Join Our In Depth Training And Certificate Course, The Foundation Of Sound Healing
A Moment of Splendor  
                       ~~Zacciah Blackburn, PhD  12.25.13

   In this time of great abundance, take a moment to reflect on your life, and times.  

Notice those times which awaken you to goodness, to joy, to splendor.  
Take a moment to acknowledge what you have, what you are, and have become, in all of this journey; and, what you have received, given, and been given.  
Even where you might perceive lacking, focus a moment on the joy, goodness, wonder, and splendor.   
Take a moment to focus even longer on those things which enrich you, those things precious to you, those things which you both have done, and received, that nourish and uplift you.
Now take a moment longer.....
and a moment longer.......
As often as you can, whenever you are able, focus on that good in your life; let go of that which is not serving you, which is distracting or depleting you, and find places for mindful reflection, thoughtfulness, and action, to seed into, and activate in your life, that which will serve and benefit you and those around you, that which will bring greater and greater good unto this planet, and all Living Beings within it.
I wish you great bounty and beauty in your life.  
Much love to each of you.  
And precious moments of Splendor be with you, through these HolyDays, the coming New Year, and New Times which are upon us.

Much love, 
Many blessings

Zacciah, and all at the Center of Light
 -------------------------------------Take a moment to your self.  
And, rest, in peace.  
Much love to each of you.  
From Zacciah, and the council he works with. 
We wish you many blessings  
and all who guide this work