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given to those preparing for this Seal of Solomon course: The first day is an important one. We ask you to come fully prepared for this work. It is generous and grateful work, but it is work, the Great Work, the ancients call it. We are being asked to come fully prepared to give up something we no longer need. Something which no longer serves us. While you will be given opportunity in practice to examine this, it is beneficial to take opportunity to be with yourself prior to this practice, to examine, as only your own inner knowing can teach, what it is that you are carrying which no longer serves you. For some of you, this may be something very valuable. We are not speaking of material value, but an aspect of our self which is in the way of our growth. The first 2-3 days of this program will offer tremendous opportunity to dive into the layers of your being, to find 1) that which no longer serves, or hinders your growth, 2) personal intention & vision to carry through this work, and 3) the personal power and resolve to come forward as a true human being to ally with the hosts of heaven and earth, which we shall meet each day of this journey, to come into complicity in sacred relationship, to enter into the Creative Matrix of life, the affirmative nature of Creation, and the valuable alliance of Self with Creation, to open the portal of deepest understanding within and without. The doorway can only be opened with right attitude within, but will open to inner and outer worlds which most of us do not commonly imagine as part of our reality. Great things are about to occur. It is becoming increasingly clear to me, that this work is far more important than even I have dreamed. My time with the elders and allies 2-3 weeks ago still pierces me, my illusions of not seeing the full picture. It is not that it is new information. But, that it is SO PERTINENT, and that the elders WORLDWIDE are stating exactly the same thing, asking us to do the same thing, engaging in these same ceremonies, if in their own way. The Earth is CALLING US, beseeching us, to enter ever deeper aspects of relationship with her. Coming into harmony with the earth is an incredible catalyst to opening the doorway to ever greater realities. It is coming into harmony with our bodies, our selves. It is embracing the very nature of the Divine Feminine, which must be met, as we all know, to enter fully into the Sacred Embrace, the Sacred Yoke, the Divine Union. She and her spirit allies are so ready, and SO THANKFUL each time we enter into this divine relationship, and divine contract with her, and with them (what the Q'ero (Inka), call Ayni, the Law of Reciprocity, what others call the Law of Attraction, you receive what you give, what others call simply Karma.) They Respond, they sing, they open the skies and clouds to us. Releasing our fears and beliefs not built within those greater realities can allow them to reveal themselves to us. This is the time of the "Lifting of the Veils." (Those with me recently know this is the very meaning of Revelations and The Apocalypse, the lifting of the veils.) Not only are they becoming thinner, but our work of releasing the obscurations and aligning with the deeper truths is opening the doorways ever vaster. Aligning with the earth, the ancient ones, the elementals, and the holy ones of the subtle realms, all is bringing us into deeper and deeper awareness which will serve us, all, during this time. Come prepared to explore your own being, your own wellness, your own authenticity. And realms of light many of us may have not yet touched. Then, the final 2-3 days, we will begin, more and more, to come to a place of world service. To utilize our skills, our relationships we develop, our personal authenticity, to weave the threads of being in this Sacred Star of Creation, and to activate and open it more deeply, for all to touch and see. It will be each, our collective, and unique individual abilities which weave the threads of creation together, into a tapestry, to open this doorway we call the Star Tetrahedron of this region. As my mails have mentioned, our advanced class members, while assisting me in preparing for this program, have been blown away, to utilize a colloquial expression, by the potency of what is offered when coming into this relationship with these unique beings and energies associated with this work. I am grateful to have the opportunity to introduce each of you to this body of work, welcome you, and dearly look forward to join with you in this great endeavor. We each hold a key ingredient to bring into play. May we each find the ability to discover it, to wield it with authentencity and integrity, and utilize it, for the good of all creation, to open this sacred door. In a sacred way, I make this offering, to each of you. Many blessings. I dearly look forward to seeing, being with, and sharing with you over the course of the coming week. Notes on the Moon (Zacciah's thoughts, on preparing for this program) In a sacred way, I sit upon this full moon under its light, and beneath its power. It speaks to me of the light of dawn arising and the path toward that light fulfilled. The next few days we prepare for the city of light and it becomes more clear to me the path to speaking with the earth incorporating the earth into our reality Taking upon ourselves the mantle of this greater reality that all things are holy and we cannot see that which is truly holy until we take upon ourselves all things that are holy. that all things are holy. When we truly get this, live this, breathe this, and be this, then we come close to our destiny, and to the greater truth and reality. It is because we breathe, touch, and speak with the earth, and all living things that we come into communion, communication, relationship with them. It is why the ancestors rise and speak to us and ask us to open the doorway to this holy city. the moon speaks only because we speak to it. the air breathes only because we breathe it. the stones sing only when we sing with them. the waters touch our hearts only when we open our hearts to them. we are practicing the unification of consciousness opening our being to the all that is imagining, and releasing our beliefs of who we are and how we think we are manifest here letting go of how we believe it all is so that the all that is can speak to us of how it truly is we reach out and touch the all that is through simply expanding our awareness, and breathing out as if we are able to breathe out into the all that is, even if it is only the all that is in our current perception around us. so we begin here then touch the heart of ascutney then speak with the ancestors then bathe in the waters then rise up into the greater sky, and ask permission to enter this holy ground. then, in baptism with the holy ghosts of this region of the world we enter their cocoon to bathe and gestate our being in creation. we enter the world of the all that is bathe in the light and life of that and receive its blessings only to pass them out again to all that are yet to come after us in a sacred way, receiving the gifts of heaven of all that have gone before us then turning in the next breath to cast our blessings out into the waters of all those yet to come all those yet to be born all those yet to see light all those yet to hear all those yet to touch or feel all those yet to be in the light of their own illumination and all the hosts who then bathe them in trust in truth in dignity in reverence in beauty in being so be it and so it is. Zacciah 8.16.08, after the eclipse Entire program information and itinerary are at: http://thecenteroflight.net/SealOfSolomon.html We will print a current copy of the itinerary for you to carry with you on this sacred journey. Add'l thoughts (from a recent newsletter, having worked with the elders recently,) on the training are here, in the event you have not seen them: http://thecenteroflight.net/CenterNews.html On this moon, whose energies will continue to work with us these next days: These past two weeks, we've discovered the places within that are ripe for healing. Now is the Full Moon eclipse. Through this sacred portal, we meditate and pray, holding space for the needed changes to ignite a powerful new beginning on planet Earth. A day of peace and prosperity and enlightenment for all, as prophesied since ancient times. -Allison Rae, StarPriestess.com Aquarius rules the global community and also the global nervous system, which is surely close to a breaking point. You might be wondering what can I—one small person—possibly do to have a positive effect on the precarious situation of the world? A very Aquarian thing: radicalize your relationship to the world by accepting the power you have to change your own mind and behavior, and through this, affect change on a global scale. If I can borrow a phrase: YES WE CAN! Step fully into a commitment to teach and serve by breaking down the attraction to focusing only on your own life. Selfless giving to others is a true Aquarian vision of working for the collective upliftment of all sentient beings. -Lisa Dale Miller, astrowisdom.com Preparation NOTES For THIS PROGRAM, please be familiar with them: Friends We are preparing for the Seal of Solomon retreat which begins this Wednesday, and continues through Sunday, Aug 20-24. This mail contains much important information. We highly suggest you read it thoroughly. There is important logistical information, and WAIVER and EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION which you MUST return to us before beginning the program Wednesday Morning. Most of this information comes from the link on line for logistics. However, there have been some corrections and updates. I have HIGHLIGHTED IN RED the information I especially want to be sure you are familiar with, and prepared for. That is for the logistical information below. The balance of this mail until my first signature is new and fresh, and important to read, also. We ask you to arrive NO LATER than 9:40 AM Wednesday morning, to park in assigned spaces, prepare, and settle in for the training. We will spend 2-3 hours here before leaving for lunch and the first leg of our trip, Mt Ascutney. WE ASK THAT YOU BRING ONLY YOUR ESSENTIALS for the first day, and leave your luggage in your car. We will come back through on the way to the hotel for our first night stay. Please note below luggage restrictions. IF YOU ARE STAYING AT THE HOLIDAY INN ON TUESDAY NIGHT, please inform us. We will see if they can allow you to stay in your room, and your assigned roommate can join you the Wednesday evening. You then will not have to pack only to return Wed night. We will return to the Center of Light Sunday evening. It will be best to carry out of your suitcase, everything you might need during each day, as the luggage will be packed tightly in our travel van. Keep it with you, under your seat, or in your backpack. If you are traveling with a drum or rattle, there may be opportunities each day to use that as well. We suggest you bring sacred tobacco, or other herbs, to use during our travels. We have these items here if you need to purchase them. We will teach you their use if you are unfamiliar with using them for offerings in sacred sites. There will be opportunities to make offerings of local flowers and other natural items throughout the journey. This
program will take place
rain or shine.
note, below, items you may wish to consider bringing, climate, hiking,
other conditions. If you wish to view these, plan on
additional time Wed AM or Sun PM. These
will be the only times we are here for purchases. We collect 6% VT sales tax on all
sales. Zacciah or
his assistants will be glad to help with these at the beginning or end
of each
day we are here. Some times, such as before a practice, Zacciah
may be
unable to assist. Many more instruments may also be up at the
barn in our
stock room, and you are free to browse. Visit www.sunreed.com if you wish some
idea of the
types of instruments we carry, many for the sound healing professional,
or call
us if you wish to be sure something is in stock when you are here. We will have at least 2-4 opportunities
to be in water,
at least 1-2 of those are part of our working conditions for this trip.
bring a swimsuit and towel. Temperatures can rise or fall rapidly, especially on mountain peaks. And, it can be warm in the sun, and cooler in the woods or near water locations we visit, as well as in changing altitude from river levels to mountaintops (Mountain tops can easily be 20+ degrees cooler than valley floor level, with significant winds and wind chill factors.) Especially at these locations, you may wish to dress in, or have 1-2 extra layers, to cover all possibilities. Packing raingear & a hat is a good choice, also. You may wish sunglasses. And, bringing a change of clothes on days we may be high on a mountain, or forecast of rain, may be beneficial. Sunscreen is recommended. Insect Repellant: Insect problems are not usually big this time of year, but we have had more bugs, later than usual, in recent years, due to the high moisture of spring & summer. I would recommend something. Be educated and aware of tick control. While Lyme Disease is not a big problem in VT, it does exist. Ask us if you are unaware of control procedures for this. You will be responsible for some meals, esp. lunch and dinners (see itinerary.) Most days we will stop in a town for lunch at a good restaurant, with other choices close by. Bring AMPLE water and snacks as you feel you need them between the stops for meals. We are not likely to be in towns for bathroom or meal or water breaks during most day time activities before or after lunch. If we pass through a town, and you have a need, we will accomodate it! We will spend extended times in natural areas (2-6 + hours at a time.) We will have paper, but may be near no facilities. Current weather forecasts are excellent for our entire trip, but BE PREPARED for the many abrupt changes such as we have seen consistently this summer! HIKING: The locations we are working in have moderate hikes for the most part, some are more challenging, especially to those whom have not been consistently active outside. We have outlined time and type of hikes in itinerary for each trail. Look them over carefully Anyone reasonably fit and used to some form of consistent outdoor physical activity is not likely to find these more than mild to moderately challenging. Some individuals, however, have found our hikes challenging. We are giving you full disclosure of this, so you may make an informed decision. We have had some say we make the hiking sound more rigorous than it is. Again, anyone with significant outdoor hiking or exercise regimes are not likely to find most of this hiking a great challenge. If you do not feel relatively physically fit, we recommend you speak with us and your physician before engaging in our outdoor programs. While we take great care in insuring your well being, these are programs in outdoor natural and wilderness settings, and, ultimately, you must assume full responsibility for your physical & emotional well being to participate in our programs. There is several hikes which some may find more significant of a challenge, though we consider them moderate to lightly challenging for someone with considerable outdoor hiking experience. One is across the face of Please contact us if you feel any of these may present any problem for you. (See Bald Mtn hike on itinerary, also!) Some locations are close to roads. We may experience mud. Good, comfortable hiking shoes are highly recommended. Bring (and drink) plenty of water. And judge your need for snacks, knowing a lunch break will be coming. Again, there may be need one or two days to pack a lunch. Very nice sandwich/salad/soup/quiche shops or delis will be available to us, and if we do not expect to have a lunch stop in a town, we will call in to have sandwiches made and pick them up on the way out. Timing/Evening/morning Meals: All Breakfasts are included. Some lunches and one dinner are included. We are engaging in intuitive outdoor ceremony with a group of hikers whom may have different levels of physical prowess in wilderness terrain. This requires some flexibility in time, etc. It is possible some events may take longer than anticipated. We ask you be open for this. Note additional meals information in itinerary. Before/after our trip: For a variety of dining experiences in the town of RESTAURANTS IN THIS AREA In Ascutney, at the NE corner of the only light in town, is the Red Barn Cafe, good for breakfast and lunch sandwiches, soup, salad, quiche, coffee, teas, etc. The best two restaurants in the immediate area are in Claremont: Sophie and Zeke's 603.542.4177 http://www.sophieandzekes.com/ 50 Pleasant Street, Claremont, NH 03743 The Bistro Novuveau Cafe MOVED 236 Washington Street Claremont, NH 03743 (603) 542-8000 http://www.bistronouveau.com/ Fast food, family, and pizza restaurants abound in Claremont, esp. on Washington St, the main shopping area of town. In The Windsor Station (802) 674-2052 http://www.windsorstation.com/ In Used to be great, new owners, still a relaxed atmosphere, but with mixed quality food at reasonable cost. On the right 1/2 block before the only downtown stop light, as you drive into town. The Hartness House: the star of atmosphere, though the quality of food depends on the current chef, from very good to mediocre at moderate to high costs. Dinner only, unless staying there. A little more difficult to find, recommend calling for directions. Our last encounter there was excellent. 885-2115 The best Chinese in town. About 4 miles from I-91, at the second blinking yellow light, just as you enter the downtown district, on the right: Oriental Palace Restaurant 12 Clinton Street Springfield, VT 05156 802-885-1144 Across on the right from that only traffic light in the center of town, next to the movie "complex" (our twin theaters!) Good to moderate quality, reasonable to moderate prices. Penelopes~McKinleys Restaurant & Bar (downstairs to the restaurant) 802-885-9186 A few family restaurants and sandwich and pizza shops are in town, also. Follow the main thoroughfare (rt 11) to 1 mile after the central light in downtown McDonald's and Friendly's. You will have passed 3 pizza and sandwich shops on your way into town. Jonathan's is just past the light without turning, Food stores: There are several convenience stores in each local town. The Ascutney Market, n. about 1 mi. on Rt. 5 from Rt. 131 has best selections in our village, including a small deli. Major grocery stores are in the White River Jct has a great co-op, Vermont is loaded with high quality restaurants and Inns, many in the quaintest locations.... if you want to drive a little further for any variety of dining pleasures, talk to me. *********************************** Again, I look forward to seeing you, and working with you for this program. Sincerely, Zacciah Blackburn The Center of Light P.O. Box 389, Hidden Glen Rd. Ascutney, VT 05030 USA Phone : (802) 674-9585 Fax 802.674.9586 E-Mail: info@sunreed.com Web site: www.thecenteroflight.net Emergency numbers; if you need us before your arrival, get lost from the group, or other such emergency: Zacciah's cell number: 802.254.1467 After hours: Zacciah's home number: 802.674.9585 I use my cell phone ONLY for private calls except during outdoor or away programs where others may have a need to reach me. I will ask that you honor this. *************************************** Directions to In general, from southern From Montreal or points west, in Canada, travel to From Boston area, and points east, depending on location, may travel best via I-90, Rt 2, or I-93 to I-89 in If you need assistance from other points in W.NY or W., central, or From In Vermont, once on I-91, take I-91 from points north or south to Exit 8: Exit 8, Ascutney, near mm 52 (40 min N. of Brattleboro, VT, 20 min S. of White River Jct, VT/W. Lebanon, NH, and I-89 Jct from Concord, Manchester, NH, or Burlington VT, etc.) ***From I-91: Exit east, on Rt 131, toward Ascutney, Claremont, NH, Ct. River, Rt 5; Travel 1/4-1/2 mile east; at the light, Rt 5, turn right, South; Travel 1/4 mile to Hidden Glen Rd., on the right, a small dirt road; turn right. Travel 1/4 mile to the end of the road; We are the only house at the end of the road. Go past the house to barn complex. Park here, and come back to the house. If this parking lot is full, turn around, and you can park just before the bridge, just below the house. If this is also full, or if you have a handicapped condition, park in the driveway to the house. Entry is through the glass porch on the east end of the house, from front or back. If you need assistance, call: 802.674.9585 ***************************************************************** For accomodations, Most current information is at: http://thecenteroflight.net/Accomodations.html Following info may be outdated: a local motel, newly renovated, oder model (Folks have given very mixed reviews of there stay here.): Yankee Village, less than a mile away, on Rt 5, Ascutney $55-79 overall 802.674.6010 877.9YANKEE (hi speed internet, refrig/microwave/tv in room.) The Hartness House has a good rate for Center of Light, a little less than: The Holiday Inn Express has provided us a discounted rate of $85-95, varies, double, as available. Please ask for the " Holiday Inn Express closest quality motel, 12 minutes. 802-885-4516 fax - 802-885-4595 800-holiday E-mail: hixpress@aol.com (not highest quality, but generally acceptable. Rates were $55, changed, possibly just for summer months.) Beauregard, off Rt 131 connector to Ascutney 603.542.2540 White River Jct, VT, West Lebanon, NH 15-20 minutes: Airport Economy Inn 800.433.3466 Best Western 802.295.3015 Ramada Inn 802.295.3000 Days Inn 603.448.5070 Super 8 802.295.7577 Rates given for Columbus Day weekend, 2004, and peak fall foliage season for the region. Current rates will be different, but this gives you a sense of comparative costs. To assist, some local accomodations would include following rates; phones listed above, or phone, location/proximity, is on line at this link: http://www.thecenteroflight.net/Accomodations.html These are all within 15-20 minutes away: Holiday Inn $85-95/night/double, Center of Light rate The Hartness House has a good rate for Center of Light Abby Lynn, $65.-75 for 1-2 persons Best Budget Inn, Claremont, NH $55-67/1 person, $62/72/2 persons, dependent on weekend Claremont Motor Lodge, $79/89, 1/2 persons Economy Inn, Lebanon, NH 1-$55., 2-$62.50, fall foliage, 2/$75. Days Inn, $89-115/1 person, 2/$129 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We will send you a waiver upon registration in this or other outdoor programs. Or, you can cut below, or cut and paste into a word document to send us: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WAIVER: MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO US NAME ______________________________________________________ RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK I am aware that during the expedition, workshop or activity (hereafter referred to as ‘Activity’) in which I am participating through Zacciah Blackburn, and The Center of Light, in Vermont, and arrangements made through those individuals and organizations, I may incur certain risks, including but not limited to, the dangers of traveling in high altitudes, hiking, swimming, mountain climbing, travel by air, boat, automobile, bus or other conveyance, loss or damage to personal property, injury or fatality due to high altitudes, accident or illness in a remote place without medical facilities, water damage due to leaking bags or other containers, exposure to inclement weather, forces of nature and other risks and dangers. In consideration of, and as part of payment for the right to participate in the Activity and the service provided by and arranged for by Zacciah Blackburn, and the Center of Light, in Vermont, I hereby assume all risks and release and waive all claims against Zacciah Blackburn, and the Center of Light in Vermont, and its employees and representatives and will hold them harmless from any and all liability, action, cause of action, debts, negligence, claims, demands and damages of every kind or nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, contingent, consequential or otherwise, against them, which I now have or which may arise out of, or be brought by a third party in connection with my participation in the Activity or any other activities arranged by, through or with Zacciah Blackburn or the Center of Light. This agreement shall serve as a release, assumption of risk and hold harmless provision for me, my heirs, including any minors, participating in these activities. I have read and agree to these terms and conditions. Zacciah Blackburn and the Date _________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Please mail to: The Center of Light P.O. Box 389 Ascutney, VT 05030 If registering late in the program, bring to program, or fax and bring original: 802.674.9586 Top of Page |
Blackburn, Director Phone: (802) 674-9585 Fax: (802) 674-9586 e-mail: info@sunreed.com
Visit our associated site: Sunreed World
Instruments Page Creation & Design: Zacciah, the Center of Light |