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Morning affirmations are an excellent way to start the day; to set the tone for each day.
They can bring us into unity with our principals, our beliefs, that which we want and need in our lives, our own understandings of the natural laws and evolution of life, the greater resonance of Divine Harmony, that in Harmony with "All Life," the very Heart of Creation.

With some form of morning affirmations, it allows us to lift our resonance into the state of being we ourselves choose to resonate in, throughout the day.  We then are, literally, resonating in those thoughts and feelings we lift ourselves into, or choose to affirm we are emanating now, at this time.
They can be repeated at any time of day.  Morning and evening are most potent times to use them, as we set our tone for the day, and end the day, as well as prepare for a night of rest, dreams, and revitalization.
I find it best to find a quiet time, resting upright, or even before arising, to quieten, and set the tone of the day through the simply affirmations, or statements of intent.

This will set the tone, set the intention, for our wellness, our abundance, our joy, whatever it is we choose to resonate, and abide, in, throughout the coming day.
If we find we are moving out of the resonance, we simply re-state some portion of those morning affirmations, while we are making coffee or tea, getting the children ready for the day (do it with them!,) at work, in dialogue with the boss, in the car on the way home after a full day, with our partner or spouse, and on, and on.  Even one sentence, twenty times a day, reminds our conscious awareness, and our body, to resonate in those higher fields of well being we choose, for our self, to resonate in.

By choosing the tone of our own affirmations, we can enter those states extraordinarily easily.
We have the power to Create.

In the Hindu way of understanding, by merging our pure thoughts, with our pure feeling states, and giving them voice (spoken or sung,) we manifest that we wish to bring forward.
The ancients knew this, and even in the ancient mystical arts of the Alchemists, and others, of Western Mystical roots, the formula for magic, incantation, etc, incorporated this understanding of sacred voice, sacred intent, sacred spoken rites, rites of passage, rites of manifestation, rites of creation, and so forth.
From the Tibetan way of understanding, the coupling of pure, or enlightened, mind, with pure, or enlightened heart, one expresses pure, or enlightened, speech.  Another way of expressing this, is by expressing pure thoughts with the wisdom of the heart, or with the wisdom of the heart of compassion (the pure heart,) one expresses pure, or enlightened speech.
And, our level of communication lifts us, then, into the pure realms of being.  It lifts our relationships, and so much more, into higher realms of understanding, expression, and integration.  We enjoy life at a higher level of resonance, or being.

By setting the tone, the intention, of each day, we can enter harmony with All Life, with All Creation;
By simply stating it, with pure thought and pure feeling states.
You may think of it as authentic, or, our most sincere, thoughts and feelings.
But, the higher the quality of pureness, authenticity, or integrity, you bring to this process, the greater the level of pure manifestation you bring.
Of course, this works in many levels of creative manifestation we wish to bring into our lives, but we will save that for another story.

For now, we simply want to make an offering.
We suggest you find the language that works for YOU.
We do not imagine the language we use here is what will work for everyone who reads this.
So find the language that expresses your pure thoughts, your pure beliefs, and your pure feeling states.
Rest with that in your heart, in sacred union, thought and feeling, then allow the words, the thoughts, the feelings, to rise through your own voice.

In a Sacred Way, we make this offering:

In a Sacred Way, I give thanks for All Life.
In a Sacred way, I give thanks for my life, time, and opportunity to Be Here Now, at this time in Life.

In a Sacred Way, I affirm my right to life.
In a Sacred Way, I affirm the right to All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I affirm the Divinity of All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I affirm the Divinity of my own Being.

In a Sacred Way, I walk in Harmony with All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Harmony with all of Creation.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Balance, in Wellness, in Joy.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Balance with All Life.

In a Sacred Way, I honor All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I honor the Divine Nature of All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I honor the Divinity of my own Being.
In a Sacred Way, I honor the Divinity of All Creation.

In a Sacred Way, I welcome the Wisdom, Joy, and Beauty of the Holy Beings, Guides, and Teachers into my life.In a Sacred Way, I open to perceive and receive that guidance and those Blessings.
In a Sacred Way, I live and practice in Harmony with the Light of All Creation.
In a Sacred Way, I breathe and receive the Harmony, the Balance, the Light of All Creation.

In a Sacred Way, I receive the Blessings of All Creation.
 In a Sacred Way, I emanate those blessings into the world around me.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Beauty, in reverence, in Joy.
In a Sacred way, I revel in All Life.
In a Sacred Way, I breathe that beauty, that balance, that Harmony, that Restoration up my spine, into my cells, into my soul.
In a Sacred Way, I emanate that Beauty, that Balance, that Harmony into the world, and into others around me.

In a Sacred Way, I walk in Beauty.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Joy.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Reverence.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Gratitude;

I walk in Gratitude, that I am Alive.
I walk in Gratitude, that I have the Riches and Blessings around me in my Life.
I walk in Gratitude, that I have the Treasures of Life all around and within me.
I walk in Gratitude, that I have the abundance and treasures of friendship, of love, of joy, of completion, of deep and caring relationship in my Life.

I walk in Gratitude, that I have relationship with the Elders, both seen and unseen, with the Keepers of Wisdom, with the Elements of the Earth, with the Elements of the Sky, the Sun, the Moon, the Star Beings, the forces of the Cosmos beyond my current knowledge and understanding.
I walk in Gratitude that I receive the Blessings of all of these, every day, every moment, in my life.I welcome the Knowledge and Blessings beyond my own understanding, in alignment with All Life.

In a Sacred Way, I walk in Gratitude.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Joy.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Beauty.
In a Sacred Way, I walk in Reverence, honoring the Sanctity of Every Living Thing, of All Life, of Life in All Things, seen, and unseen.
In a Sacred Way.In a Sacred Way, I walk.

I give thanks to All Creation.
In a Sacred Way.

Many blessings,

Zacciah Blackburn, PhD

©2011 Zacciah Blackburn