Join Our In Depth Training And Certificate Course, The Foundation Of Sound Healing

What is Sacred sound?  Sacred sound is one way of defining the nature of whom we are as vibrational beings.  Sound is the nature of Creation, as spoken through so many cultures, from Aboriginal to Biblical to Hindu.  When we attune to our own sacred nature, and voice this in resonance with clarity and trust, we come into contact with our very essence.  Zacciah uses sound coupled with sacred intention to invoke the essence of higher being.  This allows us each to enter more readily into a Sacred Space, more ready to explore the deeper nature of ourselves, and relationship to that which we personally hold as Sacred.  Integrating esoteric practices of shamanic and alchemical traditions, Zacciah creates the groundwork which assists us in walking through a rich tapestry of unfolding experiential insights into our essence.  He also works with Sacred Earth Sites, assisting us through ceremony and simple practices, to attune to earth energies and essences, again to deepen relationship, and awaken personal revelation of the Nature of Place.

Sacred Sound has the power to move us beyond all normal realms of perception, of understanding, and comprehension.  It has the ability to synchronize us with the mystical attributes of the Great Creation, the Here and Now, with the ebb and flow of Earth and Heaven.  It can allow us to enter the Great Mystery with direct perception, bypassing the common cognitive method of experiencing and understanding, entering the Gnosis, knowing by experiencing.

It is Sacred Sound which then instills us with wonder at the Mystery and Beauty of All That Is, experiencing the Vastness and Oneness of which we are a part.  It can part the veils of perception, that we might see, feel, and understand the Cosmos, its Wholeness, and our place in it.

Sacred Sound also holds the potency of Creation, able to mold and form that we hold with pure intention, into a greater visceral knowing, with the ability to emerge into creative manifestation in our lives, and world.