Join Our In Depth Training And Certificate Course, The Foundation Of Sound Healing
Cultures the world over utilize chant to invoke and attune to higher powers and transformative consciousness.
With voice resonating, the purity and integrity of energies invoked from the subtle realms lifts us, elevates us, to our highest potential and clarified realms of consciousness.  It serves to raise our awareness, enliven us, and purify our hearts and minds, and physical being, manifesting in our lives in paths of radiance, joy, and blessings for all.
The power of sound with truly focused intention is becoming growingly apparent to the Western experience, though known to other cultures throughout time.  With our own voice resonating powerfully through our own tissue and cells, focusing our awareness on the nature of the Divine Spirit we call in through our chant, we move the richness and depths of our own emotional experience ever so deeply into our own body and conscisousness, and make the experience available to share with anyone in our listening environment.
Chants are doorways or portals to unlimited resources of awareness, energies, ecstasy, bliss, and joy, doorways to unfathomable love, in its purest form, compassion, wisdom, insight, and understanding.  Through our desire to purify our own thought and action, we couple with the purified (rarified) essence of the Divine, opening ourselves to its unlimited bounty.  The words of the chant allow us to attune to the purest essence of some quality of the Divine, toning our own existence in unison with its.
It is the process of our own purification of thought, word, and deed, of our desire for union with the Divine, which allows for this doorway to be opened.  The clear heart is the bridge to the Divine, allowing us to drink of its essence, and radiate it outward to the world, and to others, through our own attunement to its, and our, higher being.
We are all capable of this at any time.
It is where we place, or emphasize, our awareness, and intention, that allows us to bridge the imaginary gap between us and the Divine.  The wise ones, of all cultures, have told us over and over that the our feelings of unworthiness, and of separation from the Divine, are only an illusion.  The chant can be the focal point that allows us to bridge this gap, to allow this process to unfold, to embrace that which we hold as Sacred, and to embody it once again.

Imagine with all of your heart, focus with all of your soul, and call in that which the chant embraces, or endears, to allow it to penetrate its essence into your life, and awareness, until you allow that Sacred form, or manifestation of the Divine, to exude through you.