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We are Holy Beings. We are sacred, great Luminous Beings of Light. Is this part of your daily realization? Celebrate this in each act, each thought. It will bring great Illumination, Joy, Light. Just, simply, by placing this realization in your heart, and thought. Do we carry this resonance in our heart, in our lives? Can we deepen this understanding, and our commitment to resonating in, emanating our Light, as a primary vehicle of our Being in our daily lives? It is simple. It is essential. We are Holy and Luminous Beings of Great Magnitude and Light. Rest in that. We encourage you to act from that place of wonder, of awe, of True Knowing, of Being, of Beauty, of Joy, to be part of this Grand Creation.If you do not Know, may you enter the path of Illumination with great Joy, Awe, and Humor. Below is a practice to assist in that pathway.
"I am Part of That."
"That is part of Who I Am."
we honor that, as well as, this principal of Light in Each Other. May
we recognize that where we see Light in others, it is where we are
emanating light within ourselves; and where we see Darkness in others,
it is where we are withholding within ourselves.
does not serve us to dwell in the places of shadow. Yet, it is very
beneficial, if not essential, to recognize and honor them as they arise,
then simply choose to bring illumination to that part of our self. If
we feel that shadow, that darkness, is more present in others, it is
likely we have more work to do within our self. But the very light of
illumination can resolve the places of darkness or shadow. We do not
have to dwell there, just bring Knowing and Understanding into those
lower fields of resonance. To do so with Compassion and Grace brings an
even greater luminosity that reveals the ever deeper Knowing. It is a
process of self-revelation and self-liberation.
By simply choosing to step back into our own luminous form, we do so. It is that simple.
Solar Activations which are occurring can also assist us in this
process. If you did not read last week's practice on working with the
Solar Principal, you can read it here.
We are seeing reports on line, from science, about the next wave of
heightening solar flare activity occurring in the coming 1-2 years.
Some think this cycle of solar activity may instigate the great changes
of 2012. From the Elders, we are being told this will serve those of us
who choose to enter Deeper Knowing through such solar activation
practices. Again, good insight can be received through the Solar
Practices given in our last newsletter.
Lifting The Veils
simple practice, which can be of great benefit during These Times, to
bring deeper inner awareness, connectivity to the other worlds,
softening and Lifting of the Veils, and communion with the Holy Beings
of the other realms, is a practice of Single Pointed Awareness.
This practice comes from direct experience with the Holy Beings who
guide this work. But, it, also, arises from the Yogic traditions, and
other traditions of the world, as well.
can be done in just a few moments of awareness, but is best done with
practice over time until perfected. As we develop the higher states of
perfection, then a moment's awareness can more readily bring them back
into form, into our visceral experience.
The Practice
Simply create a quiet and restful place for yourself.
can put on quieting, non-vocal music in the background, light a candle;
do what best suits you to prepare a quiet, sacred space. Sit in an
upright, relaxing posture (it can be done laying if you prefer, but we
suggest upright.)
Bring your awareness into the third eye center, back behind the bridge of the nose.
Rest your awareness here.
Allow each breath to filter into this place of Deep Knowing and Integration, a key point in integrating awareness of the inner and outer worlds, of knowing which comes via direct perception of the greater truths.
the breath literally entering the chamber surrounding the third eye,
known as the Third Ventricle in modern medical terms, but, as the Cave
of Brahma in Yogic traditions, the place from which our reality springs. Imagine it infiltrating and vitalizing this center of knowing activity.
the breath from this point, also, allowing each breath to release all
other energy, all information, all other thought and perception which
arises, which does not allow you to sink ever deeper into the point of
Knowing within the third eye center.
You might take 5-10 minutes of time just in preparation to enter the practice in this manner.
each breath in, knowing you are drawing it into the place of deep inner
awareness, perception, and Knowing. Release each breath out, releasing
all non-tranquil, non-insightful, or non-restful thoughts, allowing
yourself to deepen your perception into a very refined, single point of
consciousness, or awareness.
Draw in, release out.
begin, slowly, to refine that awareness to a single point of focus,
within the Third Eye itself. With each breath, allow that refinement to
deepen, to enter an infinitely small single point of awareness in the
Third Eye. If you do not know the exact location of the Third Eye,
trust your body's own perception and Knowing to guide into this infinite
sanctuary. As you get this feeling sense of awareness in the Third
Eye, then allow the outbreath, also, to guide you further in, 'driving'
your awareness deeper. Guide your awareness deeper within, with each in
breath, 'send' your awareness deeper within, with each outbreath.
Draw it ever deeper within on each in breath, send it ever deeper within, on each outbreath.
Continue this for at least several moments, or minutes.
You can continue in this practice as long as you wish, and end at any time from this point.
But to continue the fuller practice, we begin with this infinitely small Single Pointed Awareness.
Then, simply imagine an awareness of a soft glow of light around the
third eye, or around the head, especially the inside of the head.
Deepen, or soften the awareness, perceiving, or imagining, this soft
glow of light arising around the third eye, the space just around it,
or further out, within the cranium. You can imagine it arising from
further out, outside of the skull, or over the crown, if either of these
works easier for you.
Continue this as long as you wish. You can end here, or:
You can, from this Single Pointed Awareness,
breathe out into this field of Light, and breathe back in from it.
Feel into the Light, and the Knowing that it contains. Imagine a deeper
sense of Knowing within the Light Itself, if you do not directly
perceive this. Just imagine this great source and resource of Infinite
Light and Knowing. Pay ever closer attention to every subtle sensation
which arises, and let it self-guide you.
some point, you may experience the SourcePoint of light as arising from
within the Third Eye itself. Go with this, if it occurs. Simply rest
in the infinite emanation of the Pure Light of Consciousness from within
the third eye center. Breathe it in, Breathe it out, or simply,
emanate it from within.
Rest in this.
And, continue as long as you wish.
can end at any time, drawing this Light down through your breath, into
your chest, into your heart, and allow it to resonate out, into the
fullness of your body.
through this method, bring your resonance back into the body, back into
a full experience of your full body; then, slowly, back into the room,
back into the space you are in; then, back into your life as you are
ready to get up and move back into the world, the outer reality.
you wish, you can take a few minutes during this time of transition, to
'call in' different life experiences, in relationships, in the
workplace, etc., to witness what is occurring, from a perspective of
this 'Greater Light of Illumination.' This can bring a higher
perspective, or Deeper Knowing, into your everyday environment.
know, either way, that you carry this Light within, and it can be
recharged, reactivated, at any time, by a moment's awareness, should you
lose sight of it during the day.Just recall the experience of that
Light Within.
back, again, and again, if it serves you, to remember the Greater
Luminosity and Being of Who you Truly Are, connected to the Greater
Luminous Fields of Creation.
Breathe. Feel. Emanate this Field of Luminosity into the World:
"I am a Being of Light.
I am a Holy Being.
I am a Being of Great Luminosity,
connected to the Greater Vibrant Web of Life."
words and phrases that match your experience, which will assist you to
instantaneously draw back into this spectrum of Greater Reality,
connected to Source and the Oneness of Life.
Another Gift
Another beautiful gift of the practice is, through the illumination which occurs, the thinning, or lifting of the veils.
And this is interesting, since we are in a time of "The Lifting of the Veils."
Patanjali, Sun, Stars, and Moon
great master Patanjali states in his Yoga Sutras, that this practice
(single pointed awareness of the soft glow around the third eye,) will
bring awareness of the Holy Beings of the subtle worlds (Lifting the
He also states, that by focusing awareness on the Sun, the Stars, or the Moon, one gains universal knowledge.
find this fascinating, as this is exactly what the Elders of Indigenous
populations around the planet are sharing with us now. It is the very
foundation for the primary practices we are offering worldwide at this
time, through the Three Hearts, and now, the Crown of Creation.
placing awareness simultaneously in our own Heart, and the Heart of the
Earth, The Sun, the Stars, the Galaxy, the Moon (we use each in
different aspects of the practices,) we come into Harmony with All
Life. Participants are reporting remarkable awareness's and direct
perception of other world experiences. Direct Perception is the source of our own True Knowing. ('Knowing' is 'that which is directly perceived', --D. Webster.)
And, they (the participants) are reporting more and more, through the subtle world experiences, the thinning, or Lifting of the Veils. This is especially fascinating, since we are in the Times of the Lifting of the Veils. What, in Christian Mysticism, is called the time of Revelations, or the Apocalypse. What most folks don't know, is this Apocalypse, which has been interpreted with such fear and awe, literally means Revelations, which literally means, The Lifting of the Veils,
the peering into the Greater Worlds of perception and Reality. Why
should this bring such fear or trauma? Especially, when we know we
create what we perceive? Perhaps because it is the world of the
Unknown, that which is beyond our current knowing or understanding,
which is the source of all fear: the unknown, or the Not Knowing.
By developing one's own sense of direct perception, one develops one's own sense of True Knowing. As we enter our Own True Knowing, not based in others' perceptions, Light prevails, and fear falls away.
Because we Know.
It empowers us.
And we are not afraid.
Try it.
We are in These Times.
Of piercing the Veils of Illusion. Of entering the world of darkness,
to pass through the Gateway of Illumination. We are in it at this
"Holy" time of the year, the Holy days, holidays, based upon the time of
passing through the Veils of Darkness into the Realm of Illumination,
what we call the mid-Winter Solstice, the darkest time of the year. The
Ancients call it many things, the mid-Winter Solstice, including the "Feast of Dreams,"
because it is considered the time the Veils are the thinnest, so we can
peer most easily into the other worlds. We can honor the Ancient Ones
more readily, peer into their worlds, and integrate it into our own.
We are Luminous Beings.
Just as they are.
But most of us don't recognize or honor this.
At least not in a daily practice.
those Ancient Ones, the Holy Ones we honor so much in the Other Worlds,
come forward time and again, and say, "Do you not know this? You are
one of us, you are as we are; you, also are the Holy Ones, the Ancient
Ones." "We welcome you to the Table, to the Feast."
'We are the Ones we have been waiting for!' -Hopi Elders.
are also in the time of Darkness before the Coming Dawn. That time of
the golden crown upon the horizon before the New Light enters the
world. We are in this time each Solstice. But we are also in this time
in the great Cycles of Humanity. This is what the Gateway we call
"2012" signifies. A passage through into the next Cycle of Time. We
are on the edge of that precipice. Be mindful that it may appear
darkest. Do not despair that the world seems crumbling around you,
whether it is your own personal world, or the greater world. It is. It
is "The Time in which all things which no longer serve us, shall fall away." (-also, from the Elders.)
it shall be re-built upon something greater, something in Greater
Harmony with All Life. And, as we each realize and CHOOSE this, it
shall be so.
practice we take, every act we perform in that Rhythm, in that Greater
Harmony, in support of All Life, no matter how small, serves to bring
balance and restoration in Harmony with All Life.
The Maya Elders
say it is not the End of Time, just because their calendar ends on
Winter Solstice in two years. (Just two years folks, are you prepared?)
It is because it is a Gateway into another Cycle of Time.
And, they say, it is not written beyond that time, because it is Not Yet Known.
That is because, It is Up To US, to CREATE that, which will appear beyond that Gateway.
We are in the Gateway, Dear Ones.And, we are the GateKeepers into the Next World.What we do now, is the source of Creation of what we experience in that next world.
is time to prepare, time to practice, time to make choices in Balance
and Rhythm with All Life. It is the time we ARE piercing the veil of
illusion, if we have not already done so, and the time that we enter
into, and engage in acts of Creation and Illumination based on our True
Being, not the fabric of our illusion. This is an individual, as well
as, a collective, reality.
We each are part of weaving the collective dream of reality together, the Threads of Creation, like Grandmother Spider.
you doing your part to bring forward a world of Illumination, founded
in the Grace and Wellness, the Balance and Harmony, of the Greater
Worlds of Perception, the Greater Worlds of Purity and Being? In
Harmony with All Life.
It becomes more and more simple.
Yet we are in the Doorways of Time which can make it appear more chaotic and stressful.
We are in the Threshold.
Have faith.
Build your worlds and perception of Light.
Not to dishonor the darkness.
But, to build from a place of True Knowing, and Perception.
The moon
is, also, expanding into a time of fullness on December 21st, bringing
its power of Illumination. It is not every year we get the power of a
full moon activating our work for Winter Solstice. This is an excellent
opportunity, as we approach this time, to take time for our self, time to receive,
as we lead up to our Solstice time, whatever activity you will be
engaging in. This is not the time most of us take time for our self, we
are so busy preparing for others, the Holidays.... Yet, this will
bring the greatest benefit in relation to the cosmic energies allying
with us at this time. This moon is one of transforming, of releasing
that not serving, to make room for the new. So, it is participating in
this 'rhythm of life', itself. Once we take that time to receive the
bounty and illumination of this moon as it approaches completion in its
current cycle, then, we turn toward that energy and illumination
gathered, and utilize it with choices of will and action, in Harmony
with Life. This will bring greater stability and clarity to those of us
who are experiencing chaos in this cycle.
This is true of the deeper cycles of nature
as well, as we are in the depth of the winter cycle. While our modern
cultures believes 12/21 to be the time of entering the Winter cycle, the
Ancients call this, the mid-Winter Solstice, because, energetically, it
is the peak of winter energy. Samhein, in early November was the
threshold, and Feb 5-7, Imbolc, is, energetically, when the Earth begins
so stir from hibernation, and enter the cycle of renewal of spring.
If you watch the cycles, you will see this. We are in the depths of the
The cycle of receiving and giving,
is visible throughout all nature, All Life. We often are engaged more
in one than the other, and lacking when we do not have balance in the
two. Indeed, 'the Rhythm of Taking and Giving in Harmony with All Life,' is one of the principals that come from the Elders, which we focus upon with both the Three Hearts and Crown of Creation
practices. It is a rich understanding which brings us, viscerally,
into feeling the union, that bond with, and support of, the universe, as
we come into that Rhythm. While our Solstice practice is just a 2-3
hour event next Tuesday evening, the Feb 5-6 full weekend practice of the Crown of Creation,
will allow us to dive fully into complete understanding and experience
of each aspect of this body of work. But, we shall share all we are
able, and enter the primary practice of the Three Hearts
next Tuesday, during our Winter Solstice Practice at the All Souls
Gathering Sanctuary in Shelburne, VT, for those who wish to experience
highly encourage you to join us in both of these practices. They will
be of great benefit to the deeper Knowing, Being, and Illumination that
arises when we bring our awareness into the Greater Essence of Who We
Are, in relation to the Greater Cosmos.
can come as easily as placing our awareness in the Heart, or Third Eye,
with simple understanding of how to work energetically with the Greater
We hope you are enjoying the practices we have been sharing through our entire array of newsletters this year.
And we hope to see you in the near future in the community, in the practices, or wherever it may be.
Many blessings in your life, and work.
To each of you, and those precious ones in your life.
With, a most special and precious Holyday Greeting to you all.
Many blessings
©2010 Zacciah Blackburn This article is copyright and the property of Zacciah Blackburn. All rights are reserved. This article may be reproduced in full, without alteration, as long as this acknowledgement and contact information is included: Zacciah Blackburn is a gifted intuitive, therapist, teacher, and sacred sound channel, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Vermont, USA, at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies. Zacciah shares authentic trainings in the nature of human consciousness, explorations into the Shamanic worlds of Earth Energies & awareness, and teachings on the nature of sound, and sacred sound practices, as a therapeutic healing modality. His in depth understanding provides life transforming experiences into the authentic nature, being, and wellness of who we are as spiritual beings. He is Director of Education at the International Sound Healing Network, & co-founder & Director of the World Sound Healing and All One Now Network of organizations working for global peace. See for further information. He also offers musical instruments of sacred sound cultures, & sound healing tools, at Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD Director, The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies Ascutney, VT 05030 USA e-mail: 802.674.9585 You may contact us if you wish to use any of it in edited form. ©2010 Zacciah
Zacciah Blackburn is a gifted intuitive, therapist, teacher, and sacred sound channel, trained in classical healing and shamanic traditions, and sacred sound cultures. He teaches internationally, and practices in Contact: Zacciah Blackburn, PhD Director, The Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies 802.674.9585 ©2010 Zacciah Blackburn ______________________________________________________________________________
Our practices embody these principals of sound and consciousness. We welcome you to ask about our work and practices which might benefit you. Our Our Egyptian practices, and other esoteric programs, embody these principals, such as our upcoming Horus and Golden Body Practices. And, they are part of our Earth Energies classes. The Illumination of Consciousness Series: Egyptian Mysteries & other Esoteric Studies ****************************************************************** The many realms of Zacciah's trainings into the Illumination of Consciousness, including the Egyptian Mysteries, the Earth Mysteries, with Indigenous trainings, and other program formats, and the Professional Sound Healers Trainings, will provide ever more revealing journeys in both professional explorations and more personal transformational opportunities, for those wishing to pursue the Mystery as revealed through use of our own awareness, guided exercises, esoteric energy practices, and Sacred Sound Initiations. We
welcome your requests for additional information
regarding these programs. Zacciah,
and Staff
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