![]() Extraordinary Programs in Spiritual Development, Personal Growth, Sound and Earth Healing Working for the Evolution of Personal and Planetary Consciousness Center of Light Home Page * Workshops & Classes * School of Sound Healing * Earth Mystery / Shamanic Programs The School of Spiritual Development: The Illumination of Consciousness Newsletter * Contact * Registration in Programs International Programs, Europe & elsewhere * The Great Awakening, Info and Program links Esoteric Trainings
~ Preparing for 2012, and The
GREAT AWAKENING ~ & the Wish Fulfilling Jewel GATEWAYS TO ASCENSION and Creative Will
Preparing for 2012 and Beyond Preparing the Body, Mind, and Soul, for the Great Transformation in Human Consciousness; Living, Learning, and Building Harmonious Relationships With All Aspects of Creation The Diamond Light, the Diamond Realms, the Diamond Sutra, the Light of Perfect Wisdom, the Truth Body, the Luminous Body, The Diamond Codes, the Divine Matrix, the Crystalline Codes, the Emerald Tablets, the Akashic Records, the Halls of Amenti, the Christ Grid......
Much has been written in many languages about the luminous field when it attains it state of inherent perfection, and the inherent wisdom contained therein. The Buddhists understand it is our inherent nature, this light of perfect wisdom. The Christian mystics all were seen with the luminous field fully aglow. The Egyptians understand and taught how to illuminate that luminous field, and the "golden raiment" which pours out of it, once ignited. Awakening the Sacred Heart, and its perfect wisdom, also an inherent trait, is known throughout the esoteric traditions as one of the most explicit and potent methods of entering awakened, or ascended states of consciousness. It is the awakening of our own true knowing and authentic, empowered, Self. Today, in this prophecied time of profound awakening, embedded codes of knowledge and understanding, kept dormant in all levels of our being, from states of pure consciousness, to our DNA and cellular memory, are awakening humans globally, to their divine essence, and purpose. Those encodings are awaiting each of us to access and activate. There are also the Realms of Light and Understanding beyond normal human comprehension, in which these encodings are preserved, and available to all who earnestly seek them, in Right Relation to the Living Energies of the Cosmos, the Guardians, and Caretakers, or Keepers of these Halls of Wisdom. As Above, so Below, as Within, so Without. We will explore the nature of the Diamond Light, the Awakened Heart, and work with key encodings we hold, often in states of dormancy. We will work with the holy beings of the subtle realms, ready to assist us, as guides and allies, to transmit and awaken this sacred knowledge from these Diamond Realms of Light and Illumination. They often come to transmit those encodings through sacred sound, which can serve to bridge us beyond the barriers, or 'obscurations,' the veils that bind us, and keep us from perceiving our true nature. By allowing these templates of sound and consciousness to intermingle within our own awareness, they can serve to more fully awaken and activate our own inherent Knowing. This allows our full and innate Self to awaken, to step forward, and take command of our life, as our own, authentic being. Participants often report incredible life transforming experiences. We welcome you to join us. |
See Below for specific program information, directions, etc. See additional information regarding the Wish Fulfilling Jewel, and Diamond Light, in our new article. | |
with us, in these sacred programs, humbly
offered. It is Time. We wish you, all, many blessings in the Journey. |
Contact for registration and questions: For Questions on this program, or location, contact: our center TO REGISTER: You must pay in full by due dates to receive early discounts. You may register by Phone, Fax, Mail, E-mail, or Secure On Line, with a Credit/Debit Card, or Personal Check or Money Order, or Pay PalTo register by phone, you may
Julie Jones, Office Manager
Center of Light, PO Box 389 Ascutney VT 05030 Fax or Mail Registration form from here Fax: 802.674.9586 |
Location and Directions
Place: NewsBank Conference Center 352 Main StChester, VT 05143 October 15-16, 2011 ![]() Get Google Map Here Additional information: And Logistics, on the nature of this program, below. Directions: From Chester Center (see below, or click here) |
ACCOMODATIONS Lodging is not included. You can web search inns, hotels, or motels, in the area. Chester is a unique town with wonderful shops, restaurants, etc, and quality inns, motels, and hotels within walking distance of the Center. See http://www.chesterlodging.com/ for local lodging, or go to our accommodations page: http://thecenteroflight.net/Accomodations.html#Accomodations for a broader search of inns and motels. MEALS Water, snacks, coffee, and tea are available (some snacks will be provided, feel free to bring a snack to share!) There will be no lunch break on Sat. Please eat before your arrival, or bring something to tide you over. Program starts at 12:30 PM until 6:30 PM. On Sun. we will provide quality deli sandwich and soup for cost, or bring your own lunch. Program 10 AM - 4 PM. Restaurants are close by, but it is a busy foliage weekend. We suggest you purchase the lunch provided, or bring something. You may bring meals, or walk to a local restaurant for lunch on Sunday. Please eat before arriving on Saturday. A group may gather for Sat eve meal together. |
![]() He is Director of Education for the International Sound Healing Network. Zacciah's work has long focused on the emerging transformation of human consciousness. This work, The Great Awakening, continues a series of programs explicit to this new era of awakening which humanity is entering, with explicit steps to assist in this personal and collective awakening, long prophecied by many cultures of the world. The Great Awakening will offer keen insight into the nature of this incredible threshold of awakening, upon which humanity stands poised, as well as offer each participant a vehicle which can transport us into other worlds of understanding, experience, and self knowledge. These experiences are especially heightened via the art of Sacred Sound Transmissions, through which Zacciah brings the sounds and voices of Holy Beings from other realms of consciousness, into our present environ, which can heighten our sense of Living Reality. The vast majority of participants find these experiences extraordinarily enriching, life altering, and deeply transformative. At the same time, participants are left with practical exercises to carry into their every day lives. |
Driving Directions to The NewsBank Conference Center Chester, VT
Driving Directions:
From I-91 N or S, and most points East, South, or North: Take Exit 6, Chester, and turn onto Route 103 North toward Chester At
the intersection of Rt 11 (toward Londonderry,) bear left onto Rt 11,
and continue into the center of Chester. The Center is on the
right just after the small green in downtown Chester.(From Bellows Falls & Exit 6 I-91): From Rt 103 South Bound (From Ludlow) and Rt 11 (South, From Springfield) : From 103 or Rt 11 south, upon entering Chester, there will be a T intersection at Main Street. Turn Right at the stop sign onto Main Street, if on 103 from Ludlow. From Springfield, turn right onto Main St (103 here), but, at the
intersection of Rt 11 (toward Londonderry,) bear onto Rt 11, and
continue into the center of Chester. The Center is on the right just
after the small green in downtown Chester. From Rt 11 East Bound ( From Londonderry, Manchester, Upstate NY): Enter Chester from the West. Route 11 becomes Main Street in Chester. The
Center is on the left just before the small green in downtown Chester,
which would be on your right if you continued straight.![]() | About Our Hosts This program is presented by the Center of Light. We have outgrown our original location of the Atelier Annex and Black Barn Arts center on the Henry Hudson Farm in Chester. We extend our deepest gratitude to Katherine Henry and Harry Hudson,founders of the Atelier Annex and Black Barn Arts, for their love and support of this great work. Katherine and Harry have devoted their lives to the arts. You may see their work at: www.atelierannex.com
Programs Programs are constantly being added and updated Please see entire class list. |
EUROPE: March, April, August, Sept 2011 March, April, July, September, 2012 |
in Vermont Canada, New York, Florida, Massachusetts Texas, North Carolina |
Peru, November 2011 11.11.11 The Gateway of Aramu Muru |
See our LATEST SACRED TOURS HERE, such as: HIGH TANTRA, Yucatan, Mexico April, 2012 UK, Sacred Sites, Crop Circles SOUNDING THE CODES, July 2012 EGYPT: 10.10.10: Initiations in the Halls of Orion A 2 week sacred initiatory journey, Oct 2010 |
HOST OUR WORK in your area (tell us your interest) Join our Newsletter to receive updates on our programs, articles, and special on line discounts. |
Programs are constantly being added and updated Please see entire class list. |
What we invest our power in, in our own
belief structure, creates
the reality that we experience. |
Blackburn, PhD, Director
Center of Light
Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 389
220 Hidden Glen
Visit our associated site:
Sunreed World Musical
Sound Healing tools: Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tingshas,
Shamanic Drums, African Drums, Flutes, Bamboo flutes, Shakuhachi
Native American Flutes, Didgeridoos, much more