Advanced Shamanic
Training Programs
at Vermont Sacred Sites 2007 Approaching Sacred Sites: Moving Between Worlds ![]() Initiations into Earth and Sky Learning Esoteric Exercises of
Shamanic and Alchemical
Sacred Sites:
PROGRAMS in CAVENDISH GORGE, MT. ASCUTNEY, & MT. MANSFIELD & The Calendar Sites High level practices in pristine Sacred Sites (These are 2007 listings. These programs are not currently offered. Inquire as to future programs, see our current offerings, or join our mail list for notice of all programs.) * * * * * * * * * * *
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June 15, 2007: Approaching Sacred
Sites I: Cavendish Gorge, Mt. AscutneyUtilizing the rarified energies of Cavendish Gorge and/or Mt. Ascutney in a day long program of honoring & touching the sanctity of the Earth, ourselves and each other, in potentized ritual and ceremony. Friday, 10AM - 6 PM. Approximate, times vary according to time spent in the field. Outdoors, minimal-moderate hiking. We will work in Cavendish Gorge, learning appropriate approach to Sacred Power sites, attenuating to our own sanctity and power in the process, ending in a Sacred Sound Journey in one of the natural caves at Cavendish Gorge, to invite in, to honor and to greet the "Three Brothers:" the sacred trilogy of Mts. Ascutney, Mansfield, and Washington, whom are primary "Grandfathers", guardians and overseers of natural and inherent energies in this region of the Earth. They hold a special relationship with each other, each the tallest mountain in their region, abiding in an equilateral triangle, creating a powerful vortex, which we shall access on the following day. Time permitting, we will explore the summit of Mt. Ascutney and make offering to this Grandfather in one of its sacred groves. (Access to Cavendish is a relatively level 1/2-1 mi. well traversed logging roads or outdoor trails. May require relatively simple climb to access a cave. Mt. Ascutney is dependent on time spent in Cavendish, and is accessed via a toll road to the summit, with a 1.5-3 mile moderate hike with moderate climb via maintained trails. Transportation & fees are provided. Bring a lunch.)
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June 16, 2007: Approaching Sacred
Sites II: Mt. MansfieldSaturday, 9AM - 6:30 PM. Approximate, times vary according to time spent in the field. We shall drive from Ascutney, to the summit of Mt. Mansfield, in Stowe, VT, and acclimate to the majestic energies of this Giant of the Green Mountains, the highest mountain in VT. Walking it's granite summit ridgeline is akin to being in the Rockies. We shall greet the ancient Grandfather and Grandmother beings of this Apu (great mountain spirit), and "Medicine Tribes (ancestral wisdom keepers)" of the mountain, in sacred sound meditations, before approaching its summit peak, where we shall ask permission to address and make offering to the Grand Trilogy of mountains, and utilize their energy, along with beneficial special celestial alignments forecast for this day, in a sacred Earth Healing Ceremony. For those familiar with Earth Energies, you will know that certain celestial alignments can significantly appreciate the inherent potency of natural power sites. Time permitting, we shall finish with a water blessing ceremony in a crystal clear spring at the base of the mountain in magical Smugglers Notch. (Access to Mt. Mansfield is via a toll road to the summit, with a 2.5 mile round trip more challenging hike with 800' climb in elevation. (For those acclimated to mountain trails, this is moderate, some find it challenging.) Transportation & fees are provided. Bring a lunch. We may not arrive back to Ascutney til later, with group option of dinner in Stowe. We ask for flexibility with this ending time, where possible, or, you may meet us in Stowe.)
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Approaching Sacred Sites III: Approaching the Ancient Stone ceremonial chambers at the Calendar One and/or Two sites in Central Vermont. June 17, 2007. Sunday, 9:30 Am - 6 PM. Approximate, times vary according to time spent in the field. Most special & simplistic pre-Columbian stone architectures extend from the Canadian Maritimes to the midwest and Carolinas, with numerous stone chambers, walls, standing stones, circles, stone rows, stone enclosures, stone piles, suggest considerable indigenous influence or origin, but when including intact controverisal writings from ancient seafaring cultures, artifacts of Roman, Hebrewic, and possibly even Templar origins, star, moon and solar alignments, some very ancient, some very advanced, suggest something far greater than most modern archaeologists are willing to suggest. Zacciah has created a number of special programs based upon his experiences in some of these ancient sites, in alignment with the ancient keepers of the sites. Only with highest intention will he assist others in approaching these sites. These programs are the foundation to learning reverent approach and relationship with these ancient places, some aligned with star energies, easily accessible with appropriate relationship. The Wisdom Keepers of these ancient sites are awaiting our alignment, approach, and celebration in the universal wisdom of the cosmos: praise, peaceful abiding, loving intention, joy, gratitude, celebration of the universal spirit. All are vehicles to attunement and union. Be prepared for rich and transformative experiences in these Dream, Birthing, and Star Chambers and calendrical ceremonial places of wonder. (Access to the chambers vary, from less than 100 yards from the roadside, to a 1.5 mile moderate hike (2.5-3. mi roundtrip,) with 2 steep 1/4 mi. climbs. Otherwise mostly level forest logging roads. Transportation & fees are provided. Bring a lunch.) $145. per day. 20% off if registered and paid by April 20. 10% off if paid by May 15. Transportation and Fees are included. Meals and Accomodations are not. Additional single weekday programs may be added at a later time. Rain dates for either program: Monday, June 18, Tuesday June 19, only if deluged, at the discretion of Center of Light staff. Come prepared for a full day outdoors, with appropriate food, water, ointments, clothing, footwear, and expectations of the physical journeys as described. Times may vary according to group needs and time to complete exercises in listed sites. Here is a body of information given for preparation in full 5 day Return To Beauty program. Much of it shall be pertinent to these 1 to 3 day programs, including times, hiking conditions, etc. And, some additional thoughts on these programs, and the Resonance of the Earth! These day long programs are similar to part of our RETURN TO BEAUTY program, but do not include the Incan Karpay initiations. These qualify for the advanced trainings below.
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Starseed (StarNations, and other) programs
are also available
for groups and individuals interested in this work.Approaching Sacred Sites: The Three Brothers. Work from the peaks of the three Grandfathers: Ascutney, Mansfield, Washington. See above programs for information on these magnificent Apus of the Northeast. Dates not available currently for this program. Advanced
Approaching Sacred Sites: Moving Between Worlds Sept 1-3, 2007 Three days of outdoor program work with Zacciah is a pre-requisite to participate in this program. The programs listed above, prior years' outdoor trainings, the Return to Beauty program, and the Sacred Sounds Sacred Sites tour of UK all qualify. Level II practitioners whom have completed all Level II programs may apply. This program on Accessing Sacred Sites will include deepening appropriate relationship to access & work more directly, cognitively & coherently with the Sacred Wisdom Keepers & Ancestral Beings of any of the above sacred sites, including the stone lodge Calendar Sites of Vermont, and knowledge of the Star Nations embedded therein. These trainings will not focus on the Peruvian Karpay initiations, part of Return To Beauty, but more upon personal relationship to the Spirit and SpiritKeepers of the Earth, and cosmos, as accessed through these points, focusing more on usin ![]() It is highly recommended one consider the Sacred Sound Transmissions Sound Healers program, learning to acclimate and channel sound currents from the subtle realms of consciousness. This can offer powerful methods of attenuating to the states of consciousness present in any Sacred Site. Creating Sacred Space is also very beneficial to this training. We are also offering our Sacred Sounds tour of the Ancient Stone sites, wells, and Tors of Great Britain, April 27- May 6, 2007, with special private full moon / sunrise ceremonies in Stonehenge, and Beltane Sacred Union celebrations in Avebury. This also qualifies for the pre-requisite training, and requires no pre-training to participate. See for information on all of these programs. |
Blackburn, Director Phone: (802) 674-9585 Fax: (802) 674-9586 e-mail: Visit our
associated site: Sunreed World
Instruments Page Creation & Design: Zacciah, the Center of Light |