ alignment, or the quality of ‘influx of Divine Grace;’ and, that we are a world being asked to heal itself, and recognize it’s ‘oneness…' -------------------------------------------------- See the entire newsletter here.©2013 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, The Center of Light, All Rights Reserved You may copy or send these articles in their entirety, without revision, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included: Thank you.Zacciah Blackburn, PhD; The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 ________________________________ ![]() Join us in our Spring Beltane Practice in Vermont See all info here.The New Earth Programs for Authentic Self Discovery, Empowerment, and Self Realization In VT, NC, NH, CAN, EUROPE, elsewhere ![]() Go to our class lists for up to date listings.
©2013 Zacciah Blackburn This message may be reproduced and shared as long as the content of the article itself is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: Phone: 802.674.9585 Fax: 802.674.9586 Zacciah Blackburn, PhD, is a gifted intuitive, teacher, and sound healer, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound, and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings, and how to develop that nature. He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network, & co-founder & Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations working for global peace. He is, also, a founding board member of the Sound and Music Alliance. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See, his
primary website, for further information. Blessings reign upon us all, and are open to us all at any time we choose to put our awareness there. May it be true for all peoples of the Earth. Zacciah More about Living Earth, Living Relations, the Taripay Pacha, the Q'ero, and the Inka Seed, HERE, and HERE. Zacciah will add to these articles in near future times. In the meantime, look at our Earth Energies, Earth Mysteries practices here, including sacred tours in Vermont, France, and Peru, in 2011. See our many Articles on the Earth Mysteries, Sacred Sound, Human Consciousness, and These Times of Great Awakening and Transformation, here. This message may be reproduced and shared as long as it is not altered and the following credit & contact information is included. Thank you. Zacciah, also, offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at See for further information. ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. ______________________________________ See our next program in the series of Egyptian Studies at: The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We
welcome your requests for additional information
regarding these programs. Zacciah,
and Staff
Canyon, Vermont
Gifts of the Ancients, Egypt Most of these images are the © property of Zacciah, and are available through the Center of Light for purchase. Some images may not be, and are attributed where known. Contact us at or 802.674.9585
| |||||||
![]() "Awaiting Ra', Gifts of the Sun, Mexico ![]() The Ancestors Remind Us ![]() Gifts of the Earth ![]() Gifts of The Realms of Pure Light and Sound ![]() Gateway at Amaru Muru, Peru ![]() Gifts of the New Sun, Solstice stone chamber, VT "Star Cathedral, temple of knowledge; home to the Invisible Libraries" See: Gifts of the Earth ![]() Prayers of Remembrance, Egypt ![]() Earth Mysteries, the Ancient Dragon Beings ![]() Apu Ascutney, a once great 27,000' Volcano, The "Grandfather" mountain of this region. ![]() Mill Brook, on the Center's Property "I will nourish you" ![]() Sacred Stones, Ancient Gorge, VT | |||||||
![]() Sacred Geometries in Nature ![]() The Ancient Study of the Geometries of Life ![]() Gateway, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia ![]() Gateways of Consciousness, the 7 Seals, or Chakras ![]() Stone Guardian, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Stone Circle, an interdimensional Gateway, New England ![]() Q'ero, Despacho offering, Tipon, Peru ![]() Sun and Earth, Stone and Sky Stonehenge, UK |
![]() courtesy CymaticsSource ![]() Sacred Geometries, the ancient mysteries ![]() Sacred Geometries, Earth and Sky ![]() Revelations, Mt Mansfield, VT; Earth and Sky ![]() A Return to Beauty, VT ![]() Qero Paqo, Tipon Temples, Peru | |||||||
![]() Gifts of Light, Stone Chamber, VT ![]() Cities of Light, from Mt Mansfield, VT ![]() Approaching Stone Chamber, VT offerings made ![]() Right attitude: Prayers for the Earth ![]() Approaching the Mysteries, the Diamond Light ![]() Guardians of the Mysteries ![]() Celestial Realities Eagle Nebula, NASA ![]() Celestial Realizations, Mt Mansfield, VT | |||||||
![]() Winter Solstice Chamber, VT ![]() Sounding the Mysteries, Austria | |||||||
![]() Spirit manifest, the Fogue chamber, Cornwall, England ![]() pathway to a stone chamber, VT | |||||||
![]() Machu Picchu, Peru | |||||||
Blackburn, PhD, is a sound healer trained in classical healing and shamanic
traditions, and sacred sound cultures.
Zacciah is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network, &
Co-Founder of the
World Sound Healing & All One Now Organizations.
Zacciah Blackburn, The
P.O. Box 389, Hidden
Glen Road, Ascutney, VT 05030 USA
Phone: 802-674-9585 Fax: 802-674-9586
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