![]() Extraordinary Programs in Spiritual Development, Personal Growth, Sound and Earth Healing Working for the Evolution of Personal and Planetary Consciousness Center of Light Home Page * Workshops & Classes * School of Sound Healing * Earth Mystery / Shamanic Programs The School of Spiritual Development: The Illumination of Consciousness Newsletter * Contact * Registration in Programs International Programs, Europe & elsewhere Esoteric Trainings The GREAT
Illumination of Consciousness
The GREAT AWAKENING, 12.20.09: Vermont![]() A Winter Solstice Celebration Sunday, December 20, 2012 1-5 PM Charlotte VT program information, cost, and directions, below Preparing the Body, Mind, and Soul, for the Great Transformation in Human Consciousness; Living, Learning, and Building Harmonious Relationships With All Aspects of Creation Co-Creating the Template of Heaven on Earth
Join Zacciah as he escorts
into the inner worlds of seeing and knowing;
that knowing which arises from directly perceiving the true and deeper nature of reality, and of our selves. While embracing this celebration of Solstice, we shall honor the darkness, and its creative potency, as well as embracing the Light of the Heavens, and that within. We will explore what is occurring during this profound time of human awakening and transformation, reach into the subtle worlds where the sacred guides, teachers, and holy beings of all traditions dwell, and enter the underlying matrix of reality. This gentle portal between worlds, of dark and light, what the Algonquin call "The Feast of Dreams," is the place to lay our fertile seeds for gestation during the long winter ahead. We shall come into celebratory renewal, to make safe passage into the new worlds. Learn how to reach into one's own depths, and touch, create, sustain, and integrate a deeper sense of creation and harmony in our lives, allowing and assisting in not only personal, but this great global Awakening. $40 at the door Limited seating Contact us for further information, or Register here Watch for details on a two day presentation of this material June 19-20, 2010, in the Boston, MA, Area and other regions DIRECTIONS:
In the home
of Mary Beth Olsen 843 Hills Point Rd, Charlotte, VT 05445 This program is 20 minutes south
of Burlington VT just off Rt 7 near Shelburne Village, but in the town
of Charlotte.
South on Rt. 7 down from Burlington through Shelburne Village. Just south of the light in the village (Mobil station on your right, the Shelburne Inn, painted yellow, on your left), you’ll start going up a hill, past the Shelburne Museum grounds. At the top of the hill is another stoplight. Take the right onto Bostwick Road. Bostwick Road heads straight west. When it hits the lakefront properties, it makes a sweeping left turn. Right past the turn, you cross into the town of Charlotte, and the name of the road changes to Greenbush Road. I haven’t clocked it, but it’s probably 2.5 miles from the light on Rt. 7 (thereabouts) to Lake Road, which is the 2nd right once you’re on Greenbush. Take that right onto Lake Road. Again, the road heads due west, until it hits the lake front properties, and makes a left turn. Here, you want to take the small road going off to the right in the middle of that turn, it’s called Hills Point Road. It’s probably only about 1.5 miles from the turn on Greenbush-Lake Road to Hills Point. Hills Point Road is only a mile long, and MaryBeth’s house is way at the end, the 2nd from the end. You can tell her house from the semi-circular driveway, and carriage barn to the left of the house, a picket fence between the barn and the house, and the beautiful gardens in front of her house. From the south, go North on Rt. 7, till you get to Ferry Road in Charlotte. Go left on Ferry. Take a right at the brick store, go a mile or so, down the hill, under the train bridge, and then left onto Lake Road. And then the same directions apply from Lake Road. For add'l information call our office 802.674.9585 The day of the program only, call 802.324.5574 It is time we do our part. Join with us in this Great Work. Learn your part, through your own Divine Nature. We are offering programs worldwide, to assist us in coming into greater understanding of what is occurring, and to enter a collective awakening, this time of Great Awakening, this Time of Meeting Ourselves Again! These programs are planned, with the assistance of great teachers of this and other worlds, of ancient and contemporary knowledge, to learn how we may enter, sustain, and thrive in these heightened states of consciousness; what is, in essence, our true nature of Divine Origin, and Being. Join with us, as we learn, individually, then collectively, how to engage this great template of sacred union, of Unity of Consciousness, of Oneness with the All, the Great One Word, the Universe, of all being. We wish you, all, many blessings in the Journey. |
Programs This page will be updated with all program links very soon. Please use this link for now. |
EUROPE: March, May, September 2010 | Programs
in Vermont, Canada, New York,
Florida, Massachusetts Texas, North Carolina Join us in our introductory program in Vermont, Dec 20, 2010, A Solstice Celebration |
Brazil, Peru, Jan, Feb 2010 |
10.10.10: Initiations in the Halls of Orion A 2 week sacred initiatory journey, Oct 2010 |
HOST OUR WORK in your area (tell us your interest) Join our Newsletter to receive updates on our programs, articles, and special on line discounts. |
page will be updated with all program links very soon. Please use this link for now. |
Blackburn, Director
Center of Light
Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 389
220 Hidden Glen
Visit our associated site:
Sunreed World Musical
Sound Healing tools: Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Bowls, Tingshas,
Shamanic Drums, African Drums, Flutes, Bamboo flutes, Shakuhachi
Native American Flutes, Didgeridoos, much more