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Zacciah's initiations into the Egyptian Pantheon makes these Principles of the Divine Feminine most pronounced, and they have served as his primary teachers and guides throughout much of his adulthood. Indeed, he would say that the Egyptian Linages, which transcend time and space far beyond what we think of as Egypt, are his primary roots as a Spiritual Being. However, he has been blessed with initiations and connection with many Principles of the Divine Feminine, and, recognizes they are Universal in nature. Many of those, named, and unnamed, shall be called upon in the course of this practice. It is part of this universal awakening of the Divine Feminine we are experiencing culturally, and planetarily, at this time. In the Egyptian Pantheon, Hat'or is known as the Mother Goddess. She is often depicted as a Cow, or Cow-Headed. It is her milk which flows, nourishes, and sustains the Life of All Beings. As the Egyptian Pantheon went through thousands of years of evolution and transformation as a Living Tradition, many of their Mother Goddesses have held different roles at various stages of Egyptian evolution. So, much of what can be said about one, may have been written about another at another time. They take each other's place in many stories. Each story holds significance to our own Spiritual Wisdom and Evolution. Hat'or was the nursemaid and wife of Horus, the son of her sister Isis, and ruler of Egypt that brought balance and restoration back into Egypt after a period of darkness. He eventually permeated Egyptian Mysticism to the point of becoming the Sun God Ra, and was later known as Horus-Ra. Hat'or was originally one of the daughters of Ra. Now, she was his wife. "Hat'or" literally means, "the House of Horus." And, this is indicative of one of the magical roles of the Divine Feminine, in that it creates the shelter, the matrix, the womb, the cocoon, to incubate the self, the masculine, and indeed, All Life, into form. This is a piece of the Great Mystery that men can learn deeply from, if able to honor the feminine as a counterpart to their own being. This is a principle spiritual masters the world over have learned and understood, as the great sages of the East engaged in Tantric Practice, for instance, to come into contact with the immortal nature of the Pure Feminine Life Force, to enter eternal Awakening, or Immortality, themselves. It is understood, that the feminine is necessary to the process, of birth, and of re-birth; of Life, and of Eternal Life. The mysteries of Yeshua and Magdalene, and her Anointing of him before his Transfiguration into complete Luminous Being, speaks to this mystery of the Pure Life Force of the Feminine, ready to give birth to that ready to Manifest, and that ready to Transform into new manifestation. The name of our "Milky Way" Galaxy, literally, survives from the times of Egypt, when it's incredible stream of stars in the Heavens was seen as Great Mother pouring into manifestation her nurturing nectar, or milk, which then poured into the River Nile, nourishing all life in the known regions of the planet, as seen through Egyptian Eyes. However, this vision of the Milky Way was actually duplicated in other regions of the world as well. Isis is the Creative Matrix; that which brings Life into Manifestation. She is the Magician and Healer, who so loved her husband, after his tragic death, she brought him back to life, in some stories, not once, but twice. Once, from the trunk of a tree, the other time from pieces cut and thrown about the entirety of the world. With her Magic, and the help of her Sisters, Nepthys (of the Dark or Underworld,) and Hat'or, she rescues and revives Osiris, long enough to conceive her son Horus, in what was an earlier form of Immaculate Conception, that gave rise to much reverence for the Mother of the God Being. Much research suggests it was worship of Isis which gave rise to the deeply ingrained mysteries of the Black Madonna in Europe, before Christiandom. Horus is the Hawk Headed One (Awakened, Liberated Consciousness, free to fly through the Celestial Worlds. The stories of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene are rich, in many traditions, with their literal initiation into the Mystery Schools of Isis, where they learned the Art of Immaculate Conception, and the ability to charge the Masculine Principal of Consciousness with the Life Force enough to sustain Death itself through the Luminous Practices of Awakening and Transfiguration. Yeshua was by no means the first to engage in this practice, but one who gained the wisdom of the Egyptian Path, and certainly was exposed to it even in his early years in Egypt. (In Tibet, the great saint Padmesambhava, the Father of Tibetan Buddhism, is quoted as saying it was the union with his consort that brought them both into the Awakened States.) Sekhmet is one unto herself. She fully holds embodied the Dual Principals of the Divine Feminine in the form of the Great Nurturer, but also the Great Protectoress. Most often seen in her Lion Headed form, this symbolizes the regal nature of One Emancipated through their own Divine Nature, One who Embodies their Divine Nature, One who holds the Sanctity and Dignity of their Own Spiritual Authority, through their luminous Truth. And, One who is so Empowered in their Own Divine Spark, that they emanate such Light and Life Force that they are in complete Wholeness, and Protection. They are in complete Harmony with All Life. Sekhmet is known as the Great Protectoress, and Nurturer, but, also, the great Transformer. Thus she holds the 3 Principals within herself, as each Mother does. She is known as the Nursemaid of the Pharaohs, though at various times, other of the Mothers also hold this role. She is known as the Protector of the Pharaoh, and often called upon to avenge or dispel the enemies of the Pharaoh, and the People of Egypt. This, in part, is misperceived, by many Egyptian Authorities, in my experience with Sekhmet. She is misrepresented as in a very dark role. But, it is the Dark aspect of the Divine Mother most misunderstood and feared. Mostly by those unable to touch into their own shadow, or honor their own feminine nature. Thus, it is their own Darkness that they fear, and they project it onto the Mother. This is the sad truth of the last 1500 years of Western Civilization, in which the Mother, and the Feminine, have been cast into the dark pits of Hell itself, the embodiment of all that is Evil. It is, in reality, the projection of those unable to witness, claim, and embrace their own shadow and darkness which projects this onto what is perceived as the weaker one, the Feminine. And, it is the deep well, void, or Womb of Creation, within them, that they ignore, deny, or fear. It is the Feminine, however, which is the very source of Life itself, as evidenced in culture after culture, and needs be Honored, Revered, Respected, and Embraced again, fully. This, of course, is a great deal of what has been happening in our culture, from the movement of Women's Liberation, to the 1987 Maya Harmonic Convergence of the Re-emergence of the Principals of the Divine Feminine and Masculine in Harmony, or perfect balance. This 'dark' aspect of the Mother is the Divine Illuminator. And the Aspect which Loves you with such power and compassion, that she will literally, devour your demons. So, she is like the Dark Mother of Hinduism, as seen through Shakti, Parvati, Durga, and especially, Kali. The One who loves you so much, she will devour your demons, if, and this is a big if, please pay attention to it....IF, you GIVE them to her. This is the requirement. Those of you in our Diamond Light Practice will know the role and the POWER of the Black Dakini, as she is called in Tibetan Wisdom, where, she, incidentally, also takes on the form of a Lion Headed Goddess. She is Life Force itself, often called the Mother of All Life, or the Primordial Mother of All LIfe, like Shakti. Her name, literally, means "Power," or "the All Powerful One." Thus, she has All Power at her Disposal, and like the Great Mother she is, she has no fear of that no in integrity, and will devour it for us, if we are ready to expunge it for our own evolution, and for the evolution of all consciousness. She is Love itself, she is Life itself. These Three Principals, of Manifestation, Sustenance, and Transformation, will be explored, called upon, embraced, and embodied to cultivate our deeper Wisdom and Purpose, and bring us into direct Illumination with the Principals of the Feminine. We will have the opportunity to enter into deep healing process, in the cocoon of the Mother; release of that we are ready to transform; embrace of that we are ready to manifest; sustain that we discern that will bring our life into manifest completion, restoration, or balance. We will call upon Her by All Names, and by those aspects of the Mother Unnamed, and Forgotten. For, she has been known in all tradtions. And, some of those have been lost. We shall honor Her even then. We shall have the opportunity to explore our relationship to our own mother, and how that may hold us back from accessing direct, deep, nurturing communion with the Divine Mother, as she is ready to manifest in our lives. Is that relationship whole, healed, or ready to be healed? Are there aspects of it holding you back from fully embracing the love, nurturance, support, power, and transformative principals of the Feminine within you? When guided to create this practice, this date, we did not realize it was upon the eve of our annual Mothers Day. How fitting, that it be offered not only on this profound indigenous and Celtic holiday of the honoring of the fertile mother, Beltane, May Day, but also just before also Mother's Day. What is your relation to your own mother? As it often creates or impacts the depth and quality of relationship we can hold with the greater Divine Mother. We shall look at, and offer healing process, or greater empowerment, for this relation as well. Bring your Mother, if it is of benefit! Or daughters. Are you able to embrace, manifest, culture, gestate, cultivate the treasures you seek in your own life? Are their aspects standing in your way, obstacles, encumbrances, which need transformation? We shall have the opportunity to explore all healing aspects of the Feminine, and embrace them more fully, bring them into greater balance, those of us embodied, both as male and female. We shall understand how it is through the resolution of, and embracing of, the Divine Feminine, that we gain relation to the dynamic, integrative, activating Masculine principals of consciousness. Together, this creates the dynamic manifestation of that we choose to bring, fertile, rich, into life here, now.. In a Sacred Way, in a Sacred Way, we offer these practices. Return to main program page and registration. In this overall body of work, we are fundamentally Co-Creating the Template of Heaven on Earth Re-invigorating the original matrix, or Original Instructions, for harmony with all life embedded in each of us, at a soul level, and at a level of cellular memory, as well as the often unused portions of our DNA matrix. For
additional information on the background of this entire series of
programs see The Great Awakening,
as well as our many Articles. See class list for latest links to other practices (all practices open to all participants, no pre-requisite required.) The foundation of these programs is constantly updated from information arising from the Star Elders. Living Wisdom Keepers, & others guiding this work. Though constantly evolving, practical exercises to enter awakened lucid states of consciousness (what is also refered to as enlightenment, or ascended states of consciousness,) will be offered, utilizing Sacred Sound, which will enhance the participants experience significantly. These are being offered, also, at a time in deep correspondence to the Maya Calendar days of great Transformation, Awakening, and Renewal. We are in a time when a new window of opportunity is opening for human consciousness to more readily access understanding and experience of the Unity of Creation. This is fundamental understanding to this entire period of time, and will be specific to our practice. |
with us, in these sacred programs, humbly
offered. It is Time. We wish you, all, many blessings in the Journey . |
Programs Programs are constantly being added and updated Please see entire class list. |
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are constantly being added and updated Please see entire class list. |
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power in, in our own
belief structure, creates
the reality that we experience. |
Blackburn, PhD, Director
Center of Light
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