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THE LIVING PRAYER WHEEL OF THE EARTH:During this next week, a group of caring participants will be practicing experienced, trusted methods of entering Living Relationship with the Living Elements of the Earth and Sky. 


These include the Living Energies of the Elements themselves, the Ancestral Spirits and Wisdom Keepers of ancient ceremonial sites and ancient Medicine, or Wisdom Societies accessed through these sites, and, the Living Spirits, or Apus, of Mountains, Lakes, Rivers, Trees, Stones, and more.

The energies of the Wheel of Life are spinning.  And many of us are experiencing the growing intensity of Life, as it asks us to come into Presence, Balance, and Harmony, with the true nature of Creation, which includes our own true nature.Most of us have been living out of balance.

If we are living in Balance, we shall not experience the distortion, stress, and chaos overtaking so much of the world.


More than a wilderness journey, we shall engage, in this coming week, with the Living Prayer Wheel of New England, formed by 3 mountains and 3 Lakes in perfect synchronistic relation, which create a special sacred geometric pattern over 100 miles of terrain, a perfect Star Tetrahedron, the geometric representation of the Creation of All Life in Perfect Union of the Male and Female Creative principals of Life.  In this case, the mountains hold and energize the masculine aspect of creation, the lakes hold and magnetize the Feminine.


The Spirits of the Places incorporating this Wheel have been our primary teachers and allies, assisting us, over years of practice and dedication, to understand how to work collaboratively with them, as Living Beings, to activate this wheel, while reaching into our own hearts and minds, to purify and clarify our own form, come into our own potential, enter Right Relationship with the Elements of the Earth and Sky, the Ancestral and other Living Energies of this region of the Earth, and the Celestial Allies, to Seed the Pure Creative Matrix of Heaven on Earth, the Original Blueprint and Instructions of Being Human, of being Spirit in Human Embodiment, that we might ALL come into embodiment of these principals, make safe passage during these prophecied times of transformation, and Live from a more balanced and harmonious place, in true Harmony with the Earth and Cosmos.It is Time. 


We have been doing this work world wide.But here, in our own back yard, in New England, we have found this incredible powerhouse, a living Vortex of Energy, with Gateways to the Stars and Sky, doorways to a City of Light, beyond most individual's comprehension, and deep and profound Knowledge of Ancient Peoples implanted here, awaiting our return, our return to a more awakened time, when we could more appropriately access and utilize this Ancient Knowing.

(See Gifts of the Earth for more on these topics, of what is happening in the course of these practices.)

We have been talking about how to access and utilize these sacred energies.  It requires deep integrity, collaboration, reverence, and humility.  It is not an easy task to learn.  We are happy to share the principals with those who are able and ready to learn.Without offering further details now, I simply invite those of you who wish to participate, to do so, in your own way, from your own homes and places of beauty.


Join us from your Homes if you cannot join us in the practice.If you have interest in joining with us live, see the information on the Temples Program here (We have been sharing information on this program regularly for months, so it should not come as a surprise that it is now this week we are doing the work.) 

From 10 AM - Noon on Friday, July 22, and

11 AM until 1 PM on Saturday, July 23, we shall be engaging in the work of accessing and seeding these prayers of purity, of liberation and perfection, into this planetary vortex of New England, what we are calling the Living Prayer Wheel.


We welcome you to join with us, in your own prayers, in your own manner, from your own homes and back yards, or places of power and beauty where you live, to collaborate in this sacred work.  Let it be so, that every place become a place of Beauty and Wonder.  The point is, to seed them with Pure Seeds of Creation, Seeds of Pure Intent, Seeds of Wholeness, or Holiness, thus stopping the patterns of that which is anything less.JOIN US!Many blessings to all!Zacciah

Zacciah Blackburn PhD


The Center of Light