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The Gift of Giving

It is the season of giving.  It seems our hearts and mind embrace each other, our loved ones, our community, so much more during this time of year.   Let us all take time during this often hurried season to think more fully of our loved ones, and all we truly wish to share with them, more than gifts.  The fascinating thing about giving of our spirit, is that it initiates a cycle of return, reciprocity, which spins the wheel of life in a way that, eventually, we also receive.  While it should not be the reason we give, it is beneficial to understand the principles of life, and the cycles that we see in our lives.  By understanding these principles of creation, we can more fully engage in meaningful and fulfilling ways in our lives!

As we look about the world around us, perhaps we can also look for ways we can give to the world, to the greater community at large, to build a better, brighter future for the benefit of all.  Just small thoughts and prayers, the tiniest of actions to benefit others, can make such a huge difference as we all contribute just a little more to this world.

As a gift to you, we offer this simple Prayer for the Awakened Heart of Humanity. You can see it in our next article down.  It includes a sound file from a recent practice, a prayer you might just listen to or find a way to participate in, for the benefit of all.

We also do recognize in this holiday season, it is a time of giving to our friends and loved ones.  We are a small, service oriented, educational and therapeutic center whose work is based in providing beneficial services to others.  And, in this time of holiday spirit, we do recognize that we have special gifts that may assist you in your holiday search.

The Gifts of Sound are ones that keep on giving!
We have many offerings you can give, from our instruments and CD’s, to our therapies, training or on line skill development, to a gift certificate if you are not sure what to give.  We are experts in the field.  You can call or email us and consult with us about our products and services, and what the best options may be for you or your loved ones. 

If you are not sure what to give, a Gift Certificate is always a good choice, as well.  Gift Certificates of any amount can be ordered here, and allow your loved ones to make their own best choices of what they might like to receive.  Let us know how we might help you.